Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 28-Dec-2023 World View: Mideast war escalates

It is becoming increasingly clear that
the Mideast war is being directed by
Iran, which supplies the weapons and the
funding. Iran would like to further
humiliate America, which it is already
doing by supplying Russia with drones
for use in Ukraine.

Iran has made dozens of attacks on
American assets. These attacks are made
through Iranian proxies -- Hezbollah (in
Lebanon), Kataib Hezbollah (in Iraq),
the Houthis (in Yemen) and the
Palestinian Authority.

Over 100 of these attacks have been on
targets in Syria and Iraq. However,
there's been a major escalation by
Houthi drones attacking commercial
shipping in the Red Sea. These attacks
have been coordinated by an Iranian ship
in the Red Sea providing targeting
information to the Houthis. According
to one report on tv, American missiles
have shot down 15 of these drones in
just the last 24 hours, before they
could do any damage. An American
missile costs $3 million, while an
Iranian drone supplied to Yemen costs
only $300,000, so this is not

The Biden administration could stop
these attacks by striking the drone
sites in Yemen and the IRGC assets
within Iran (which is what Trump would
have done by now), but refuses to do so
for fear of inciting a wider Mideast
war, which is happening anyway, and
because they have the delusional belief
that they can restablish the JCPOA that
Obama created and Trump quashed.

Instead, the Biden administration has
provided tens of billions of dollars to
Iran mostly in the form of sanctions
relief. Iran has used these funds to
launch and support the Mideast war.

The war between Israel and Hezbollah, on
Israel's border with Lebanon, has
reportedly gotten much worse in the last
few days. The 2006 war between Israel
and Hezbollah was devastating to
Lebanon's infrastructure, and most of
the Lebanese do not want a repeat.

The war between Israel and Hamas has
badly split the Democrat party in
America, with large factions of the
Democrats supporting Israel, and large
factions supporting Hamas. The
pro-Hamas factions are anti-American and
are allied with Soros and China, and
have historical roots in the Confederacy
which tried to destroy the Union in the
American Civil War.

There's nothing funny about what's going
on in the Mideast, but there is one
amusingly ironic story that came up in
the last couple of days.

Iran and Hamas have been having a
disagreement on who is responsible for
Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7.
Up until now, Iran has claimed that it
had nothing to do with the attack. But
now, suddenly, Iran has done a U-turn,
and is claiming that it, not Hamas, is
responsible for the attack. Hamas
disagrees, saying that it, not Iran, was
entirely responsible. This is all based
on televised news reports.

One more thing. A military analyst on
tv this morning said that Iran was very
close now to building a nuclear weapon,
and what he's afraid of is that they'll
complete it next year, and become an
"official" nuclear power. Then, even if
Trump becomes president again, he won't
be able to do anything about Iran as an
established nuclear power.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

The pro-Hamas factions are anti-American and
are allied with Soros and China, and
have historical roots in the Confederacy
which tried to destroy the Union in the
American Civil War.
Roots in the Confederacy? Pray tell.

Soros has been attacking China at Davos, so I have been led to believe,

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

John wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:50 pm
The Biden administration could stop
these attacks by striking the drone
sites in Yemen and the IRGC assets
within Iran (which is what Trump would
have done by now), but refuses to do so
for fear of inciting a wider Mideast
war, which is happening anyway, and
because they have the delusional belief
that they can restablish the JCPOA that
Obama created and Trump quashed.

One more thing. A military analyst on
tv this morning said that Iran was very
close now to building a nuclear weapon,
and what he's afraid of is that they'll
complete it next year, and become an
"official" nuclear power. Then, even if
Trump becomes president again, he won't
be able to do anything about Iran as an
established nuclear power.
Thank you for your (expert as usual) analysis, John.

What we need is Soleimani on steroids. Take out the top 10% of Iran's leadership (or at least give it the old college try) simultaneously, while devastating their nuclear scientists and suspected nuclear facilities. That's the only thing they'll understand. There is no reason not to, we can't make them any more angry at us than they already are.

Trump would have already done it, the present crowd will never do it.
How did all these cowards, pussies, and fools get in power, anyway????

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:55 pm
The pro-Hamas factions are anti-American and
are allied with Soros and China, and
have historical roots in the Confederacy
which tried to destroy the Union in the
American Civil War.
Roots in the Confederacy? Pray tell.

Soros has been attacking China at Davos, so I have been led to believe,
John gets out there occasionally with stuff like this.

Soros supports anything demonic, and of course we know his background.

China is the wild card for most on this site.

Most people with any sense are rooting for no more union in the USA, by the way, if you all haven't noticed. Most of all Patriots.

It's not like we can jail them all or bring out the gallows, which is what should be done, but we know who controls even Trump's purse strings, so it should be interesting to see what he is "allowed" to do.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by aeden »

Do some damned homework who funded the Lab. Who collapsed coal and bought harbor assets for pennies on the dollar.
Veritas pulled back the curtain in funding for antifascists and exposed one radical left-wing organization's connection
to George Soros and Demshevik Tom Steyer. Your ilk will be in pajamas when the trains show was forwarded by more than few.
The view going out there like that is the problem and yea we hear educated people would never be that way is what they return
to eat over and over. The only facet is more people so expect more of it will suffice. Government has one policy and its connected
core interest only. Open border, structural inflation tax with uniparty lies its different this time and flagrant sodomites with a looted

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by shoshin »

John, I think I learned this from you: when 2 combatants commence to dehumanizing each other, the result is foreordained. It must devolve to complete destruction of one or the other. Thus, either the bodies of the military' and executive leadership of Hamas must be displayed in Gaza City to the full- throated cheers of the populace, or…Israel must be destroyed. Since Hamas DID NOT get the support they expected from Iran, or any other Arab states, I expect the former, rather than the latter.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by aeden »

It was written before And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee:
for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

If we read this right. Barry Silbert and Blackrock and Coinbase are one in the same.
We introduced taproot to sort it out.
The halving of BTC is at hand also.

102 counterparties parked a whopping $1.018 trillion at the Fed in the now traditional year-end window dressing operation
(yielding 5.30% or 10bps below the record high SOFR rate). This means that, as we speculated, over $300 billion in reserves had been drained

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by thinker »

I have been seeing some interesting videos online of Hezbella taking out Israeli command centers, communication infrastructure and radar. I think they are laying the groundwork for a large scale battle with Israel, but I think they want Israel to move on them first so they are also baiting Israel and I think they want to wait as long as possible because they don't want to take the attention from Gaza as it has been a massive propaganda victory for Hamas and defeat for Israel. Israel is now using E THOTS in military uniforms to try and turn back the momentum in the propaganda war that the Arabs have. I know the boomers have no idea what an E THOT is so just ask a millenial or Gen Z and they will tell you or you can do a web search.
On Iran I don't think we will be able to stop them from getting nukes. I also don't think it is a big problem for the US or Europe, however it is a huge problem for Israel. Israel has had the ace up their sleeve of being the only Middle Eastern country with nukes , once that is no longer the case it is basically game over for them. Israel cannot survive a large war with multiple groups of Arabs without the advantage of nukes. The only thing they would have under that scenario is if they and whatever allies they would have could make the war brutal enough on the Arabs to make them want to negotiate a piece agreement. The problem is that the more anger builds in the Arabs over what they are doing in Gaza the more difficult it will be for Israel to make the Arabs come to the negotiating table. Anyway that is my thinking , what do you guys think?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

I don't see how Israel expects business as usual in the future either.
South Africa launched a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel on Friday for what it said were “genocidal” acts in Gaza.

According to a statement, the ICJ application related to alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Genocide Convention, and said that “Israel has engaged in, is engaging in and risks further engaging in genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza”.

In application to the court, which has its seat in The Hague, South Africa also says that Israel has been acting “with the requisite specific intent … to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnic group”.

Especially when Israel resorts to accusing everyone of being anti-Semites, Nazis, and of blood libel for any criticism of their actions in Gaza or the West Bank, including many prominent Jews.
No date has been set for a hearing, while Israel rejected the charge.

Lior Haiat, a spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that “Israel rejects with disgust the blood libel spread by South Africa and its application” to the ICJ.
German foundation cancels award for journalist who compared Gaza to Nazi-era Jewish ghetto
Foundation says essay’s implication that Israel aimed to ‘liquidate Gaza like a Nazi ghetto’ is unacceptable
A German foundation has decided to retract its prestigious political thinking prize from a prominent Russian-American journalist after the writer compared Gaza with a Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe.

The decision came in the wake of a contentious essay penned by Masha Gessen which the German foundation deemed “unacceptable”.

The award ceremony, originally scheduled for Friday, will not proceed as planned after withdrawal of support by the Heinrich Boll Foundation (HBS), associated with the Green Party.
Misha Gessen is the daughter of holocaust survivors and rose to prominence as a dissident Russian.

Israel has no future. None.

Biden has lost the Arab votes, the Latino vote, the black vote, and the Muslim vote. He has never had even half of the white vote. Biden will have to rig the election to win.

North Korea, here we come!


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Jewish journalist Masha Gessen on comparing Gaza to a Nazi ghetto

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