Generational timeline on Angola

Awakening eras, crisis eras, crisis wars, generational financial crashes, as applied to historical and current events
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Generational timeline on Angola

Post by Chris »

I was going over the country list on the main website and saw that Angola had a page. Having a bit of knowlage on the country, I was hoping I could expand on the time line and line up with John's timeline

Angola timeline

Angola is Domiated by three major tribes that make up the majority and history of Angola, the Bakongo, Ovimbundu, and the Ambundu. The Bakongo for the most part have been market dominated minority in Angola and fought alongside the Ovimbundu against the Ambundu during the Angolan civil war.

So going back from the last Crisis war/era which was the civil war and indepence I tried the best as I could using John's method to get an Idea of Angola's crisises

1975-1989: Crisis (Civil war)
1885-1910: Crisis ( Resistance to Portuguese/ Incorporation to Portugal)
1774-1792: Crisis( Mbailundu war/Cabinda/Marquisate of Mussolo)
1701-1709: Crisis ( War/ Decline of the Kongo Kingdom)
1640-1656: Crisis ( Dutch invasion/ Queen Nzinga)

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Re: Generational timeline on Angola

Post by Fedral144 »

My question is this: exactly what factors causes a country to have its own unique generational cycle? If it's size, for instance, then how small does a country have to be in order to be "not unique enough"? For example, do we consider kingdoms near Greece like Latium, Macedon, and Lydia as having the same cycle as the Greek city-states? If not, why not? What makes them more unique than Athens and Sparta?

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