Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Anonymously buying the Book

Post by Navigator »

Cool Breeze wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 1:44 pm
If I want to maintain anonymity, but buy and support John and Navi, what's the best way for me to do so? Thanks guys.
You can retain anonymity on GoFundMe for what is publicly displayed when you donate. I will send you a confirmation email through go fund me, and you will need to send me the code back, along with your email address.

GoFundMe will tell me your actual name, from your credit card used in the donation (I get no other credit card info!). I share that with no-one, not even here on this forum.

The book you get will be in pdf format. Your name will be the watermark in the book. This is done to try to prevent people from sharing their copy. If it gets distributed, I will know who to blame and go after. Not that I think anyone here would do that, but you never know for sure.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

John wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:29 am

This isn't the least bit surprising. Google is bathing in the glory
of its victory in being responsible for bringing about Biden's
victory, and now they're flush with power and looking for other ways
to use it....

So today they're being a lot more aggressive in delisting sites that
don't conform to their Stalinist world view....

Right now, google is a God that can do whatever it wants. Having
gotten Biden electe, it can turn to other issues, ...

The control Google has over information is beyond staggering. It isn't just search, it is major internet and software infrastructure. It's almost like they're seeking total information dominance like from some dystopian nightmare.

Just starting with browsers- nearly all browsers now are based on Chromium, even Microsoft's Edge. Only Tor uses Firefox, a social justice hell hole on its own. And even Tor gets some of its support from the NSA or CIA or something.

Web Architecture - Node. The V8 engine that allows JavaScript to run in a runtime comes from Google.

Statistics/Analytics - One in particular is Firebase that when used to push mobile apps includes non-consensual tracking and data collection software that can't be turned off.

Image Processing - ML Kit -another nightmarish dystopian hell product that allows for human image processing like facial or body recognition, handwriting analysis, document processing (think like using your phone to deposit checks, etc)

Office Workspace - where every possible component of your professional life is totally embedded, controlled, and monitored by Google

Social Media - YouTube - we already know they have incredible control over information there. I have been ejected for wrongthink and have no desire to return.

Payment Processing - Google Pay

When you look at the portfolio Google has over every aspect of your life, you can see what they're aiming for: Total control (at minimum the ability to monitor) of what you see, what you say, where you go, who your associates are, what you buy, even what you think.

You can't hide for much longer, unless you totally disconnect. Anonymity is ending. The only sanctuary is your mind and I'm sure they're working on some way to access that too.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Guest wrote:
Mon Dec 21, 2020 4:58 pm

What's odd at this time in history also is the benevolence of the most advanced (that was America) which is also ahistorical.

Women ascending in societies is a clear hallmark of a downfall....
Again, Burner knows, as I also came to the conclusion a while back - male/female ratio is everything. There is simply NO selection pressure on women if this is not the case, and they are far lazier and have shorter windows of their prize attractions (youth, fertility, beauty).

Men work really hard due to feminine beauty. If it is not present, what's the point of men keeping up the civilization? There no longer exists any reward for all of their efforts, and they check out. Just saying the obvious, and Burner knows it. Good stuff my man.
Two great points that got their due emphasis. In Japan and Russia, post WWII, woman faced heavy selection pressure due to the lack of available males. That's why today you see the incredible beauty in a large number of their women. The fewer men selected for beauty.

When I return from trips to the East, I am shocked and horrified when I see the absolute disgusting, gross, fat shambling, blobs of limping flesh we call Westerners. Then I have to hear their LOUD voices full of complaints and foul language. It is a real shock and I am mortified every time after spending a short time among people whose fairness becomes ordinary.

Post WWII, the Western (American) victors were ahistorically benevolent to the defeated, especially in scale. We may think this is noble, but may be what has precipitated our decline and may be the factor that leads to our demise. People love to emphasize the benevolence of the Muslim Caliphate when they invaded Europe but look where the Ottoman Empire is now. This plus advances in medicine have probably resulted in the state we have now with a huge population of weaklings and degenerates. I see the weakling males all the time, pasty skin, flabby hairy bodies, neckbearded weebs, seeking out Asian females because they have been deselected by even the morbid shambling beasts we call females in the West.

One final thought on something that 'tim' misses... Let's say Russia lost many of "the best of their humanity" (Germany too). Russian soldiers went into Berlin raping tens of thousands of women whose genes carry on to this day. Then they brutally dominated. Now the current leader of Germany is from Soviet Eastern Germany, so you could say in large part the violent victors carried the century. Germany's current state is due to a combination of actions by the victors, American benevolence and Soviet brutality.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 22-Dec-2020 World View: Press conference

I watched Joe Biden's press conference this afternoon. I didn't see
any signs of dementia this time. This is honestly a big relief. I
have not been looking forward to seeing the country led by someone
with dementia.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 7:13 pm
** 22-Dec-2020 World View: Press conference

I watched Joe Biden's press conference this afternoon. I didn't see
any signs of dementia this time. This is honestly a big relief. I
have not been looking forward to seeing the country led by someone
with dementia.
People with cognitive decline will say things at inappropriate times

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

So, I decided to fudge around with the numbers in the latest datasets released by the University of Denver's International Futures project (

Based on the geometric mean of three different sets of data measuring geopolitical power, China is expected to surpass the US in 2024. We have just over three years left as the number one power.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

DaKardii wrote:
Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:34 pm
So, I decided to fudge around with the numbers in the latest datasets released by the University of Denver's International Futures project (

Based on the geometric mean of three different sets of data measuring geopolitical power, China is expected to surpass the US in 2024. We have just over three years left as the number one power.
Based on the same geometric mean, here are the top 20 countries ranked by percentage of global geopolitical power, from 2020-25:

1. USA- 18.32
2. China- 15.50
3. India- 6.08
4. Russia- 3.76
5. Japan- 3.75
6. Germany- 3.06
7. France- 2.98
8. UK- 2.76
9. Brazil- 1.98
10. Saudi Arabia- 1.77
11. Indonesia- 1.57
12. Italy- 1.54
13. South Korea- 1.47
14. Canada- 1.31
15. Australia- 1.18
16. Pakistan- 1.17
17. Turkey- 1.16
18. Spain- 1.11
19. Mexico- 1.07
20. Iran- 0.81

1. USA- 17.97
2. China- 15.95
3. India- 6.17
4. Russia- 3.68
5. Japan- 3.68
6. Germany- 3.04
7. France- 2.97
8. UK- 2.73
9. Brazil- 1.97
10. Saudi Arabia- 1.70
11. Indonesia- 1.58
12. Italy- 1.52
13. South Korea- 1.45
14. Canada- 1.32
15. Australia- 1.18
16. Pakistan- 1.18
17. Turkey- 1.17
18. Spain- 1.10
19. Mexico- 1.09
20. Iran- 0.80

1. USA- 17.61
2. China- 16.40
3. India- 6.25
4. Japan- 3.61
5. Russia- 3.60
6. Germany- 3.02
7. France- 2.95
8. UK- 2.71
9. Brazil- 1.95
10. Saudi Arabia- 1.62
11. Indonesia- 1.59
12. Italy- 1.51
13. South Korea- 1.44
14. Canada- 1.33
15. Pakistan- 1.19
16. Turkey- 1.18
17. Australia- 1.17
18. Mexico- 1.10
19. Spain- 1.09
20. Iran- 0.80

1. USA- 17.26
2. China- 16.85
3. India- 6.34
4. Japan- 3.54
5. Russia- 3.52
6. Germany- 3.00
7. France- 2.93
8. UK- 2.69
9. Brazil- 1.93
10. Indonesia- 1.60
11. Saudi Arabia- 1.54
12. Italy- 1.50
13. South Korea- 1.42
14. Canada- 1.33
15. Pakistan- 1.20
16. Turkey- 1.19
17. Australia- 1.17
18. Mexico- 1.11
19. Spain- 1.08
20. Iran- 0.80

1. China- 17.30
2. USA- 16.91
3. India- 6.43
4. Japan- 3.46
5. Russia- 3.45
6. Germany- 2.99
7. France- 2.91
8. UK- 2.67
9. Brazil- 1.92
10. Indonesia- 1.61
11. Italy- 1.49
12. Saudi Arabia- 1.46
13. South Korea- 1.41
14. Canada- 1.34
15. Pakistan- 1.21
16. Turkey- 1.20
17. Australia- 1.17
18. Mexico- 1.12
19. Spain- 1.07
20. Iran- 0.79

1. China- 17.75
2. USA- 16.56
3. India- 6.51
4. Japan- 3.39
5. Russia- 3.37
6. Germany- 2.97
7. France- 2.90
8. UK- 2.64
9. Brazil- 1.90
10. Indonesia- 1.62
11. Italy- 1.48
12. South Korea- 1.39
13. Saudi Arabia- 1.39
14. Canada- 1.34
15. Pakistan- 1.22
16. Turkey- 1.21
17. Australia- 1.16
18. Mexico- 1.13
19. Spain- 1.07
20. Iran- 0.79


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

A Republic is what held us together. Democracy is mob rule weaponizing the vote to take other people's stuff, and that's the root of all our problems now. Takeaways: We’re divided and can’t stand.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Secession is already happening but most are unware. Several blue states have already started to secede. They ignore Federal immigration policy and have set up sanctuary states. Next, red states are going to ignore any restrictions on the First and Second Amendments that the Biden regime impose.

Secession is starting slow but will very soon snowball. If tens or even hundreds of millions want to separate, it is not morally right to keep them from doing so. Is one half of the country going to forcibly keep the other half from separating? If so, massive blood will be spilled. Bosnia, here we come.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

Guest wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:53 am
Secession is already happening but most are unware. Several blue states have already started to secede. They ignore Federal immigration policy and have set up sanctuary states. Next, red states are going to ignore any restrictions on the First and Second Amendments that the Biden regime impose.

Secession is starting slow but will very soon snowball. If tens or even hundreds of millions want to separate, it is not morally right to keep them from doing so. Is one half of the country going to forcibly keep the other half from separating? If so, massive blood will be spilled. Bosnia, here we come.
This is largely true. Depending how crazy the Dems and Deep State get, it doesn't seem that anything will stop this. Xenakis' prediction that counters it only would be the "China attacking US interests" will unite the nation. I'm skeptical that this will happen since you could just as easily argue that it'll provide cover for new regionalization to occur. But I will say it is quite possible.

If DeKardii is right though, why would China attack? They are already ascending. I believe it would have to be a war with Russia or India where the US would get involved. Taiwan and even Japan might not spur us to do anything since so many of our pols and corps are bought off.

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