Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

I have no hardness in heart as God moves in these times and claims what is all His. I pray for Her and what is not destoyed in this hour.
No I have not liked her policys more than not. This topic goes back the Molybdenum debacle some years back to inputs for security reasons.

Big money is moving as consolidations are well underway as it was written in the white papers ignored.

I will close biti and watch nrt for technicals. The only going to happen we note is them clicking mice for targeted results.
Antifa was just as clear as BLM to predicated results. As for those in tbill the children we sent have a corupted heart more than few.
Uniparty is just another clear and present danger in these times. Confirmation on units to house the human chattel will be confirmed in time.

Mismaldis information will only increase is our view for now so nothing new there really. Due diligence is the only imperative now.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2UTjoV ... AKsZIbh-gs
Last edited by aeden on Mon May 22, 2023 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by guest »

Guest wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 8:10 am
I'd like to mention three personal family facts, which should illustrate just how badly working class living standards have been forced down over the last three generations.

Fact 1.
In 1953 my father decided to marry my mother. He was employed as an apprentice mechanic at the local garage, so he worked hard, saved every penny possible and nine months later; had saved £100. He then took my mum to the local Estate Agent, pointed to the two up/two down houses and said "Pick the one you want". She did and he bought it cash down with no mortgage. I was born in that house two years later.
Fact 2.
In 1979 I decided to marry. By then buying a house cash had become virtually impossible, but as a truck driver I was earning £600 a month, so three months later I'd saved the £1,400 deposit needed for a 90% mortgage on a £14,000 house.
Fact 3.
In 2016 one of my sons similarly decided to marry. He worked hard, did all the overtime possible and three years later had amassed £30,000. He then approached the local Estate Agent, only to be laughed at and told to come back when he'd got £45,000 !

THAT's how badly living standards in the UK have actually declined in real terms for the typical working man in three generations, AND it didn't happen 'by accident; it was deliberately orchestrated/engineered by the UK's political/financial 'leadership' class.
I’m Canadian & 2 years ago we visited family in the UK. Even then, before the “cost-of-living crisis”, everything there seemed to cost double and their salaries for equivalent work was so much lower. I can’t imagine living there today. It’s really sad.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

closed biti
tbill nap time
Be carefull they do not even pretend to care about you.

The latest TBAC (Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee) confirms the US has already deficit spent $2.060T in fiscal 1H23,
the interest expense alone of which is 101% of tax receipts.
Retards run the show as creepy sleepy naps.

In the interim: 1) the military industrial complex will create more profits and jobs here and more casualties overseas; and 2) deficit spending will keep unemployment in check (for now) and GDP “stable” until 3) its deficits (and debts) cancerously metastasize within a nation frog-boiling in debt and fractured by manufactured identity politics over transgender beer ads and slavery reparations from the 1860’s.

Such “woke” trends are ironic, given the fact that middleclass Americans of all colors, sexualities, “privileges” or political bends are already unknowing slaves/serfs in a modern feudalism of fake capitalism fighting against the bogus (yet SJW) “equity” euphemism of a woke (but hidden) re-distribution of social “shares” smacking of modern yet genuine Marxism. t

$5000 face amount UNITED STATES TREASURY BILL 0.00% 09/19/2023 912797GT8 has been executed. 5.39%

thanks caribou from btc via biti.to frankfurt MIT project.

thread: taproot, lightswitch, peleg


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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun May 19, 2013 5:36 pm
The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street.

Excavation of the site began on January 22, 1930, and construction on the building itself started symbolically on March 17—St. Patrick's Day—per Al Smith's influence as Empire State, Inc. president.
Construction started one month before the slide into the great Depression. The rebound peak in the stock market after the 1929 crash ended April 17, 1930.
Only 10 floors have been completed in what is intended to be the tallest residential building in the Western Hemisphere — a slender, 84-story tower on Park Avenue at 56th Street in Manhattan.

This is the building of the 21st century, the way the Empire State Building was the building of the 20th century,” Mr. Macklowe said.
I believe this is a highly significant parallel. It represents mass generational behavior.
Empire State Building
Opened May 1, 1931
Cost $40,948,900 (equivalent to $595 million in 2021)
Higgenbotham wrote:
Sun May 07, 2023 4:16 pm
Summary of Demarest's Interview
We get these periods that look amazing but they're actually a phenomenon of decline.
A chip plant that South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co Ltd (005930. KS) is building in Taylor, Texas, will cost the world's biggest memory chipmaker over $25 billion, up more than $8 billion from initial forecasts, according to three people familiar with the matter.
https://www.reuters.com/technology/sams ... e%20matter
TSMC in December tripled its planned investment at the Arizona chip plant, which began construction late last year, to $40 billion.
https://www.reuters.com/technology/tsmc ... on%20spent
With the CHIPS and Science bill, I wrote and championed as the fuse, Micron's $100 billion investment in Upstate New York will fundamentally transform the region into a global hub for manufacturing and bring tens of thousands of good-paying high-tech and construction jobs to Central New York.
https://investors.micron.com/news-relea ... ld-megafab

These are massive projects by any standard. Back in the day, when costs were 1/4 to 1/3 of what they are now and I was familiar with what large corporations were spending on plants, $1 or $2 billion was a big investment. I think things have gone far beyond what a massive spending project might look like at the top of a generational (80 year) cycle.
OAKVILLE, Ont., April 11, 2023 – Ford Motor Company is investing C$1.8 billion in its Oakville Assembly Complex to transform it into a high-volume hub of electric vehicle manufacturing in Canada – a key part of the company’s plan to scale production of electric vehicles and make them more accessible to millions of customers.
https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedi ... n-evs.html

Perhaps more typical.
The new electric vehicle factory, with an investment of five billion dollars, will be the biggest Tesla plant in the world and will create from 5,000 to 6,000 jobs.
https://www.gob.mx/sre/prensa/elon-musk ... -in-mexico

On the high side.
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

It was conveyed from the chief marxist orc handlers they must abscond more for his mice orc uniparty root kit cult.
As the Senator from Ohio is finally admitting they are crushing Americans being weponized from the agency issue.
Now that the 51 marxy criminals your a Russian cult has been exposed you can see the mis mal dis information format ignored deeper capture
again, busted as lie cheat steal orc no pay as you go useful idiots plan as they did not pay the hapless homeless crisis actors so they turned them in.
Failed in life try hell as filth hardens on the land as we warned. No date needed here.
Last edited by aeden on Tue May 23, 2023 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by hhh »

guest wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 10:22 am
Guest wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 8:10 am
I'd like to mention three personal family facts, which should illustrate just how badly working class living standards have been forced down over the last three generations.

Fact 1.
In 1953 my father decided to marry my mother. He was employed as an apprentice mechanic at the local garage, so he worked hard, saved every penny possible and nine months later; had saved £100. He then took my mum to the local Estate Agent, pointed to the two up/two down houses and said "Pick the one you want". She did and he bought it cash down with no mortgage. I was born in that house two years later.
Fact 2.
In 1979 I decided to marry. By then buying a house cash had become virtually impossible, but as a truck driver I was earning £600 a month, so three months later I'd saved the £1,400 deposit needed for a 90% mortgage on a £14,000 house.
Fact 3.
In 2016 one of my sons similarly decided to marry. He worked hard, did all the overtime possible and three years later had amassed £30,000. He then approached the local Estate Agent, only to be laughed at and told to come back when he'd got £45,000 !

THAT's how badly living standards in the UK have actually declined in real terms for the typical working man in three generations, AND it didn't happen 'by accident; it was deliberately orchestrated/engineered by the UK's political/financial 'leadership' class.
I’m Canadian & 2 years ago we visited family in the UK. Even then, before the “cost-of-living crisis”, everything there seemed to cost double and their salaries for equivalent work was so much lower. I can’t imagine living there today. It’s really sad.
A big reason is that the pound was worth twice what it is now before the Great Recession. The salaries have been the same but the value of the pound has plummeted.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

But the CEO identified some parts of the U.S. that pose a particular challenge when it comes to shrink. “It is a much more pointed problem in certain places, particularly on the West Coast or places like Chicago or Albuquerque that have blue state or local blue governments that don’t really feel like prosecuting crime,” Eddy said. “My view is the government’s first obligation is to provide a safer environment for people to do their daily business and in some places that’s not happening. But politics aside, I think you continue to see this be a problem that the retail industry as a whole needs to work on.”
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/compani ... 0972&ei=96
In recent months, US tech giants have come under increased scrutiny from both Democrat and Republican lawmakers over their reliance on Chinese manufacturers and components.

Apple has been gradually diversifying its supply chains, with more of its devices now made in countries like India and Vietnam.

Last year, it said that it will buy semiconductors from a factory being built in the US state of Arizona by Taiwanese chipmaking giant TSMC.

In 2022, Apple also announced plans to make the iPhone 14 in India, a significant milestone in the company's strategy to diversify manufacturing outside of China.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets ... 148&ei=121
Their study, however, points to some of the risks Fed officials may face as they decide whether to be patient in allowing time for inflation to slow, or use further rate increases to force a faster adjustment in an effort to ensure high inflation does not become embedded.

Bernanke and Blanchard estimate that inflation could return to the Fed's 2% annual target if over the next two years their preferred measure of labor market slack - the number of job openings for each unemployed job seeker - falls below 1 to around 0.8, meaning more unemployed workers are competing for jobs than there are open positions.

If over that time the ratio falls only to the pre-pandemic rate of around 1.2, by contrast, inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index would fall to around 2.7% - still high, but "within striking distance" of the Fed's 2% target, the authors said, given the differences between the CPI and the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index the Fed prefers.

But "allowing (the ratio) to remain near current levels does not bring inflation down in our projections. Indeed, because an extended period of inflation raises long-term inflation expectations, it leads to slowly increasing inflation," they wrote.

The current ratio is 1.6, down from a peak of around 2 last year.

"The portion of inflation which traces its origin to overheating of labor markets can only be reversed by policy actions that bring labor demand and supply into better balance," Bernanke and Blanchard concluded. "Labor market balance should ultimately be the primary concern for central banks attempting to maintain price stability."
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets ... f8641&ei=8
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

Posts: 12625
Joined: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

https://johnhelmer.org/the-british-gift ... ondon-too/
Math and rads for the dark age files. We could suggest a few more years forfeited.
In the US propaganda version, “Newsweek has not been able to locate any official statements or credible reports that radiation levels in Khmelnytskyi or other parts of Ukraine are above normal or corroborate the claim about depleted uranium shells being destroyed in the Russian attack.”
Polish university sources and the Polish Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) corroborate the spiking. The highest levels reported publicly have been in Gdynia (0.103 μSv/h), Lublin (0.100 μSv/h) and Krakow (0.115 μSv/h).

Zones north and southwest are reporting sickness as rad poisoned. They are insane and demonic.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by John »

** 24-May-2023 World View: Life expectancy

Higgie, you've mentioned several times
recently that you consider life
expectancy to be an important dark age
indicator. I just want to mention that
life expectancy is not always what it

I did a study of this a long time ago,
and I don't remember all the exact
numbers, but it's something like the

In 1875, the child mortality rate (child
deaths under age 5) was about 50%. By
WW I, it was down to 5%. That's why
there was a massive number of war deaths
in WW I. There were a lot more young
men available than in previous wars to
serve as soldiers, and be killed. In
particular, as I recall, there were ten
times as many war deaths per capita than
the War of the Spanish Succession a
century earlier.

For the same reason, the life expectancy
increased from about 40 to 65, as I
recall. That's not because 40 year old
men now lived to age 65. It's because
children were more likely to live far
beyond age 5.

Incidentally, this was a major
methodological error made by S&H in
their book, the Fourth Turning. They
were trying to explain why the secular
cycles seemed to lengthen over the
centuries. They blamed this on
lenghening life expectancies, but that
doesn't even make sense. The actual
reason has to do with the fact that the
English and American generational
timelines split during the 1600s, and
went 40 years out of sync.

But life expectancy could still be an
indicator of a new dark ago, because a
lower life expectancy might mean
increased child mortality.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

John, I'd been aware of how some of the data has been trending but your post prompted me to find this report, which I hadn't seen. Some other data I've seen is less concerning; for example, when causes of child mortality are broken down prior to 2021, it doesn't look so bad. My concern about this started around 2015 when the life expectancy of women in many counties started decreasing while the overall numbers were still going up.
Mortality in the United States, 2021
NCHS Data Brief No. 456, December 2022
From 2020 to 2021, death rates increased for each age group 1 year and over (Figure 3).

Age-specific rates increased 10.1% for age group 1–4 (from 22.7 deaths per 100,000 population in 2020 to 25.0 in 2021), 4.4% for 5–14 (13.7 to 14.3), 5.6% for 15–24 (84.2 to 88.9), 13.4% for 25–34 (159.5 to 180.8), and 16.1% for 35–44 (248.0 to 287.9).

Rates increased 12.1% for 45–54 (473.5 to 531.0), 7.5% for 55–64 (1,038.9 to 1,117.1), 3.8% for 65–74 (2,072.3 to 2,151.3), 2.4% for 75–84 (4,997.0 to 5,119.4), and 3.5% for 85 and over (15,210.9 to 15,743.3).


While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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