3-Nov-11 WV-Fallout spreads from Greece's referendum call

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3-Nov-11 WV-Fallout spreads from Greece's referendum call

Post by John »

3-Nov-11 World View -- Fallout spreads from Greece's call for referendum

Israel is widely condemned for approving new settlements

** 3-Nov-11 World View -- Fallout spreads from Greece's call for referendum
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 03#e111103

Israel approves 2,300 new settlements as punishment for Palestinian Authority
Israel receives harsh international criticism for settlement approval
Israel's Netanyahu says that the settlements are a 'basic right'
Syria claims to have accepted an Arab League peace plan
New Gaza flotilla expected tomorrow
IMF will hold back Greece's bailout payment until referendum vote
Greece announces plans for a December 4 referendum
Greece shrugs off talk of a Greek army coup

Generational Dynamics, Israel, West Bank, settlements,
Palestinian Authority, UNESCO, Benjamin Netanyahu,
Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Arab League,
Freedom Waves to Gaza flotilla, IMF, Christine Lagarde,
Greece, George Papandreou, referendum,
Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel

Reality Check
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Re: 3-Nov-11 WV-Fallout spreads from Greece's referendum cal

Post by Reality Check »

The Prime Minister of Greece does appear to be both a leader and a grownup among children.

The opposition parties in Greece wanted to do both of the following:

1. Remain non-committal on support for the Bail Out Plan, and,

2. Enjoy the benefits of the next few payments to Greece under the Bail Out plan.

The non-Greek Leaders of the European Union wanted to claim credit for forcing the Greeks to pay off half the Greek debt through austerity measures without actually allowing, or forcing, the Greeks to have a say on the matter through either their elected representatives or at that ballot box.

The Greek Prime Minister has changed all that:

Now either the main opposition parties will have to support the Bail Out plan openly or Greece will NOT, repeat NOT, enjoy the benefits of the next payments from the EU under the bail out plan. The oppositions parties are now forced to commit to a solution: either Bail Out plan and austerity plan; or full Default; or support a vote by the People and hope a default and economic collapse does not occur before the vote.

The Greek people will now have a say on the matter. Either through the vast majority of their elected representatives voting ( for / against ) it.

Or they will have a say at the ballot box through a referendum - if a vast majority of their elected representatives can not agree on a plan.

Apparently one or the other must occur before Greece will receive any more money.

Which is indeed a more adult way to proceed.

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