Societal collapse

Read Navigator's book, How To Prepare For The Coming Storms,
for valuable detailed information on what what's coming.
Cool Breeze
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Re: Societal collapse

Post by Cool Breeze »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:29 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:14 pm
Guest wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:11 am

The house is worth well over a million, if he can sell it. The problem is, he can't. He was planning to sell and then retire with the money from the sale (the house is paid off) He has a good job, but he is afraid to stay in LA now. He was planning to quit his job, take a few years off, and then work from home in Idaho or Montana, etc. Now he can't. And he is scared. The real estate agent keeps telling him to lower the price, but he won't be able to retire if he does. No buyers will pay the fair market value (as per the 2019 market). He's screwed.
The weirdest thing about this is that people didn't see the writing on the wall, or just closed their eyes and hoped. I have come to realize that most are like this and it's something like 90%+, which is sad. Even though obvious collapse hasn't happened, it's quite clear already that if you didn't plan to get out with flexibility or made dumb decisions to buy recently or NOT sell, you are locked in to a shit show.
The idea of getting out with flexibility is concerning me much more now. Transportation won't be easy or safe. We have the handicap of not actually knowing beforehand when it's too late, and flexibility is lost, together with greatly increased danger and difficulty of transportation.
I personally think this coming year (2022) will be real bad for Americans and what they are used to, lifestyle wise. I could be wrong and it gets put off til 2024-25, but by then I also believe something pretty darn huge hits - and I'm a constant thinker and skeptic of many on this site that say big things will happen, because I look at things stochastically.

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by tim »

FullMoon wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:20 am
tim wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:50 am
I am not familiar with Idaho you would have to do some work. I would assume Northern Idaho would be best. Check for nuclear reactors and military targets stay away from those.

The area should be an hour from major population centers.

The people should be conservative. When you visit the area you should feel like you have traveled back in time a few decades, this is a good sign.

Look for a place with not many economic opportunities as this keeps the population down. There are still small towns all over America where the good jobs are at the one local factory or whatever.

Most people hate snow and the extra work of snow removal keeps the riff raff out. is a great resource.
You're always an excellent perspective, thank you. The weather reference I hadn't heard before.
I'm surprised you're not familiar with the area. It ticks all the boxes and some. Probably why Navigator chose it as his first recommendation. Sadly the real estate is expensive now, reflecting the migration into the area.
The time to buy land in Idaho was years ago. That time has long passed unless you are wealthy.

No place is perfect and nobody knows exactly what the future holds. The Chinese military may land on America's west coast.
The quote from Soviet Military Strategy, with which I began this essay, is something that most U.S. military experts have missed. As Chinese generals were trained in Marxist-Leninist schools and shared the same philosophy as Soviet generals, there is a common strategic mindset at work in China and Russia. These people do not think like American generals. “To achieve victory in a future war,” their guiding text says, “it will not be sufficient to have nuclear weapons … [but] it will also be necessary that the ground forces be able to move rapidly into regions which have been subjected to nuclear strikes. Only when this problem is solved will it be possible to speak of the effective exploitation of nuclear strikes by tanks and infantry in conclusively defeating the enemy, or of carrying out extensive maneuvers and decisive advances in depth.”

Think of it this way: bombs cannot take over a country. Only soldiers can do that. The real question is: How would you get Chinese soldiers into the United States in the opening days of a war? There are at least three scenarios: (1) you could move military personnel by ship to prepared enclaves in Mexico on the eve of war; (2) you could move military personnel by ship toward American ports; (3) you could fly troops to specially prepared airfields.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:05 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:29 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:14 pm

The weirdest thing about this is that people didn't see the writing on the wall, or just closed their eyes and hoped. I have come to realize that most are like this and it's something like 90%+, which is sad. Even though obvious collapse hasn't happened, it's quite clear already that if you didn't plan to get out with flexibility or made dumb decisions to buy recently or NOT sell, you are locked in to a shit show.
The idea of getting out with flexibility is concerning me much more now. Transportation won't be easy or safe. We have the handicap of not actually knowing beforehand when it's too late, and flexibility is lost, together with greatly increased danger and difficulty of transportation.
I personally think this coming year (2022) will be real bad for Americans and what they are used to, lifestyle wise. I could be wrong and it gets put off til 2024-25, but by then I also believe something pretty darn huge hits - and I'm a constant thinker and skeptic of many on this site that say big things will happen, because I look at things stochastically.
Why exactly will 2022 be bad? What are your predictions?

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Societal collapse

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:55 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:05 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Wed Dec 15, 2021 1:29 am

The idea of getting out with flexibility is concerning me much more now. Transportation won't be easy or safe. We have the handicap of not actually knowing beforehand when it's too late, and flexibility is lost, together with greatly increased danger and difficulty of transportation.
I personally think this coming year (2022) will be real bad for Americans and what they are used to, lifestyle wise. I could be wrong and it gets put off til 2024-25, but by then I also believe something pretty darn huge hits - and I'm a constant thinker and skeptic of many on this site that say big things will happen, because I look at things stochastically.
Why exactly will 2022 be bad? What are your predictions?
For the final time, and as Mr. Xenakis has stated and confirmed, I won't be responding to any questions from "Guest." Not only can we not actually have a conversation, the request here is for the sole motive of asking someone to do something that is hard, and when it doesn't happen, the post is brought up and mocking starts. When it does happen, the Guest disappears and no credit is given. I know this game, I'm not as stupid as you are, "Guest."

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Societal collapse

Post by John »

** 16-Dec-2021 World View: Predictions
Guest wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:55 am
> Why exactly will 2022 be bad? What are your predictions?
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:02 pm
> For the final time, and as Mr. Xenakis has stated and
> confirmed, I won't be responding to any questions from "Guest."
> Not only can we not actually have a conversation, the request here
> is for the sole motive of asking someone to do something that is
> hard, and when it doesn't happen, the post is brought up and
> mocking starts. When it does happen, the Guest disappears and no
> credit is given. I know this game, I'm not as stupid as you are,
> "Guest."
Don't blame this on me. I've answered lots of questions from guests.
This is all on you.

Why exactly will 2022 be bad? What are your predictions?


Re: Societal collapse

Post by Guest »

Are you for real? I asked for a prediction. I don't expect magic, just analysis. I didn't ask the question to argue over it.
I will leave the question on the table. There are others here who can answer.

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by FullMoon »

Let's make it easy. Just one "thing" that will happen.
There's been so many these past 2 years. And tons of black swans out there. Maybe name a few and you'll only need one to be right.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
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Re: Societal collapse

Post by Cool Breeze »

There's no problem I have, as you all know, in making predictions. I just find the guests disingenuous, among other things. I have made predictions that are right and usually I don't get credit for them. But that's ok.

A generic one for the coming months is that the Fed will try to "raise rates" as they say, they'll do it to a very small degree, and then when they see the backlash in the markets, they'll make something up why they can't or won't any longer; it'll be quite amusing.

Posts: 11485
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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Societal collapse

Post by John »

** 16-Dec-2021 World View: 2022: Bad or Amusing?
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:30 pm
> There's no problem I have, as you all know, in making
> predictions. I just find the guests disingenuous, among other
> things. I have made predictions that are right and usually I don't
> get credit for them. But that's ok.

> A generic one for the coming months is that the Fed will try to
> "raise rates" as they say, they'll do it to a very small degree,
> and then when they see the backlash in the markets, they'll make
> something up why they can't or won't any longer; it'll be quite
> amusing.
No, I do NOT "know" that. To the contrary, what I "know" is that
you're very evasive about answering questions, while demanding that
others give detailed answers.

In this case, you've given a really silly "generic" (i.e., "evasive")
answer. Let's recall what the question is:

> Why exactly will 2022 be bad? What are your predictions?

This was in response to your claim that 2022 would be "bad." But now
you seem to be flip-flopping and saying that 2022 would merely be
"amusing." Have you changed your mind? Which is it? Will 2022 be
"bad" or "amusing"? And if it's still "bad," then what are the
details - since, as we "all" know, you have no problem making
predictions. Why exactly will 2022 be bad?

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Re: Societal collapse

Post by Navigator »

Since this thread is about societal collapse, I will put in a prediction here.

There are still too many good people with good values around.

World War Three will change this. A lot, an awful lot, of good people will die as they defend freedom and democracy. We will lose the best of the current military age demographic.

After WW3, the country will become quite divided. Much more so that currently. Plus, people will be incensed that the government can no longer rain down money on them.

The result will be an explosion of the "victim" culture and blaming everyone else. It will become combative. And by that I mean people shooting each other.

I think most of the world will degenerate this way.

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