Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Why Trump supporters believe the election was stolen

The Democrats are always expressing faux outrage and astonishment and
ridicule that tens of millions of Trump supporters believe that the
2020 election was rigged, and stolen from Trump by the Democrats.

On his show on Friday night, Tucker Carlson read an entire long essay
in the form of a twitter thread explaining why Trump supporters
believe the election was stolen. The twitter feed was from Darryl
Cooper (@MartyrMade).

What's interesting about this essay is that it shows an evolution of
thought, from believing that the Democrats and the media would treat
Trump fairly to believing that they would do anything, no matter how
illegal or disastrous, to regain power from Trump. In the end, Cooper
suggests that if Trump had won the election, they might have had him

It's well worthwhile to take a few minutes to read through Cooper's
entire essay:
> "I think I’ve had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier
> Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to
> extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the
> perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and
> probably even Trump himself. 1/x

> Most believe some or all of the theories involving midnight
> ballots, voting machines, etc, but what you find when you talk to
> them is that, while they’ll defend those positions w/info they got
> from Hannity or Breitbart or whatever, they’re not particularly
> attached to them. 2/x

> Here are the facts – actual, confirmed facts – that shape their
> perspective: 1) The FBI/etc spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using
> evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign. We now know that
> all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan’s July 2016
> memo, etc). 3/x

> These are Tea Party people. The types who give their kids a pocket
> Constitution for their birthday and have Founding Fathers memes in
> their bios. The intel community spying on a presidential campaign
> using fake evidence (incl forged documents) is a big deal to
> them. 4/x

> Everyone involved lied about their involvement as long as they
> could. We only learned the DNC paid for the manufactured evidence
> because of a court order. Comey denied on TV knowing the DNC paid
> for it, when we have emails from a year earlier proving that he
> knew. 5/x

> This was true with everyone, from CIA Dir Brennan & Adam Schiff –
> who were on TV saying they’d seen clear evidence of collusion
> w/Russia, while admitting under oath behind closed doors that they
> hadn’t – all the way down the line. In the end we learned that it
> was ALL fake. 6/x

> At first, many Trump ppl were worried there must be some
> collusion, because every media & intel agency wouldn’t make it up
> out of nothing. When it was clear that they had made it up,
> people expected a reckoning, and shed many illusions about their
> gov’t when it didn’t happen. 7/x

> We know as fact: a) The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used
> to justify spying on the Trump campaign, b) The FBI knew the
> Steele dossier was a DNC op, c) Steele’s source told the FBI the
> info was unserious, d) they did not inform the court of any of
> this and kept spying. 8/x

> Trump supporters know the collusion case front and back. They went
> from worrying the collusion must be real, to suspecting it might
> be fake, to realizing it was a scam, then watched as every
> institution – agencies, the press, Congress, academia – gaslit
> them for another year. 9/x

> Worse, collusion was used to scare people away from working in the
> administration. They knew their entire lives would be
> investigated. Many quit because they were being bankrupted by
> legal fees. The DoJ, press, & gov’t destroyed lives and actively
> subverted an elected admin. 10/x

> This is where people whose political identity was largely defined
> by a naive belief in what they learned in Civics class began to
> see the outline of a Regime that crossed all institutional
> boundaries. Because it had stepped out of the shadows to unite
> against an interloper. 11/x

> GOP propaganda still has many of them thinking in terms of
> partisan binaries, but A LOT of Trump supporters see that the
> Regime is not partisan. They all know that the same institutions
> would have taken opposite sides if it was a Tulsi Gabbard vs Jeb
> Bush election. 12/x

> It’s hard to describe to people on the left (who are used to
> thinking of gov’t as a conspiracy ... Watergate, COINTELPRO, WMD,
> etc) how shocking & disillusioning this was for people who
> encourage their sons to enlist in the Army, and hate ppl who don’t
> stand for the Anthem. 13/x

> They could have managed the shock if it only involved the
> government. But the behavior of the corporate press is really
> what radicalized them. They hate journalists more than they hate
> any politician or gov’t official, because they feel most betrayed
> by them. 14/x

> The idea that the press is driven by ratings/sensationalism became
> untenable. If that were true, they’d be all over the Epstein
> story. The corporate press is the propaganda arm of the Regime
> they now see in outline. Nothing anyone says will ever make them
> unsee that, period. 15/x

> This is profoundly disorienting. Many of them don’t know for
> certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020, but they know
> for absolute certain that the press, the FBI, etc would lie to
> them if there was. They have every reason to believe that, and
> it’s probably true. 16/x

> They watched the press behave like animals for four years. Tens of
> millions of people will always see Kavanaugh as a gang rapist,
> based on nothing, because of CNN. And CNN seems proud of
> that. They led a lynch mob against a high school kid. They cheered
> on a summer of riots. 17/x

> They always claimed the media had liberal bias, fine,
> whatever. They still thought the press would admit truth if they
> were cornered. Now they don’t. It’s a different thing to watch
> them invent stories whole cloth in order to destroy regular lives
> and spark mass violence. 18/x

> Time Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly
> conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests,
> the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who
> framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color
> revolution. 19/x

> Throughout the summer, Democrat governors took advantage of COVID
> to change voting procedures. It wasn’t just the mail-ins (they
> lowered signature matching standards, etc). After the collusion
> scam, the fake impeachment, Trump ppl expected shenanigans by
> now. 20/x

> Re: “fake impeachment”, we now know that Trump’s request for
> Ukraine to cooperate w/the DOJ regarding Biden’s $ activities in
> Ukraine was in support of an active investigation being pursued by
> the FBI and Ukraine AG at the time, and so a completely legitimate
> request. 21/x

> Then you get the Hunter laptop scandal. Big Tech ran a full-on
> censorship campaign against a major newspaper to protect a
> political candidate. Period. Everyone knows it, all of the Tech
> companies now admit it was a “mistake” – but, ya know, the
> election’s over, so who cares? 22/x

> Goes w/o saying, but: If the NY Times had Don Jr’s laptop, full of
> pics of him smoking crack and engaging in group sex, lots of lurid
> family drama, emails describing direct corruption and backed up by
> the CEO of the company they were using, the NYT wouldn’t have been
> banned. 23/x

> Think back: Stories about Trump being pissed on by Russian
> prostitutes and blackmailed by Putin were promoted as fact, and
> the only evidence was a document paid for by his opposition and
> disavowed by its source. The NY Post was banned for reporting on
> true information. 24/x

> The reaction of Trump ppl to all this was not, “no fair!” That’s
> how they felt about Romney’s “binders of women” in 2012. This is
> different. Now they see, correctly, that every institution is
> captured by ppl who will use any means to exclude them from the
> political process. 25/x

> And yet they showed up in record numbers to vote. He got 13m more
> votes than in 2016, 10m more than Clinton got! As election night
> dragged on, they allowed themselves some hope. But when the four
> critical swing states (and only those states) went dark at
> midnight, they knew. 26/x

> Over the ensuing weeks, they got shuffled around by grifters and
> media scam artists selling them conspiracy theories. They latched
> onto one, then another increasingly absurd theory as they tried to
> put a concrete name on something very real. 27/x

> Media & Tech did everything to make things worse. Everything about
> the election was strange – the changes to procedure, unprecedented
> mail-in voting, the delays, etc – but rather than admit that and
> make everything transparent, they banned discussion of it (even in
> DMs!). 28/x

> Everyone knows that, just as Don Jr’s laptop would’ve been the
> story of the century, if everything about the election dispute was
> the same, except the parties were reversed, suspicions about the
> outcome would’ve been Taken Very Seriously. See 2016 for
> proof. 29/x

> Even the courts’ refusal of the case gets nowhere w/them, because
> of how the opposition embraced mass political violence. They’ll
> say, w/good reason: What judge will stick his neck out for Trump
> knowing he’ll be destroyed in the media as a violent mob burns
> down his house? 30/x

> It’s a fact, according to Time Magazine, that mass riots were
> planned in cities across the country if Trump won. Sure, they were
> “protests”, but they were planned by the same people as during the
> summer, and everyone knows what it would have meant. Judges have
> families, too. 31/x

> Forget the ballot conspiracies. It’s a fact that governors used
> COVID to unconstitutionally alter election procedures (the
> Constitution states that only legislatures can do so) to help
> Biden to make up for a massive enthusiasm gap by gaming the
> mail-in ballot system. 32/x

> They knew it was unconstitutional, it’s right there in plain
> English. But they knew the cases wouldn’t see court until after
> the election. And what judge will toss millions of ballots
> because a governor broke the rules? The threat of mass riots
> wasn’t implied, it was direct. 33/x

> a) The entrenched bureaucracy & security state subverted Trump
> from Day 1, b) The press is part of the operation, c) Election
> rules were changed, d) Big Tech censors opposition, e) Political
> violence is legitimized & encouraged, f) Trump is banned from
> social media. 34/x

> They were led down some rabbit holes, but they are absolutely
> right that their gov’t is monopolized by a Regime that believes
> they are beneath representation, and will observe no limits to
> keep them getting it. Trump fans should be happy he lost; it
> might’ve kept him alive. /end"

-- Darryl Cooper @MartyrMade / Must-Read Twitter Thread: Here’s Why We
KNOW the 2020 Election Was Stolen ... as-stolen/
(Noq Report, 9-Jul-2021)

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Shocks of understanding

The evolution of thought described by Darryl Cooper almost exactly
describes my own changing thought process, as I've become increasingly
astonished and depressed by the actions of the Democrats in creating a
Stalinist Fascist regime that is now trying to control every aspect of
America -- how we govern, how we think, what we read, what we're
allowed to say, and so forth.

I'd like to add to Darryl Cooper's timeline by listing some of the
events that were the greatest shocks to me. I've written about these
many times, so there's nothing really new here, but I'm collecting
them here in one place.
  • The accusations that Trump was somehow being controlled by
    Putin was obviously idiotic form day one, and yet the Democrats
    launched a probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate it,
    with the intention of using it to impeach Trump. After three years,
    involving two dozen Trump-hating lawyers, the Mueller probe came up
    with nothing, which REALLY pissed the Democrats off. For me
    personally, the most amazing thing was that Trump survived this
    massive investigation of his entire life, proving that he was the most
    honest and uncorrupted politician in American history.
  • One shock occurred during Trump's 2018 State of the Union address,
    when he announced the lowest black unemployment rate in history.
    Everyone in the country was cheering, but not the Congressional Black

    • Congressional Black Caucus as everyone else was cheering Trump's announcement of low black unemployment rates

    That's when I realized that the Congressional Black Caucus were just a
    bunch of house slaves that were only allowed to think and say what
    White Master asshole Pelosi ordered them to think and say.
  • The 2019 Ukraine impeachment hearings were a complete shock to me,
    since I previously could not have believed something so horrible could
    happen in America. Led by shithead Adam Schiff, the whole "trial" was
    a farce. Schiff even manufactured a document, a letter from Trump to
    Ukraine's president, that showed that Trump was a criminal. Trump was
    able to produce the real letter, but, incredibly, proving that Schiff
    had lied made no difference. Schiff just ignored that and went on to
    the next lie. When I say it was a major shock to me, I'm not
    exaggerating, since I never believed that something like that could
    happen in America.
  • The most bizarre shock came because I actually watched the
    hearings, something that probably no one else reading this did, so I
    know what actually happened. I actually watched the hearings, working
    at my desk with the tv on, and I know that every bit of testimony was
    completely refuted by Republican cross-examination. But then every
    single news report lied about it, saying something like "Today,
    Ambassador X gave explosive testimony that Trump withheld aid from
    Ukraine until Ukraine started investigating Joe and Hunter Biden." In
    fact, all the news reports used the same words, indicating that they
    were all reading the same press releases from Adam Schiff and the
    Democrats. But since I had seen every hearing, I knew that this was
    simply a lie. Particularly shocking was that the BBC knowingly
    repeated the same lie, because they receive a lot of funding from NPR
    and the Democrats.
  • One thing I found particularly shocking was the role that violence
    and threats of violence played a major role in impeachment hearings.
    The Democrats' star witness Gordon Sondland was forced to change his
    testimony. That occurred because Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl
    Blumenauer and other Democrats called on anti-Trump activists to
    attack Sondland's businesses. Sondland was forced to change his
    testimony to support the Democrats because his businesses and family
    were being threatened with violence, riots and demonstrations, after
    Democrats led by Adam Schiff called on the rioters to threaten
    Sondland. But even so, Sondland was forced to back down under
    Republican cross-examination. So at the end, not a single witness
    supported the Democrats' charges. Not a single one. I knew that
    because I had watched the hearings.

    *** 03-Dec-2019 World View: Civil war and impeachment hearings
    *** viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5168&p=48678#p48678

    *** 14-Dec-2019 World View: Impeachment and violence
    *** viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5168&p=48827#p48827
  • Readers should be aware that the Democrats are using violence
    and threats of violence everywhere possible. As Darryl Cooper points
    out, no judge is going to risk his life and the lives of his family
    by ruling against the Democrats. That's why so many judges
    just threw up their hands and dismissed the election fraud cases
    on a technicality.
  • The whole Democrat censorship regime was also a complete shock
    to me. The Ukraine hearings proved that the mainstream media
    would say whatever shithead Schiff told them to say. When Trump
    and other Republicans were blocked from social media, it was
    clear that something really evil was going on. The real tipping
    point came when Amazon, with a flip of a switch, was able
    to shut down, an online social media service with
    millions of members, but they did. Overnight. With no serious
    explanation. That's when I wrote

    ** 12-Jan-21 World View -- America and the standard Genocide Playbook
    ** ... tm#e210112

    where I wrote, "I never never thought I'd see the Genocide Playbook
    being used in America. This is the darkest time for America in my
  • The darkness in America has only gotten worse since then. There
    have been many new "shocks," but they aren't really shocks anymore
    since we've gotten used to the bad news. There is increasing evidence
    that the January 6 "insurrection" was staged by the Democrats. The
    only person killed was an innocent Trump supporter, Ashli Babbit. Her
    murder by a member of the Capitol police is being massively covered up
    by the Democrats. Beyond that, the Democrats are holding dozens of
    innocent protesters in jail, in solitary confinement, for months, with
    no charges or trials. This is what happens in China, and it's clear
    that the Democrats are increasingly emulating the Chinese Communists
    in many ways.

    I recently wrote about a BBC podcast, an investigation into
    the Democrats' horrific treatment of children at the southern border.

    *** 04-Jul-2021 World View: BBC Investigation into horrific treatment of children at southern border
    *** viewtopic.php?p=62349#p62349


    Listening to this podcast is sickening. She talks about hundreds of
    girls being forcibly packed together and locked up in a tent because
    they all have lice. That's just the start. Sexual assault is common,
    and covid is widespread.

    I would like to say that this was shocking, but nothing about the
    Democrats is shocking anymore. The Democrats are recreating the KKK
    by other means, by adopting policies that result in the murders of
    thousands of blacks on the streets of Chicago and other Democrat-run
    cities. The Democrats were freely lynching blacks a century ago, and
    now they're doing it in a different way. And the George Soros-funded
    Democrats have also adopted policies to do everything possible to
    destroy the US Constitutional form of Federal government, just as they
    tried to do during the American Civil War. The Democrats are still
    extremely pissed off that they lost the Civil War and the slaves were
    freed by Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans, and destroying the
    United States government is their way of getting revenge for the Civil

    There is no excuse for the Democrats. Everything they do is
    sickening, but nothing they do is shocking or surprising any more.
    They are as vicious and evil as the Nazis, the Soviets, the Chinese
    Communists, and any other horrific regime you can think of.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Union of Concerned Scientists on appeasing the Chinese Communists

The left-wing Union of Concerned Scientists has sent a letter to Biden
advising him, in the name of "science," to adopt a policy of
appeasement of the Chinese Communists, and ignore China's crimes and
just cooperate with them on climate change.

We already know from the entire Covid-19 crisis, that so-called
"scientists" in the Democrat party are nothing more than cheap whores
who will say anything for money, and will do as commanded by Nancy
Pelosi and the Democrats, and call whatever they say "science."

Here are some excerpts from the letter:
> "We, the undersigned organizations, call on the Biden
> administration and all members of Congress to eschew the dominant
> antagonistic approach to U.S.-China relations and instead
> prioritize multilateralism, diplomacy, and cooperation with China
> to address the existential threat that is the climate crisis.

> The escalating, bipartisan anti-China rhetoric in both Congress
> and the White House damages the diplomatic and political
> relationships needed to move forward boldly and cooperatively. It
> also bolsters racist, right-wing movements in the United States,
> fuels violence against people of East and Southeast Asian descent,
> paves the way for higher U.S. military spending, and, critically,
> does nothing to actually support the wellbeing of everyday people
> in either China or the United States.

> Like the pandemic and so many of our most urgent crises, climate
> change has no nationalistic solutions. To combat the climate
> crisis and build a global economy that works for everyday working
> people — in the U.S. and China alike — we must shift from
> competition to cooperation."
I've written about the climate change hoax many times, but in
retrospect one of the most interesting and relevant aspects was the
hacking and release of thousands of e-mail messages from climate
"scientists" from 1996 to 2009. The messages were hacked from a
database at East Anglia University, a center for climate change
"research." The hacked e-mail messages showed a pattern of deception
and fraud by climate "scientists." The scientists urge one another to
smooth over data and hide unfavorable data, to enforce a unified view,
and to blackball scientists with opposing views. They've certainly
done that, as anyone who questions the climate change religion can
immediately lose his job.

But the most relevant point that I wrote about at the time is that in
the thousands of hacked e-mail messages, not a single one contains the
word "Singularity." The Singularity is the point in time when
computers become more intelligent than humans. I've predicted that
this will happen in the 2030s. The Singularity completely destroys
the "scientific" climate change narrative. Not everybody believes
that the Singularity is coming, or that it is coming soon, but enough
people believe it so that between 1996 and 2009, one of these
so-called "scientists" should have said something like, "Hey guys,
what about the Singularity?" It's clear that the "cancel culture" was
heavily in place even then, and a scientist could be "canceled" for
questioning the official narrative in any way, including even using
the word "Singularity."

So now we have a similar collection of left-wing "scientist" whores
telling us that we'd better just do as the Chinese Communists say, and
just ignore their torture, beating, rape, and enslavement of millions
of Uighurs.

Not every Democrat agrees with this, of course, but there are enough
Soros-funded Democrats who would like to destroy the US Constitutional
federal form of government, and this is one way to do it. Democrats
are pretty stupid but, fortunately, even most Democrats aren't this

** Climate Change conference in Copenhagen is all about getting green -- money
** ... tm#e091214

-- Biden’s new Cold War with China will result in climate collapse,
progressives warn ... ves-498588
(Politico, 7-Jul-2021)

-- [Union Of Concerned Scientists -- prioritize Climate change over
China] ... is-129.pdf
(, 7-Jul-2021)

-- [Pelosi letter -- prioritize Climate change over China] ... Letter.pdf
(Quincy, 7-Jul-2021)

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Jul-2021 World View: The Possibility of Sabotage by the Democrats

If you've read my book on Vietnam, then you know that I researched it
for many months, and used over 200 references, including several dozen
entire books. This was necessary not only because Vietnam's history
is complicated, much more complicated than China's, but also because
of the Vietnam War.

The war effort was sabotaged by two obviously disastrous decisions by
JFK -- agreeing to make Laos neutral, and ousting Ngo Dinh Diem,
leading to his assassination. Even Ho Chi Minh was quoted as saying
that he couldn't believe that the Americans could be so stupid, given
that Diem was the strongest anti-Communist leader available.

These two decisions sabotaged the war effort, and it was obvious at
the time the decisions were made that they would sabotage the war
effort. So the only real question is motivation. Why did JFK want to
lose the war to the North Vietnamese Communists?

I didn't really speculate on JFK's motive in the book, except to say
that perhaps Kennedy was too young to be president, and too confused
by conflicting advice from his advisors, who were twenty years older
than he was. Maybe the actual motive was related to the fact that in
1960 the KKK was still active, lynching blacks, and the Democrats were
still furious that they had lost the Civil War.

But whatever the motive, the inescapable conclusion was that JFK
sabotaged the war effort, and made sure that the Americans and South
Vietnamese would lose, and that the winners would be the North
Vietnamese, the Soviet Union, and the American Communist Party

So the speculation is that some elements of the Democrat Party will do
everything possible to appease the Chinese Communists and do
everything possible to sabotage any confrontation. This would
include, I assume, allowing China to annex Taiwan without a struggle.

Many Democrats are financially compromised by the Chinese Communists.
Eric Swalwell, who slept with an extremely hot Chinese Communist spy,
is a poster child, along with Hunter Biden, Anthony Fauci, and many
other Democrats, who are targeted by China's bribery and extortion
policies, and so have to do as they're told. Democrats rarely
criticize the Chinese Communists for enslaving millions of Uighurs,
because they'd lose their funding if they did, and because they want
to emulate the Chinese by re-enslaving the blacks.

And now we have that ridiculous letter from the Union of Concerned
Scientists that I wrote about in my last posting.

This would be a big mistake for the Democrats. When I was working for
IBM several decades ago, there were constant stories and rumors that
IBM had helped the Nazis by selling them card processing equipment to
keep track of the Jews.

The Democrats will already be remembered in history for their
Stalinist Fascist censorship regime, and they will be smeared much
more if they appease the Chinese Communists and sabotage the United

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: Vietnam, Buddhism, and the Vietnam War:
How Vietnam became an economic powerhouse after the Vietnam War"
(Generational Theory Book Series, Book 4), March 2021
Paperback: 325 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99 ... 732738645/

John Xenakis is author of: "World View: War Between China and Japan:
Why America Must Be Prepared" (Generational Theory Book Series, Book
2), June 2019
Paperback: 331 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99 ... 732738637/

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 10-Jul-2021 World View: Latest news about election audits

The Democrats and the mainstream media think that we're all so stupid
that we'll never be able to prove the massive fraud in the 2020

There are several election audits going on. They take a lot of time
since they require forensic analysis of millions of votes. Results
are expected this fall.

In the meantime, here's some of the latest news on the election

-- A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of
Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try ... ry-n408164

-- New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020
Results ... 0-results/
(Federalist, 10-Jul-2021)

According to the latest Rasmussen poll, the number of people who believe
that the election was rigged is increasing:

Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll

Jul 2 "How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020
presidential election?"

Very or Somewhat Likely-
White - 51%
Black - 49%
Oth Non-White - 56%
Dem - 30%
Unaffil - 51%
GOP - 74%
All Voters - 51% ... 8189217792

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Prior to his murder, Jamal Khashoggi offered to help 9/11 victims suing Saudi Arabia ... 18080.html

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jul-2021 World View: Afghanistan
pbrower2a wrote: > As a totalitarian movement, much like Commies and fascists, the
> Taliban takeover of Afghanistan will be a humanitarian
> crisis. Watch for incoming... refugees. I see no reason to believe
> that the "new" Taliban will be any more pleasant than the "old"
> Taliban.

> Why couldn't the superpowers of the time (the USA and the Soviet
> Union) have left Afghanistan alone?
For centuries, Afghanistan has been like an exotic woman that says,
"Take me, and I'll make you powerful and wealthy." So she's so
exotic, and she's so willing, and you imagine all the riches and power
and wealth that you'll have, and so you take her. And while you're
inside her, she pulls out a knife from under the mattress and plunges
it into you.

As you have blood pouring out of you, you stagger to the door of
her bedroom, and when you open the door, she shouts out into
the hallway: "Next!"

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by spottybrowncow »

Is this real? Is it even clear that this is legal? If it is, then the dem's are well on their way to having their own private gestapo. ... ry-n407371

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jul-2021 World View: Gestapo
spottybrowncow wrote:
Sun Jul 11, 2021 2:40 pm
> Is this real? Is it even clear that this is legal? If it is, then
> the dem's are well on their way to having their own private
> gestapo.

> ... ry-n407371
Yes it's real. Whether it's legal is irrelevant for now, since the
Democrat Regime does what it wants.

The "progressive" agenda is that the functions that are now performed
by the 50 states -- policing, taxing, employment, housing, etc. --
should all be managed and controlled by Washington and, in time, by
the United Nations on a global basis, thanks to the "Great Reset."

Deploying the Capitol police across the country is a step in that
direction, but opposition is growing to the "progressive" agenda.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

DaKardii wrote:
Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:23 pm
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Jul 07, 2021 6:02 pm
Democracies don't work. Republics might even be worse.
What alternative do you propose, CB?
Christian Monarchy (Emperor)

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