Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

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Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:03 pm
Jack, I'll take your name calling, I have no problem with that, but know who you are talking to.
So who is he talking to? Enquiring minds want to know.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

thomasglee wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:38 pm
TUG wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:21 pm
Thomas Glee has the temerity to accuse others of ignorance, when he himself up to his eyeballs in it. I think the Q Anon comparison is a good one. I don't understand exactly what Q Anon is, but it seems to share a lot of strange ideas with Alex Jones and the others. I hope one day Thomas get help and escape it.

Social media is not a source for good.
Just by using the term QAnon, you exhibit your ignorance. There is Q and then there are Anons. There is no such thing as QAnon.

And for the record, I don’t buy into the Q crap. It was clearly a psychological warfare exercise. Anyone with reasoning skills could see that clearly.

You also exhibit your ignorance by never having the ability to do anything but attack people. Never once have your proffered an intelligent rebuttal; just hyperbole.
Psychological warfare by the Russians? The Chinese? What do you mean?


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 8:12 pm
thomasglee wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:38 pm
TUG wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 12:21 pm
Thomas Glee has the temerity to accuse others of ignorance, when he himself up to his eyeballs in it. I think the Q Anon comparison is a good one. I don't understand exactly what Q Anon is, but it seems to share a lot of strange ideas with Alex Jones and the others. I hope one day Thomas get help and escape it.

Social media is not a source for good.
Just by using the term QAnon, you exhibit your ignorance. There is Q and then there are Anons. There is no such thing as QAnon.

And for the record, I don’t buy into the Q crap. It was clearly a psychological warfare exercise. Anyone with reasoning skills could see that clearly.

You also exhibit your ignorance by never having the ability to do anything but attack people. Never once have your proffered an intelligent rebuttal; just hyperbole.
Psychological warfare by the Russians? The Chinese? What do you mean?

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Mormon people can be fine, their fate is up to God and the way they live their lives in accordance to the gifts they have been given, just as is the case for all other religions, obviously most or all of which are false. But they aren't Christian and they follow a guy who made up a religion in the 19th century from New York. So let's cut the crap.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:33 pm
** 29-Apr-2022 World View: Baffling posts
thomasglee wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:10 pm
> You have no concept of Christianity. Your detachment from reality
> and ignorance is quite amusing.
Thinking back over your previous posts, I am completely baffled by
many of them. You seem to have similar views to CB's, but he's a
total idiot and a troll, but you are a lot more intelligent.

Not only that, but you and your family lived in South Korea for 20
years, so you're well aware of the horrific actions and policies of
Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un, and how they're cut from the same cloth
as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.

And yet, you seem to be supporting of Putin's genocidal invasion of
Ukraine, including the intentional targeting of innocent Christian
women and children, torturing, raping and killing them.

Maybe I misunderstand you, but I'm totally baffled by many of the
things you've said. They make no sense to me.
I'm a "total idiot and troll" but predicted the inflation and have predicted the macroeconomic picture for almost 2 years now, which you were dead wrong about. You ask us about christianity but aren't even a believer in it yourself, yet you somehow know more than we do, quite interesting - yet you call other trolls.

You claim all sorts of things yet you can't even respond to the Maidan Massacre (which was a type of mass murder) and illegal coup by NATO, for which I've given extensive evidence. You won't look into Zelensky's properties or his ZOG counterpart puppets who are mass murderers, as if the USA hasn't had offensive operations of mass murder your whole life. There are a lot of things that don't make sense to you, for a lot of reasons. You have some elements of the truth but deny the only real Truth in the world, which is your stumbling block, sadly - and something you inherited but rejected, even more sad.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

thomasglee wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 8:56 am
John wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:33 pm
** 29-Apr-2022 World View: Baffling posts
thomasglee wrote:
Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:10 pm
> You have no concept of Christianity. Your detachment from reality
> and ignorance is quite amusing.
Thinking back over your previous posts, I am completely baffled by
many of them. You seem to have similar views to CB's, but he's a
total idiot and a troll, but you are a lot more intelligent.

Not only that, but you and your family lived in South Korea for 20
years, so you're well aware of the horrific actions and policies of
Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un, and how they're cut from the same cloth
as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.

And yet, you seem to be supporting of Putin's genocidal invasion of
Ukraine, including the intentional targeting of innocent Christian
women and children, torturing, raping and killing them.

Maybe I misunderstand you, but I'm totally baffled by many of the
things you've said. They make no sense to me.
John, I believe you misunderstand me. As I get older, I get wiser, and I've realized that our government and our media are as corrupt as they come. It's not the blatant corruption as in Asia, etc., but the results are the same. The USA is just better at disguising it. I do not support Putin or his war, but I do not buy into everything our media and our "elites" tell us. I've been in combat, and after the service, I traveled the world on business. I'm well-read, well-traveled, and educated. So my opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and theories are not created in a vacuum of ignorance or bliss but on real-life experiences, consumption of varying opinions, and, as often as possible - facts. Unfortunately, over the past year or so, the dialogue here has become dominated by childish, name-calling, impish newcomers who have provided very little substance to the discussions. You can see it here in this thread as an example.

As my faith grows, my reliance on man to solve the world's problems diminishes. I understand we are on a path that we do not control. I prefer no war at all, period. Yet, at the same time, I realize we live in a fallen world, so war and death are inevitable. I'm just not going to choose the lesser of two evils because then I'm still choosing evil. Instead, I will seek my solace and my safety in my faith.

I've enjoyed this site over the last decade-plus, but I prefer to disengage, as I do not like nor want to get dragged into ignorant debates. I sometimes fail and will respond when I shouldn't or let my human emotions override my temperance and that I do not like.

Thank you for the site; I often tell friends about your work and recommend they follow the site.

All the best,
What's happening right now in the society is spilling over to this site - namely that the wheat and chaff are being separated. Thomas knows it because he has discernment; a gift from the one true God who has given it to him.

How else can people here who largely (not all people) accepted the experimental mRNA therapy and called me crazy (and yet I'm the physician), yet so many have been damaged by it, and it has not stopped the spread of infection, nor helped anyone (especially those with natural immunity) but to set up another dystopian authoritarian society in so many ways? Denmark just admitted that vaccines are worthless for this and they will stop using them. But I said this from the beginning, and I'm somehow crazy and a "troll." As above, I also called with Vince the inflation surge that isn't stopping, yet John couldn't see it because "every generational crisis is a deflationary one". Wrong again. Will we get to deflation? Yes, and I predicted this also a year and a half ago, and everyone on the site knows it. Inflation crushes the middle and lower classes and the response to it crushes the rest of the asset classes that have been inflated (for example, fragility or the stock market when rates are raised or naturally go up).

To not admit that I know what I'm talking about, having predicted things already and proven myself, is enough to hang most of the doomsayers here, who may or may not be right but like I said, I've got more than 2 birds in the hand already.

And to think that the USA is led by good or more moral people than XYZ is funny, since the Chinese bought off most of the pols, most obviously the half dead, compromised president and his family.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

JDav wrote:
Wed May 04, 2022 10:43 am
Navigator wrote:
Mon May 02, 2022 11:26 pm
Just saw that Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe vs Wade (giving women the right to have an abortion).

Prepare for civil upheaval in USA.
I took a sabbatical from all but basic internet use for Lent, but this news kind of ties in with the debate I've see on this site for a while - who his more evil, us or the Russians. While I see Russia as being more overtly evil, as evidenced by their actions in Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere, I don't deny the covertly evil nature of our own government. You can not deny that any nation that sacrifice's a million babies a year on Moloch's altar is not evil. Not to mention its complicity in creating a deadly virus while also withholding treatment, as we have with the whole Covid saga. And for those who think this is new, how about a government that performed medical experiments on un-knowing subjects (Tuskegee Airmen or the horrors perpetrated in some orphanages). Or the insane idea of selling guns to criminals in the hopes they use them, as a means of achieving gun control (Fast and Furious). Our government is not above causing or allowing harm and death as a means of achieving its ends. They just don't do it as openly as some other countries. But don't doubt for a second that many in our government ENVY other nations for that.

That's why I support neither Ukraine or Russia, nor even the US in the current world crisis. Though living here is probably infinitely more pleasant than just about anywhere else in the world, I'm under no illusion that our way of life is worth preserving if we allow these evils to continue to be perpetrated. I've read how some of you are experiencing a deepening faith. With that must eventually come a detachment from things of the world. Look at the Apostles - only John survived into old age without being killed for his faith. Pain and struggle are the natural order of things, though over the last 75 years we Americans have done everything we can to convince ourselves otherwise.

For the record, I've never served in the military. My son was a Marine, though (two tours in Iraq, one clearing roadside bombs, twice decorated, on the cover of Stars & Stripes magazine). I've witnessed a lot through his eyes, including the dual betrayals by his government - pulling out of Iraq after seeing his buddies sacrifice their lives, their physical health, and their mental health, AND seeing Afghani nationals who helped him in Iraq get killed by the Taliban when we abandoned their country. It's been hard for me to witness; I can't even imagine what he and his compadres think about all of that.

I find it interesting that this fight over abortion comes during a Generational Crisis Era. Abortion is the logical conclusion to the use of contraception, which coincidentally (or not) became legalized during the LAST Generational Crisis Era. As with the upcoming WW3, and the political upheaval we're experiencing at home, this is a battle where only one side will prevail. I don't see these two opposing ideologies existing side by side much longer.
Here is a wise man.

And yes, the battles that call me names on this board are direct evidence of the wheat and chaff separating. To claim that the US is some sort of moral nation (among all the other lies about other nations) is total buffoonery, and lacking all wisdom. No one is good!

But most on this site can't take the witness to the Truth. To all those sacrficed on Moloch's altar by the sick "progressives" in the US and otherwise, the Lord has told us "Vengeance is mine, I will repay."

The Christian knows and waits, suffers for the truth, and keeps the virtues in the best way he can - and when he can't, he repents and admits it. May the Lord our God have mercy on everyone. He will be the judge in the last day.


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed May 04, 2022 5:45 pm
As above, I also called with Vince the inflation surge that isn't stopping, yet John couldn't see it because "every generational crisis is a deflationary one". Wrong again. Will we get to deflation? Yes, and I predicted this also a year and a half ago, and everyone on the site knows it. Inflation crushes the middle and lower classes and the response to it crushes the rest of the asset classes that have been inflated (for example, fragility or the stock market when rates are raised or naturally go up).

To not admit that I know what I'm talking about, having predicted things already and proven myself, is enough to hang most of the doomsayers here, who may or may not be right but like I said, I've got more than 2 birds in the hand already.
Are you ever able to resist the temptation to engage in shameless self-promotion with a few heaping tablespoons of revisionism to what was actually stated? Do I need to quote the posts that are clearly in conflict with the above, such as I did with respect to your your bullfeathers about war?


Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed May 04, 2022 5:34 pm
Mormon people can be fine, their fate is up to God and the way they live their lives in accordance to the gifts they have been given, just as is the case for all other religions, obviously most or all of which are false. But they aren't Christian and they follow a guy who made up a religion in the 19th century from New York. So let's cut the crap.
Are you ever able to resist the temptation to take a swipe at any individual or group, revealing no truths, only the stench of your indignant and hate-filled self-rightousness? Yeah, let's cut the crap.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2966
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Cool Breeze's Topic

Post by Cool Breeze »

Thanks for again proving my point, as you have nothing of substance to say. And you know what I've been right about, and you just hate it. That's why you can't counter me or guys like Thomas

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