Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Example - major tech advances of Dark Age were stirrups (hey, I found a way to not fall off my horse!) and chimneys (hey, I found a way to not have the grand hall filled up with smoke during a banquet!), and that's about it.
Those were two significant advances. Stirrups made travel considerably better, in particular. Why did the Romans not come up with these two? And how much technological advancement was there in the equivalent period before the Dark Age?
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Been lights out. The honey wagon pay load in lies about the cults intent is clear. Agency issue is the issues.
Deception is the only root kit policy.
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/whi ... t-program/
We're going to steal from you, and you will pay us for the privilege.

https://cis.org/Bensman/Biden-DHS-Coord ... ows-Mexico

The Constitution established a Federal democratic republic. It is the system of the Federal Government; it is democratic because the people govern themselves; and it is a republic because the Government's power is derived from its people.

Cool story bro.


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Guest »

I'd like to mention three personal family facts, which should illustrate just how badly working class living standards have been forced down over the last three generations.

Fact 1.
In 1953 my father decided to marry my mother. He was employed as an apprentice mechanic at the local garage, so he worked hard, saved every penny possible and nine months later; had saved £100. He then took my mum to the local Estate Agent, pointed to the two up/two down houses and said "Pick the one you want". She did and he bought it cash down with no mortgage. I was born in that house two years later.
Fact 2.
In 1979 I decided to marry. By then buying a house cash had become virtually impossible, but as a truck driver I was earning £600 a month, so three months later I'd saved the £1,400 deposit needed for a 90% mortgage on a £14,000 house.
Fact 3.
In 2016 one of my sons similarly decided to marry. He worked hard, did all the overtime possible and three years later had amassed £30,000. He then approached the local Estate Agent, only to be laughed at and told to come back when he'd got £45,000 !

THAT's how badly living standards in the UK have actually declined in real terms for the typical working man in three generations, AND it didn't happen 'by accident; it was deliberately orchestrated/engineered by the UK's political/financial 'leadership' class.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Nice report and the truth from your zone. You got another million illegals heading your way.
Handouts is the future. Western society will collapse and is. They told you we will send 10 million and take you out.

The UK is moving to CBDCs now and they have yet to determine the maximum amount you can hold which is going to be anywhere from 5000 to 15,000 pounds. In other words comrade anything above that is confiscated like your home, car, financial assets, etc. The central bank has published their manual already and can be read by anyone. This is why war is coming as they must subdue Russia and China or their plan fails.

“The Global Identity Project is designed to shift the global economy away from private ownership and into what the WEF calls an “access model” where you own nothing but rent goods and services from the world’s billionaires and billionaire corporations.”

Update for a few here the process of the "spoke and wheel" exchange method used by the Icebreaker Hub includes the exploitation of a "bridge currency" to fill gaps in exchange rates and liquidity is well underway. The operating system is closer than you consider.
FED now will tie it all together to form the global leadership cloak. This is root issue in my view also to the debt matrix.
Digital ID first to implementation as we are sold out by uniparty is the root issue.
The dialectic will be your freedom to lock you down.

Germany mulls energy rationing media Power operators will reportedly be allowed to unplug customers from grids at peak hours Electricity rationing could become unavoidable in Germany as part of an energy transition strategy. Green masks are watermelons.
Same retards are now here now killing energy production units. Muts Huts was a fact not an observation.
EPA CCP same thing now. Agency issue was ignored.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Higgenbotham »

Not surprisingly, then, 94 percent of American workers say they’re stressed at work, and three-quarters believe they’re more stressed than their parents (and their parents). Anne Helen Petersen was among the first to identify the trend as a distinctly millennial phenomenon in a January 2019 piece for BuzzFeed. “The more work we do, the more efficient we’ve proven ourselves to be, and the worse our jobs become: lower pay, worse benefits, less job security,” she wrote, which could explain why 80 percent of millennials don’t expect to get any Social Security benefits when they retire and four out of five say they’re in the midst of a quarter-life crisis.
Companies would do well to listen. Stress-related costs — absenteeism, sick days, attrition, etc. — are nearly $300 billion a year according to meQuilibrium, a digital coaching system for managing stress. “Burnout is affecting millennials more than prior generations because of how technology is imprinted on their developing nervous systems,” Corbin says. “If you get your first iPhone at 10, you suddenly have this astounding connectivity but no idea how to self-regulate. That’s why mindfulness is so important now.”
“We’re definitely seeing a growing epidemic in America,” Cedar tells me, pointing to compounding variables like increasing suicide rates in every state and the reality that millennials make more career changes than any previous generation. “The tricky thing about burnout is that it’s not a diagnosis, so it does not have incident rates to help us track it with that kind of specificity. Burnout is a process that overlaps with many of the mental health conditions that one out of five Americans have.”
As writer Nona Willis-Aronowitz reminds us, there’s a largely forgotten swath of poor millennials who struggle with a different kind of burnout related to the heartbreak they feel when institutions repeatedly fail them. One in five millennials are poor, she writes. Almost 50 percent are either unemployed or overqualified for their jobs, and two-thirds have long-term debt. It stands to reason many of these people are burned out.
Hidden amongst Tie’s “do I need a sabbatical?” search results was a passage from Maslach’s 1997 book, The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It. “Burnout is the index of the dislocation between what people are and what they have to do,” it read. Tie leaned in and scrolled down. “It represents an erosion in values, dignity, spirit and will — an erosion of the human soul. It is a malady that spreads gradually and continuously over time, putting people into a downward spiral from which it’s hard to recover.”
So, where will the current burnout epidemic take us?

A decade from now, Curran predicts we will be in a very bad place. “Things are getting tougher,” he says, pointing to an unstable economy, a precarious workforce and an increasingly insecure labor market with diminishing regulation. Basically, companies can do what they want and will work us as hard as they want, so burnout will increase, particularly as a new generation with highly perfectionistic tendencies enters the workforce. “I do see a counter culture beginning to emerge among young people who have identified the problem,” Curran adds, offering a glimmer of hope. Unfortunately, those anti-burnout crusaders don’t yet comprise a voting block to affect change. “So in the next five to ten years, we will see burnout increase and a lot more mental health problems begin to emerge as a consequence.”
https://getpocket.com/explore/item/an-e ... ket-newtab
While the periphery breaks down rather slowly at first, the capital cities of the hegemon should collapse suddenly and violently.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Americans don't quite understand how socialism works yet...

Six in 10 adults in the United States have a chronic disease.
https://www.inverse.com/science/ancient ... vius-death
In Rome they never even got that far.

Pathogenic triggers and anthropogenic factors and imported viral vectors. Nothing new under the Sun.
Even Alaric left that zone after the decimations from water born and bacterial infection wiped them out also.

I tell them I had no choice. I tell them that if they understood what I understand about public education,
they would homeschool too. John Taylor Gatto was the man who opened my eyes to the nefarious agenda behind public school.

Americans worship educated retards and guess what the results are.
https://www.diygenius.com/changemakers- ... lor-gatto/
Malcom X warned all communities what and who is the root issue.
Rather diverse and accurate views from both men. Go to College its free.
Work boots and Books are avoided should tell you all you need to know.

They ignored the smartest they had. Lemmings and tax blood bags vampire economy as warned claim more.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

https://tme2.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspace ... 299197.png

The models leave then out with machine learning 5 axis production units. Less is more will slap then across the head until they get
dizzy is all some will comprehend later in this decade.
20 hour to 2 hours parts in the tier supply chains are taking over.
.01 zones already eliminated the 1 percent zones in real time.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Carbon up from the bottom reduction facts.
EPA needs to just shut up and leave the actual macro grid produces alone and actually defund then since its pol activity commissaire now.

Market should decide as the gov dinosaur cannibals are just macro parasites tax absconders' diversity retrograded affirmatives action losers.
Nothing they do is a cost benefit. This zone screws green power net meters anyways.

System is Breaking for over sixty percent crushed from the free shit army swamp nut jobs. Period. Fact.

The pissing money away IS .gov.

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Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by aeden »

Who would have ever thought. An honest used car dealer from North Carolina who started a YouTube channel has 100k subscribers in 9 months.
Congratulations Brandon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_J6k5iFOwc

Nothing from the swamp is viable for a very long time. Rotted fruit thieves.
Toyota is wiping Ford and GM off the map we see in real time.


Re: Higgenbotham's Dark Age Hovel

Post by Guest »

The majority of London is a grotesque, corpulent anus that's becoming more hellish at an exponential rate. The 'East End' is similar to the human rectum in that its the opening at the end of the alimentary canal that is London, through which our waste matter leaves.

Unfortunately I travel around the east end for work and its becoming more dytopian by the month... its like a massive film set for the next Blade Runner film.

The money earners are moving out, with the leaches moving in... Landlords leeching off tenants and tenants leeching off the state, to pay the landlords.

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