3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

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3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by John »

3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout of Greece

** 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout of Greece
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 03#e100503

"Greece is granted a non-bailout bailout by the EU and IMF"
"Debts of the PIIGS countries"
"Tra-la, it's May, the lusty month of May"
"Additional links"


Re: 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by jullien »

Greeks protestors burned garbage cans and set a TV car on fire
18 businesses burned in a May day demonstration in Santa Cruz, California
Just our luck!!! French tradition of political violent demonstrations is spreading all around the world and we haven't patented it!
More seriously, generationnal dynamics theory seems to be almost unknown in Europe
Dear John, what do you believe about current patterns in France and others european countries and have you ever tried to explain generationnal dynamics theory to a foreigner public (not american)

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Re: 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by ridgel »

Thanks John for posting the link to the May Day riot in the otherwise laid-back town of Santa Cruz. Can anyone imagine what the press and outrage would look like if Tea Partiers had vandalized 18 businesses during a demonstration? It would have been the second coming of the brown shirts. But if illegals and communists are throwing the rocks and gasoline, it's all good with the main stream media.

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Re: 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by John »

Dear Jullien,
jullien wrote: > Just our luck!!! French tradition of political violent
> demonstrations is spreading all around the world and we haven't
> patented it!

> More seriously, generationnal dynamics theory seems to be almost
> unknown in Europe

> Dear John, what do you believe about current patterns in France
> and others european countries and have you ever tried to explain
> generationnal dynamics theory to a foreigner public (not american)
Well, maybe you haven't patented it, but the French Revolution has
served as an inspiration for revolutionaries around the world.
Something for you to be proud of!!!

I've received e-mail messages from people in many countries of the
world. There are members of this forum in countries around the world.

If you'd like to speak to someone in Europe, you might wish to reach
out to Martin Francis Lutes, a student at Mannheim University, who
gave me permission to quote him at length in the following article:

** A student at Mannheim University evaluates and endorses Generational Dynamics
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 4#e100314c

Martin is doing research on generational theory in conjunction with
his work in economics.

Other than that, there aren't too many Generational Dynamics "fan
clubs," in America or Europe, since the subject matter is a bit too
serious. Feel free to start one, if you'd like.


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Re: 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by John »

ridgel wrote:Thanks John for posting the link to the May Day riot in the otherwise laid-back town of Santa Cruz. Can anyone imagine what the press and outrage would look like if Tea Partiers had vandalized 18 businesses during a demonstration? It would have been the second coming of the brown shirts. But if illegals and communists are throwing the rocks and gasoline, it's all good with the main stream media.
Another interesting speculation is this: What if the BP oil rig explosion had
occurred during the Bush administration?


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Re: 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by ridgel »

Another interesting speculation is this: What if the BP oil rig explosion had
occurred during the Bush administration?

Good point. If Bush had publicly announced increased offshore drilling a couple of months before this disaster, there would be no end to the conspiracy theories. One thing is sure, and that's offshore drilling is going to come under a lot more public scrutiny for a long time after this. BP's responsible for the cost of the cleanup, but has is liability for damages limited to $75 million. So the effective cost of this will be felt by all of the oil companies, and by the U.S. balance of payments as well, since whatever oil cannot be produced domestically will simply be imported, as long as confidence in the dollar holds.

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Re: 3-May-10 News -- EU announces another non-bailout bailout

Post by OLD1953 »

The oil problem was whipped a while back.

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/united-states ... d=10626164

Doubtless it will be blocked in the US because draining the algae off swamps will be deemed evil.

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