Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 09-Sep-2021 World View: Biden's speech

In eight months, Biden has already damaged the United States of
America much more than anyone thought possible. After each disaster,
the Democrats hope that the public will soon forget, and everything
can go back to normal. However, with Biden, there's always a new
disaster. Biden's speech today was a huge disaster. All it does is
spew hatred targeting his political enemies, and proves once again
that either Biden has no clue what's going on or else that he's
purposely getting revenge for the Democrats' losing the Civil War.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by thinker »

The world is really insane these days, never in a million years did I think I would agree with Soros. I think Soros sees that the CCP and there backers are not going to share power with him as well as most of the useful idiots. Eventually there are going to be a lot of people surprised when their usefulness runs out. As far as Biden's speech, the people behind the puppet seem hell bent on starting a civil war. Yesterday I saw a poll that had his approval rating down to 39%, I think after this disaster of a speech and what he laid out as his plan it will drop below 30%.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

FullMoon wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 8:27 pm
There are some who contend Soros is a 'globalist' and China is having nothing to do with it.
Yes, there are some people out there who believe that China is the good guy because it’s a counterbalance to “globalist America.” Those people scare me, to say the least.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Unidentified »

DaKardii wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:18 pm
FullMoon wrote:
Thu Sep 09, 2021 8:27 pm
There are some who contend Soros is a 'globalist' and China is having nothing to do with it.
Yes, there are some people out there who believe that China is the good guy because it’s a counterbalance to “globalist America.” Those people scare me, to say the least.
You go which ever way the wind blows too.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Unidentified wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:11 pm
You go which ever way the wind blows too.
No, I don't. I may be highly suspicious of our own government, and I may even suspect that it's the true culprit behind COVID. But I have no illusions about China.

I know China is a bad guy. I don't praise its government. I don't root for it to attack American allies. And I especially don't go off on a tangent about how Chinese Communism is an ideal system just because it is both anti-Washington and highly nationalistic. But the people I described in my previous post? They do ALL of those things. Relentlessly.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:38 am
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 9:46 am
DaKardii wrote:
Wed Sep 08, 2021 8:26 am
As Taliban Claim Victory In Panjshir, Iran Slams Pakistan Military's Role

This is a turning point. With the Taliban back in control of Afghanistan, Iran is now resetting its foreign policy concerning that region to what it was pre-9/11. This means becoming enemies with Pakistan and allies with India.

Such a reset will have enormous consequences for the existing regional alliances. Once Iran becomes an enemy of Pakistan and an ally of India, it will also become an enemy of China. This in turn will result in the Sunni Arab countries (and possibly Israel and Turkey) allying with China, while also contributing to the inevitable Sino-Russian split.

What will this mean for the US? Potentially, very big trouble. If the Sunni Arab countries (especially the Gulf Monarchies) drift into China's orbit, that would pose a serious threat to the petrodollar, and by extension the stability of the US economy. The US has demonstrated multiple times in the past that it is willing to go to war to protect the petrodollar, so any Chinese attempts to destabilize it could lead directly to a Sino-American war. ... tarys-role
I can see this happening. As usual, though, you overestimate the importance of the "petrodollar."

What will happen if the US is unable to go to war to preserve the petrodollar and oil is sold in some other currency or gold instead of dollars? The world just goes on as it is?
Yes, because as I've told DaK before, it's only 7% of world GDP. The secondary considerations from it that may be associated (general siphoning of power from the USA) may present the basis for greater problems, but the petrodollar in itself is essentially a non issue.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by FullMoon »

He who controls the oil... Money = power = money

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Sep-2021 World View: Kamala Harris vs Joe Biden

I've stated several times that if Joe Biden steps down, then the next
two in line - Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi -- are just as
incompetent as Biden.

That's true in a sense, but this morning as I listened to Kamala
Harris's speech I realized that I was also wrong.

Harris gave an airhead speech about the unity in the country following
9/11/2001. She couldn't help herself from making some snarky
accusations about discrimination against Muslims and Sikhs, but those
were brief. She uttered empty words that said that just as the
country was unified then, unity is important today. It was a mindless
speech saying almost nothing.

But I contrast it to the speeches and statements given by Joe Biden
the last two days on Covid. It's not just that he's mandating that
everyone must be vaccinated, though that has a lot of problems. It's
how he did it. He spoke endlessly about the "an epidemic of the
unvaccinated," by which me meant Republicans, and he criticized the
"cavalier attitudes" of Republican governors who, he said, didn't care
about the deaths of children.

I was particularly struck by the tone of this speech. After the
Afghanistan debacle, Biden's handlers could have fashioned a speech
that was uplifting and unifying. This was a unique opportunity to do
that. Instead, what he said indicated a desire to further divide the
country and destroy it. Biden's presidency will never be "normal,"
because Biden himself will use every opportunity to destroy the

There's a certain irony that a large segment of the unvaccinated are
blacks. Blacks are very suspicious of the vaccines because last year,
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris said loudly and repeatedly that they
didn't trust the vaccine and that it was dangerous because it was a
"Trump vaccine." Andrew Cuomo actually said that the development of
vaccine was "bad news" because it had been developed during the Trump
administration. So blacks are "unvaccinated" that Biden is talking
about, more than Republicans.

So while Harris's speech was a weak attempt to unify the country,
Biden's statements were the next in his evil attempts to sow hatred
and divisiveness, and to destroy the country.

As a child, Joe Biden grew up the same Democrat party culture that
fought to destroy America during the Civil War, and which had sought
revenge by creating the KKK and the Jim Crow laws. Biden's mentor
was Senator Robert Byrd, who had been a Grand Wizard in the KKK.

Now, Joe Biden is in office, and he has adopted one policy after
another to sabotage the United States. These include: open the
border, flood the country with illegal immigrants from 170 countries,
flood the country with Chinese fentanyl and meth, open the prisons,
let violent criminals out of jail, defund the police, destroy black
families, encourage the murder of thousands of young black men by
other black men in Democrat-run cities, close the Keystone pipeline
and then beg Saudi Arabia for more oil, destroy America's energy
independence, teach racial hatred in school (critical race theory),
censor political opposition, pay people not to work, etc. These
policies were capped by his disastrous policies in Afghanistan,
withdrawing the army and allowing thousands of Americans and billions
of dollars in advanced weapons to fall into the hands of our enemy.
These were all intentional acts with intentional consequences with the
objective of reversing the Civil War outcome and destroying the

I've written thousands of articles about all sorts of historical
events, and I know what evil is, because I've seen it over and over,
and I know what fanatics are like, and Biden is definitely a fanatic
and Biden is definitely evil.

So I now see Biden as an evil fanatic pushing the country to disaster,
as a protagonist in a Greek tragedy, who through his own nature pushes
to a climactic catastrophe. There's no doubt in my mind that Biden is
an evil force in what would be a Greek tragedy, but it remains to be
seen whether the climactic catastrophe will be personal, or will be of
the entire country, which is what AOC and many other Democrats want.
I've also seen people on line who follow Joe Biden in his evil and
fanaticism. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of evil and
fanaticism in the world today.

So I've said in the past that if Biden steps down, or is impeached, or
is forced out of office, then Kamala Harris will be just as bad. I'm
now saying that I was wrong about that.

What I'm saying now is that Kamala Harris is a clueless airhead, but
that's MUCH better than the evil hatred and fanaticism of Joe Biden.

And who knows? Maybe Harris will grow into the job and be a decent
president. But she will never be as bad or evil as Joe Biden.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Never. Forget.


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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

God Bless America.

In spite of the evil our leaders have done, God Bless America.

For America is not defined by its leaders, but by its people. And those people may stand strong and move for national redemption yet.

God Bless America.

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