Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

Bob Butler wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:11 pm
JCP wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:54 pm
I do not see BLM as advocating violence.
Then you are blind.
Hardly. BLM is working towards their goal by using the Information Age method of changing cultures: non violence, protest and legislation. It is the tag along groups on the edge of the protests that are instigating violence: the Boogaloo Bois, looters, Proud Boys, secret police, bad cops, Wolverine Watchmen, etc... They are all into tribal thinking, dividing the world between us and them, forming a healthy xenophobia against them, then using violence to gain an advantage.

Over the summer there was a Trump push for supposed law and order while at the same time supporting the groups that instigated violence. Isn't it ironic that after the capitol riots it is the Democrats that are calling for law and order?

Again, I can't prevent internet warriors from in their heads scrambling around the motives and methods of the various groups. All I can do is call them out when they do it.

Consider yourself called out.
People lime you are either liars or self-deluded morons. Somehow I think you are a bit of both. Your self righteous smugness leaks out of your posts. Do you really believe it was "Secret police" and the white supremists groups secretly behind the violence last summer? Really?

I remember 4 years ago when black people were crying on the BBC about Trump being the next Hitler--never happened. However, what I am seeing today in America is beyond belief. We are facing the end of freedom of speech, assembly, thought, and eventually life itself.

What is life expectancy in Zimbabwe now? 34? Probably less than that. What was it in Rhodesia? 78? And that's with massive amounts of money from China. America will be Zimbabwe without food aid and loan sharks from China. I expect life expectancy to be 15 soon. Butler will die in the liberal cogs of the leftists machine first. That's always the fate of useful idiots.

Consider yourself warned.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

What's the deal with WhatsApp? They can legally take ALL of your data from your phone and computer if you use their service? I guess now that Biden is in power they have been let loose on the American people.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 12:24 am
** 09-Jan-2021 World View: Trump admin lifts restrictions on contacts with Taiwan

From the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong):

Pompeo calls restrictions on official contacts with Taiwan ‘null and void’, in swipe at Beijing

Pompeo’s order allows US government to conduct official engagements
with Taipei through the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)

The non-profit AIT has traditionally played a low-key role to avoid
disputes with Beijing

The US government will lift its internal restrictions on how American
officials may interact with their Taiwanese government counterparts,
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Saturday, the latest move
by the outgoing Trump administration seeking to bolster Washington’s
relationship with Taipei.

The announcement, which delighted the Taiwanese government’s envoy in
Washington and is almost certain to infuriate officials in Beijing,
comes amid a moment of political peril for President Donald Trump, who
is set to be [1]impeached by the US House of Representatives in the
final days of his administration. ...

--- Source:

-- Pompeo calls restrictions on official contacts with Taiwan ‘null
and void’, in swipe at Beijing ... n-null-and
(South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 10-Jan-2021)
Rationalising everything the international community says trying to appease Beijing; if Beijing never ruled Taiwan for a single day, I don’t think that CCP claim over Taiwan is valid at all.

I mean it’s like China trying to claim the South China Sea to be their EEZ but no government around the world gives a shxt!

Same thing! If China is falsely claiming Taiwan to be part of their territory then why should the world even care and appease them when everyone knows it’s not even a true claim.

We need some justice in the world people.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

A vision of the future : picture a Chinese jackboot stamping on a human face.
(Then harvesting his organs).


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

** 09-Jan-2021 World View: Trump admin lifts restrictions on contacts with Taiwan
Bidens pay master are pissed.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

JCP wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:24 pm
People lime you are either liars or self-deluded morons. Somehow I think you are a bit of both. Your self righteous smugness leaks out of your posts. Do you really believe it was "Secret police" and the white supremists groups secretly behind the violence last summer? Really?

I remember 4 years ago when black people were crying on the BBC about Trump being the next Hitler--never happened. However, what I am seeing today in America is beyond belief. We are facing the end of freedom of speech, assembly, thought, and eventually life itself.
Yes. The federals originally had no police authority. For the fairly brief time the secret police were deployed, generally against local wishes, they drew violence. When they went away, the sites they were supposedly 'guarding' became peaceful. Trump was attempting to censor protest using violence. That was the point of his version of law and order. The Proud Boys drove through black neighborhoods shooting paint ball guns into crowds until one of them drew a knife. The Wolverine Watchmen plotted against the Michigan governor. The point I might disagree with is that they did it secretly. With the exception of the Wolverine Watchman's aborted plot, most of the violence was quite open.

Agreed in one aspect. Hitler was not much like anyone of the current day, which is why I don't throw the Nazi label around lightly. I have long grumbled about the all Republicans are fascist, Democrats communist shtick. Mostly to no avail.

However declining to be an accomplice in criminal acts is not limiting to free speech. If a group stays clear of planning a crime, they should have no problem. If a social media company is being used to plan violence, well, freedom of speech does not extend to doing harm.

Do you believe in criminal activity? Do you think you have an interest in being a criminal?

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:56 pm
I'm interested in your viewpoint.

Please see a link to the transcript: ... -january-6

There was a complaint regarding Supreme Court loyalty. My opinion is that the best conservative judges are concerned about the text of the law and the intent of the authors of the law. The worst have an ideological perspective and try to twist the law to implement it. Trump's judges seem thus far to be the former. They were not selected by Trump but by a think tank. I think they did a reasonable job thus far.

Trump spent a lot of time pushing various real voter fraud concerns, but did not go into why he is one win and fifty or so loses In the courts. The base reason is that the courts have not been given evidence of voter fraud. I suspect the evidence does not exist. If Biden believed in what the polls said, and heard what Trump said about winning in the courts, it was in his interests to do nothing to justify court judgements against him. Anyway, the supposed 'evidence' was not presented as lawyers can get disbarred for lying to a judge. Present the no evidence claims instead to a mob? At length? This is generally not the emphasized part of the speech, but lying for your personal gain is a big deal none the less, especially if the lies result in criminal action.

I do suspect state officials did break the law to minimize the exposure to COVID, but this was not a point made much in the speech.

I would agree if you want to say the media is emphasizing the few points where he does advocate action. He suggests that "we" are going to march down Pennsylvania Avenue, then he settles down in front of a TV and watches what results. I am trying to image Trump actually joining the crowd, being in the middle of the rioting.

Those are my initial thoughts.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

Guest wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:09 am
Rationalising everything the international community says trying to appease Beijing; if Beijing never ruled Taiwan for a single day, I don’t think that CCP claim over Taiwan is valid at all.

I mean it’s like China trying to claim the South China Sea to be their EEZ but no government around the world gives a shxt!

Same thing! If China is falsely claiming Taiwan to be part of their territory then why should the world even care and appease them when everyone knows it’s not even a true claim.

We need some justice in the world people.
The Chinese Revolution was from one perspective the people trying to shake off their oppressors. The two factions did not like each other. The grudge persisted. By this time though, neither the mainland Chinese or Taiwan are what they once were. The grudge is not current, but mainland China holds onto it, or at least pretends to.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jan-2021 World View: Democrats' attitude to Tea Partiers during Obama administration

As I've said many times, the Democrats' vitriolic hatred for Trump has
nothing to do with Trump. They used to love Trump when he was a TV
star. They only began to hate him when they transferred their
vitriolic hatred of Tea Partiers to him.

And the vitriolic hatred of Tea Partiers was great during the Obama
administration. Obama and Joe Biden both referred to Tea Partiers as
terrorists, racists and teabaggers. The word "teabaggers" is an
especially vile epithet, as bad as the n-word. Can you imagine saying
that all Democrats are the n-word? That would be extremely vile and
hateful, and that's how vile and hateful the Democrats were to Tea

And why were Obama and Biden calling them racists, terrorists and
teabaggers? It's because they opposed Obama policies -- Obama's
budget, Obamacare, or gun control for example. No matter what the
policy, if Tea Partiers opposed it, it's not because the policies were
bad (which they were). It's because the Tea Partiers were racists,
terrorists and teabaggers.

The Democrats' hatred went even beyond that, saying that had some kind
of neurological disorder that turned them into violent racists. This
is similar to the kinds of things that Hitler said about the Jews.

The following are excerpts from a article from 2009
that I saved from my archives. As far as I know, this article is no
longer online.

"Garofalo: Tea Party Goers Are Racists Who Hate Black

By Noel Sheppard | April 16, 2009 | 23:56

During last year's election campaign, liberal media members
treated Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin with a
hatred most Americans had never witnessed from the press.

On Thursday's "Countdown," MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and his guest
Janeane Garofalo defamed fellow citizens who attended the prior
day's Tea Parties with the same vitriolic contempt.

Garofalo actually called Party-goers "a bunch of teabagging
rednecks," adding "this is about hating a black man in the White
House. This is racism straight up."

But that's just the beginning, for what Olbermann and Garofalo
engaged in Thursday evening is amongst the most vile, hate-filled
attacks on average American citizens ever conveyed on national
television by so-called journalists.

KEITH OLBERMANN, HOST: Well, the teabagging is all over, except
for the cleanup. And that will be my last intentional double
entendre on this one at least until the end of this segment. Our
number two story tonight, the sad reality behind the corporate
sponsored Tea Parties, visual proof that this is not about
spending, deficits, or taxes, but about some Americans getting
riled up by the people who caused these things, and finally about
some Americans who just hate the president of the United
States. According to both the conservative organs, the New York
Post and the Washington Times, see there was another double
entendre coming, the protests only drew tens of thousands
nationwide, despite relentless 24/7 promotion on Fox News,
including live telecasts from several locations. Like Fox's Neil
Cavuto caught yesterday off-air estimating his crowd in
California's capitol at 5,000, then on air claiming it might have
been 10,000 or 15,000. Despite Cavuto's live show with radio
talker Michael Reagan there, Sacramento police put the crowd at
just over 5,000. "I wouldn't say it was among the largest we've
seen here, but 5,000 is pretty large for the west steps."

And then there were the protest messages, seething with
hate. Cavuto calling that hate bipartisan. "They hate Republicans
who waste money, they hate Democrats who waste money." That claim
put to the test in Pensacola when an unemployed blogger named Jeff
accepted an invitation to speak to Florida.

BLOGGER JEFF: I want to start off by honoring the service of our
veterans, our current service members, thank you so much for all
you've done for this country. I also want to say, a little history
lesson here. Back in 2000, there was a bunch of surplus in the
country. And then the next ten years, it was just destroyed by the
profligate spending by the Bush administration. Here we are today
in a situation where we have to...Cheer if you make less than
$250,000 in a year. Just cheer. Your taxes are going to be cut
under the current budget. Congratulations. I was laid off in
September because my employer had to make budget cuts. That was
before the election. Let's remember if you're going to argue about
more taxes and less spending, to place the blame where the blame
belongs and that's squarely in the hands of the Republican
congress and...


OLBERMANN: Congratulations, Pensacola teabaggers. You got
spunked. And despite the hatred on display, a few of you actually
violated the penal code. But teabagging is now petered out, taint
what it used to be. And when you co-opt the next holiday, Fourth
of July, try to adopt a holiday food that does not invite the
double entendres like, you know, franks and beans. On a more
serious note, we're now joined by actor, activist Janeane
Garofalo. Good to see you.

JANEANE GAROFALO: Thank you. You know, there's nothing more
interesting than seeing a bunch of racists become confused and
angry at a speech they're not quite certain what he's saying. It
sounds right and then it doesn't make sense. Which, let's be very
honest about what this is about. It's not about bashing Democrats,
it's not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party
was about, they don't know their history at all. This is about
hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight
up. That is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. And there
is no way around that. And you know, you can tell these type of
right wingers anything and they'll believe it, except the
truth. You tell them the truth and they become -- it's like
showing Frankenstein's monster fire. They become confused, and
angry and highly volatile. That guy, causing them feelings they
don't know, because their limbic brain, we've discussed this
before, the limbic brain inside a right-winger or Republican or
conservative or your average white power activist, the limbic
brain is much larger in their head space than in a reasonable
person, and it's pushing against the frontal lobe. So their
synapses are misfiring. Is Bernie Goldberg listening?


GAROFALO: Because Bernie might not have heard this when I said
this the first time. So, Bernie, this is for you. It is a
neurological problem we're dealing with.

OLBERMAN: Well, what do we do about it, though? I mean, our friend
in Pensacola there who played them like a $3 fiddle and led them
right down the garden path with nothing but facts and then they
went, wait a minute, that doesn't sound like Rush Limbaugh. If you
can't get them to make that last leap to what are we all doing
here, Howard Johnson is wrong, how do you break through that?

GAROFALO: I don't think you do, for most of them. This is a --
it's almost pathological or elevated to a philosophy or
lifestyle. And again, this is about racism. It could be any issue,
any port in the storm. These guys hate that a black guy is in the
White House. But they immigrant bash, they pretend taxes and tea
bags, and like I said, most of them probably couldn't tell you
thing one about taxation without representation, the Boston tea
party, the British imperialism, whatever the history lesson has to
be. But these people, all white for the most part, unless there's
some people with Stockholm syndrome there.

OLBERMANN: And, I didn't see them, the fact that they weren't near
the cameras which is bad strategy on the part of the people that
were staging this at Fox.

GAROFALO: True, and Fox News loves to foment this
anti-intellectualism because that's their bread and butter. If you
have a cerebral electorate, Fox news goes down the toilet, very,
very fast. But it is sick and sad to see Neil Cavuto doing
that. They've been doing it for years, that's why Roger Ailes and
Rupert Murdoch started this venture, is to disinform and to
coarsen and dumb down a certain segment of the electorate. But
what is really, I didn't know there were so many racists left. I
didn't know that. I -- you know, because as I've said, the
Republican hype and the conservative movement has now crystallized
into the white power movement.

OLBERMANN: Is that not a bad, long-term political strategy because
even though your point is terrifying that there are that many
racists left, the flip side of it is there aren't that many
racists left.

GAROFALO: They're the minority, but literally tens of people
showed up to this thing across the country.

OLBERMANN: But if you spear your television network or your
political party towards a bunch of guys looking who are just
looking for a reason to yell at the black president, eventually
you will marginalize yourself out of business, won't you?

GAROFALO: Here's what the right-wing has in, there's no shortage
of the natural resources of ignorance, apathy, hate, fear. As long
as those things are in the collective conscious and unconscious,
the Republicans will have some votes. Fox News will have some
viewers. But what else have they got? If they didn't do that, who
is going to watch -- you know what I mean? They have tackled that
elusive clam -- you know, the clam, the 18 to 35 clam --
klan. Klan. With a k demo. But, you know, who else is Fox talking
to? I mean, what is it urban older white guys? And the girlfriend,
and, you know, the women who suffer from Stockholm syndrome
gain. There's a lot of Stockholm syndrome, is what I'm saying
ultimately. What else do you want to know?

OLBERMANN: What happens if somebody who's at one of these things
hurt somebody?

GAROFALO: That is an unfortunate byproduct since the dawn of time
of a volatile group like this of the limbic brain. Violence
unfortunately may or may not ensue. It always, it's like a, the
Republican Party now depends upon immigrant bashing and hating the
black guy in the White House. Will people act on that? It's not
new. But, you know, Fox doesn't mind fomenting it. Michelle
Bachmann doesn't mine fomenting it. Glenn Beck doesn't mind
fomenting it.


GAROFALO: Lou Dobbs. Oh, man he sure doesn't mind. But this is,
this their, what have they got if they don't have this? You know
what I mean? It's like an identity politics of the worst kind.

OLBERMANN: They'd have peace in our time.

GAROFALO: Is Bernie still listening?

OLBERMANN: Bernie doesn't listen. Bernie listened for about two
minutes last week. And that was it.

GAROFALO: Oh, he doesn't watch your show?

OLBERMANN: No, no, no, no, no, I mean in general that was his
year's contribution to the actual political

GAROFALO: So I can move up the rung from five to at least three.

OLBERMANN: Janeane Garofalo, number five, comedian, actress,
political activist, and the expert on the limbic brain, great
thanks as always.

GAROFALO: Very much thanks to you."
The reference to "Bernie" is Bernard Goldberg, a hated conservative
commentator, whose web site is still online at The hatemongers also mention
Lou Dobbs, who still has a show on Fox Business Networkers.

So those 60 million Tea Partiers have become 75 million Trump
supporters, and the Democrats have the same vitriolic hatred for them.

I never thought I'd see the genocidal playbook being used in America.
This is the darkest time for America in my memory.

The genocidal playbook is not rare. It's extremely common. It is the
rule. It's being used in many countries today in its early stages.
In its later states, the genocidal playbook is used for actual
genocide, as in China, Burma and Syria today.

Here's an outline of how it works:
  • In the early stages, the government or the elites target a
    hated ethnic group with abusive policies, including violence, jailing
    without evidence, censorship and punishment of criticism of the
    government, and other forms of discrimination, with the purpose of
    infuriating the target group.
  • Frequently there is an analogue to the Nazi Kristallnacht, where
    police stand aside and allow violent mobs to attack homes and
    businesses of the target group.
  • Sooner or later there is some kind of violent incident by a few
    people in the target group. This incident might occur organically, or
    it might be a setup by the elites.
  • The elites use this incident to justify complete censorship,
    violence, abuse and control towards the target group and, in the
    extreme, commits genocide and ethnic cleansing.
I will repeat several times: This playbook is not rare. It is common.
It is the rule.

Today, anyone who says something in violation of the orthodoxy can
quickly lose his job, or have his home or business attacked by
antifa-blm activists, which is the analogy to Kristallnacht. Even
physicians and scientists with decades of experience can be

The Democrats have now taken completely offline. This is a
huge web site, with millions of users, successfully competing with
twitter. The excuse is that some of the people on parler are
discussing violence, but that means that the Democrats can get any web
site offline simply by having its own people plant violent posts on
the web site -- which is apparently what happened to parler.

The Democrats are not going to stop. They will have control of the
White House, the Senate, the House, the mainstream media, and the
social media. They are using that power to pursue the genocidal
playbook against the 60 million Tea Partiers who have become 75
million Trump supporters.

As I said, this use of the genocidal playbook is not rare. It's used
all the time. I just never thought I'd see it in America. This is
the darkest time in America in my memory.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 11-Jan-2021 World View: How will this end?

Will the Democrats' use of the genocidal playbook lead to actual
genocide and ethnic cleansing? No. For that they would at least need
backing from the army, which obviously they don't have.

In fact, what the Democrats are doing is so completely bizarre and
outrageous, and so un-American, that it can't possibly last long.

Still, how is this going to end?

First, Donald Trump and his 75 million supporters are not dead and
buried. Trump says that he has some major announcement coming. We'll
see what he says.

Second, parler is not dead and buried. The Democrats have gotten
parler offline for now, but parler has enough support to build its own
datacenter and cloud to replace Amazon's AWS, and it will be online

In fact, if I were a business using Amazon's AWS, then I would look at
this situation in horror, knowing that Amazon could shut me down at
any time for any foolish reason. No one believes that shutting down
parler had anything to do with violence. It had everything to do with
eliminating a competitor to twitter. If they can come after parler,
they can come after anyone.

Furthermore, Twitter, Google and Facebook made huge amounts of money
because of Trump in the last few years because of Trump. With Trump
gone, and with their contemptuous treatment of Trump supporters,
they're going to lose a lot of money.

But, no worry, the execs will be ok. Many of them are taking jobs in
the Biden administration.

It's quite possible that Parler will come back with a vengeance and
become a major business threat to Twitter. If not Parler, then
another service. This is what always happens.

By the way, another conservative social media service,, has
signed up millions of new users in the last few days. If you access
the site, the reason that it's slow is because it's being overwhelmed
by new users.

Third, and this is how it will really end.

As I've been saying for years, there will be a global financial crisis
and third world war with China, and this will unify the country, and
end all political divisiveness.

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