Financial Topics avec aeden

Investments, gold, currencies, surviving after a financial meltdown
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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Globalists Announce Plan to Launch CBDCs Corrupt US Officials to Eliminate Physical CASH! Worldwide Sept 22, 2024

The Great Taking - Documentary
David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.

Visa Applies For Digital Dollar Blockchain Patent to
(Eliminate Physical Dollars) ... lockchain/

May 14, 2024
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published today that VisaV +0.2% has filed a patent application to create digital currency on a centralized computer using blockchain technology. This patent applies to digital dollars as well as other central bank digital currencies such as pounds, yen, and euros so the physical currency of a central bank anywhere in the world could be digitized.

Described as ‘Digital Fiat Currency’ the patent was initially filed by Visa on November 8, 2019, with the USPTO commenting today, “It takes quite a while...” to publish the filing of a patent. Visa’s patent is described as a central entity computer that receives requests that include the serial number and denomination of a physical currency.

The creation of the digital currency and the removal of the physical currency from circulation in a fiat currency system is recorded on a blockchain.

Visa Files Patent Application for Digital Currency ... l-currency

* Visa has filed a patent application to create digital currency — potentially using Ethereum as the blockchain.

The application details two records, one of which would indicate “the digital currency for an amount associated with the denomination has been created for a public key associated with a digital wallet.”

The other record notes the “removal of the physical currency from circulation in a fiat currency system.”
“Every time a dollar worth of digital fiat currency is generated, the central entity ensures that a corresponding physical dollar bill is removed from circulation, to regulate the value of the digital fiat currency.”
Ethereum Insider Drops Bombshell: ETH Founders’ Fraud Bigger Than FTX Fraud

red or blue has one view
not you

they never grew up or will as they will take or destroy what they cannot have
they are only waiting for the opportunity to do so without repercussions
Last edited by aeden on Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Algorithm is 404 social engineering.
Pressitute media are just the skank molek groomers going forward as rule 5 only of the 25 rules.
Frontotemporal dementia body farm andrenocrome sociopaths was the feature in design as the install.

People are so isolated and busy trying to scrape together a meager economic lifeline that they have no time or motivation to fight back.

The point of no return comes when regular people are afraid to leave their homes. Organization at the neighborhood level with an aggressive posture must be enacted or the most vicious attacks will be visited on the population and are feral enabled top down.

Sometimes, though, the psychopaths we have to deal with during a collapse are within the very government that is supposed to protect our liberties. This is a situation in which the criminals are given license to use violence against the citizenry through the illusion of law. The populace is then confronted with the inevitable question - Are laws worth following when psychopaths write them?

When corrupt people run government, good becomes evil and evil becomes good. Consider the extreme double standards in place between the treatment of leftist activist mobs and conservative protesters. Look at the government and media response to the BLM riots versus their response to the Jan 6 event. In the case of the capitol "riots", police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the otherwise peaceful crowd, then when the protesters reacted violently, they were accused of "insurrection."

Is there any example of this kind of setup used against the political left? No. Instead, the media and public officials describe the destructive mobs as "fiery but mostly peaceful."

The double standard is absurd, but then again, it's meant to be. You mice and turtles have the same problem. Deceived.
The fall from grace has been a long and drawn out one and it didn't start yesterday.
Marxism is conflict to crush the Bourgeois and loot Proletarians.
Keynes delighted in the Euthanasia process.
Yellen said she welcomed the greater-than-expected uptake of tax breaks under President Joe Biden's signature clean energy bill,
despite the extra budget costs.

Madcows MLSD presstitutes will in stupidity always worships molek psychopathy every single time.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

From a 1938 paper by Keynes:

"In our opinion, one of the greatest advantages of his [Moore’s, atheistic] religion was that it made morals unnecessary….We entirely repudiated a personal liability on us to obey general rules. We claimed the right to judge every individual case on its merits, and the wisdom to do so successfully. This was a very important part of our faith, violently and aggressively held, and for the outer world it was our most obvious and dangerous characteristic. We repudiated entirely customary morals, conventions and traditional wisdom. We were, that is to say, in the strict sense of the term, immoralists."

The point is as simple as the one on in their sick head. Hume was correct. Only among the chattering classes would it appear to be perfectly clear as Keynes did not adopt and there is no record that he attempted to. His pervert diary (yes, he kept an extensive sexual diary) includes references to liaisons with "boys" well into his adult years and in at least one case the age is specified at 16.
There are also approving witticisms in correspondence in which Keynes urged his lover and protégé Lytton Strachey to tour Tunis "where bed and boy are also not expensive." The insane lecture you about cult logic from a temporal dementia software install as they ran out of WEF hookers as
the CBDC Senate will moan to act the part in the chorus of the fool's of all history will see it as Euripides did also once again in the irony of fate for the depraved think the deplorables are children of fools. For them no pillows in Hell.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Retirement Savings: 401(k) Balances Are Down, Hardship Withdrawals Are Up. ... onal-chart ... RE_DX1.PNG

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Felony crimes of stolen property evidence landfilled from looted Homes in Drug camps.
She voted for it and if she moves away she'll vote for it again.
Rinse and repeat woke city crimes.
Latinos and Muslims also firebombed and riddled with house riddled bullets not currently burned to the ground are moving
as police slow roll was fact from victoms. Residents know they are just DNC BISH woke terrors targets.
Her home was ransacked just days before three homes in the neighborhood were destroyed by fire.
By chance came back as lantern oil was soaked all over and source ignition candle set up.
Pay taxes or else and homeless woke drug criminals destroy them and burn their homes to ash.

Lawfare ghetto lottery tickets as seven people who were evicted from homeless encampments in Minneapolis are suing,
claiming their constitutional rights were violated. Biden cult base.
Last edited by aeden on Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Democrats (And Their MSM Lackeys) "Forgot To Get The Facts" Over Texas Illegal Immigrant Drownings, Abbott Says

What are the odds that a bunch of politicians in Washington and the media would make up gruesome lies
100 percent

The Dollar is failed now. The debt cannot be paid down, and the Senate is the root.
Germany's spy chief Thomas Haldenwang warned of extremist movements within the AfD, which is under security surveillance.

As planned.

thread: Lebensstilen
TMT agrees with standard evolutionary psychology. I do not.

Isn't there a mental diagnosis of a person who sets fire to a building, then "rescues" everyone.

On the Compatibility of Terror Management Theory. Read up since it was baked in even before 1840.
Ernest Becker’s theorizing, TMT starts with Darwin’s 1859.
Please talk stupid to the children for us.
Because both worldviews and self-esteem are symbolic constructions rather than absolute representations of reality, confidence in them, and hence effective mitigation of anxiety, requires ongoing consensual validation from others from the freak show enablers.
Short cut to be fair in the dialectics absconded by the beach bum also.

Will you stay on the ancient path that wicked men have trod? Many know this from Job and what will be.
Paul Harvey answered that in 1965 and is the standard fact to what is.

Point blank is the stomping boots of red and blue uniparty unwilling to defend value and itself.
We remember the Amero Highway and complete loss of border.
He left that zone since the job was purchased at 150k then dollars as the cartel run sanctioned drug lines.
His warning was painfully true as we watch the firefighter smoldering pulled from a house fire window as we organized facts now ignored.
You are now in a word overrun with debauchery addicts also. The last calendar years record slaughter for toe tags as warned did not change the
fervor of the imposed carnage.

In your face psyop. They don't give a shit how hypocritical it looks and is.
These cult assets will not even trip over the bar.
If you thought that early Soviet or CCP Agrarian reforms were the height of famine inducing stupidity. Sit back and see it in real time.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Ass, alleged red in uniparty dolt of ex-representative who once voted for Orange bad, told the New York Times on Tuesday that MAGA preferred authoritarianism over democracy. Ass’s comments came after Trump comfortably won Iowa’s Republican presidential primary. The march the penguins resumed.

Hispanic voters 'blindsided' by Biden's policies.
Translated as welcome to sanity as they burned your House also down in woke politics.

Fify noted how could an achievement-based sector spontaneously reclaim its prerogatives in a social order honeycombed with scheming fudge
packers and luggage stealing apostles of CRT, DEI, and other acronymic Bestiality fronts to think about your anything.

More genius spill out as fossil fuels are a stranded cost as Petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas make the manufacturing of
over 6,000 everyday products and high-tech devices possible. Please sprint to your .gov mud hut and just relish the WEF core no carbon effect.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Stacy forwards just some back of the napkin math based on US LNG exports in 2023
Assuming an average price of $10 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) and an average conversion rate of 0.005367 MMBtu per metric ton of LNG, the estimated revenue generated by U.S. LNG exports in 2023 would be approximately:
91.2 million tons * 0.005367 MMBtu/ton * $10/MMBtu = $48.8 billion
If we look at oil exports (back of the napkin math)
3.99 million b/d (avg) * $80/barrel (avg 2023)* 365 days = $110.5 billion
That seems like a lot of revenue for a country $34T in debt

Translation is red is good as MMT swamp nutzi print as potatus is watermellon green on outside so they will kill the
exports since they are demshevik geniuses to save you in the warm science cult mud hut in our current artic weather.

Europe is behind an iron curtain of deviants. Picked your poison party eats what thrown up as alleged media.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

Governor Abbott blamed solar and wind energy reliance for thrusting the state into a lethal situation, and called the Green New Deal “a deadly deal for the United States of America.”

EV owners across the nation are already feeling the impact. Tesla owners in the Chicago area have been unable to charge their vehicles due to the extreme cold. The frigid temperatures have caused the charging stations to become congested with non-charging and abandoned cars, leading to a challenging situation for the owners. Cold weather, in general, will hurt the ability of electric vehicles to charge properly, requiring the battery to be preconditioned to accept a fast charge.

Yet, the US government wants to implement electric school buses and military vehicles.

California plans to ban gas-powered vehicles by 2035 under the Advanced Clean Cars II, which will ban ALL gas car sales. California has routinely seen its power grid weaken due to extreme weather. In the summer of 2022, the California Independent System Operator called for a “voluntary energy conservation” during the upcoming Labor Day weekend due to the failing power grid. They are asking residents to refrain from charging their cars between 4 PM and 9 PM, which is when demand peaks. “If left unmanaged, the power demanded from many electric vehicles charging simultaneously in the evening will amplify existing peak loads, potentially outstripping the grid’s current capacity to meet demand,” Cornell University’s College of Engineering stated.

The state estimates it will need 1.2 million charging stations by 2030, but they have a mere 80,000 currently. California does not have the infrastructure to implement this zero-emission ban without toppling the entire power grid. So, electric vehicles alone have the potential to take down California’s power grid.

TVA is on the verge in real time of probabale collapse as these numb skulls push watermelon and greenmask buttons.

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Re: Financial Topics avec aeden

Post by aeden »

CDU foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen told the Tagesspiegel newspaper that Germany and the EU must prepare for Trump by ramping up their arms production "so that Ukraine can defend itself against a Russian attack even without US help."

"Europe's freedom depends on this," Röttgen said.

Agnieszka Brugger, vice-chairwoman of the Green Party, said a more radical US policy under Trump would have negative consequences for international security, solidarity and respect for international law.

Fritz fourth Reich depended on your dead American densheviks kids translation. Three times stupid for the proxy special red and green crayons.
Als snackbar integration should CRT DEI TMT Heglians run to the mud huts program special event no go zone spectacle unfolding.
2024 CBDC BIS shit show unfolding.

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