"Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

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"Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by John »

The documentary movie "Generation Zero" has been described by those
who've seen it as brilliant, powerful and frightening.

"Generation Zero" is generally based on generational theory.
Something I hadn't been aware of until recently is that Strauss and
Howe's book ]i]Generations[/i] was well known to major Democratic and
Republican politicians as early as the 1992 presidential election,
and it played a part in their campaign strategy.

I got involved in this movie when Steve Bannon called me about a year
ago. He said that he'd been spending many hours studying
generational theory on my web site and in the Fourth Turning book, and
that he wanted to take those ideas forward into a movie. He said that
he wanted this movie to use some of the same techniques that Al Gore
used in "An Inconvenient Truth." He ended up filming me for a total
of about six hours in two different sessions, one in Washington and
one in New York. Of the six hours, I understand that only a few
minutes of what I said are in the 85 minute film. Most of the
commentators are politicians. The three commentators who are
knowledgeable about generational theory are myself, Neil Howe, and
Dave Kaiser.

** New documentary movie 'Generation Zero' brings generational theory to the public.
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 22#e100222

"Generation Zero" is a non-partisan movie, but it was originally
screened at The National Tea Party Convention in Nashville a couple of
weeks ago. Steve Bannon tells me that the Tea Party movement plans to
make the movie a major unifying theme of their campaign leading up to
November elections. Thus, this movie has the potential to make the
world much more aware of generational theory than I've been able to

This has been an exciting year for generational theory. We've seen
Sri Lanka make a clear transition from a Fourth Turning to a First
Turning, as its crisis civil war ended last year. We've seen Iran's
Awakening era student riots and demonstrations explode into the
world's headlines, and we're seeing the same thing happen in Iraq
with elections due next month. And of course we've seen the West's
Fourth Turning crisis worsen. The basic core concepts of
generational theory have been shown to be true for all times and
places in history. This movie will bring those ideas to a much wider

John J. Xenakis
E-mail: john@GenerationalDynamics.com
Web site: http://www.GenerationalDynamics.com
Forum: http://www.GenerationalDynamics.com/forum

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by Barion »

This is very exciting! I look forward to seeing this movie. If it's as well-crafted as An Inconvenient Truth was, I should like it a lot (even though I'm not fully on board with the whole anthropogenic global warming idea [I acknowledge climate change and the potential that human behavior has contributed to it and may have exacerbated its effects, but think that natural forces are the prime cause], that was a brilliant documentary all the same). The website says it's coming to theaters in March. I will be there to see it and spread the word to everyone I know to go see it as well.

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by OLD1953 »

.I'm happy to see the science of generational dynamics being popularized. I guess we could say its "arrived". :D

I was talking to a major in the US army a few weeks ago, and mentioned that Iraq had a crisis war in the 80's. He asked how I meant that, so I told him it was how it would be described by the generational theories of Strauss and Howe. He told me he was familiar with them, and he'd been assigned to read their books and write essays on them. We didn't get into great detail, we were both fairly busy that day, but there are more people familiar with GD every day. I suspect we are at or near a tipping point, where GD will be accepted by the public as the correct explanation of why history seems to cycle with similar events repeating on a grand scale.

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by xakzen »

OLD1953 wrote:.I'm happy to see the science of generational dynamics being popularized. I guess we could say its "arrived". :D

I was talking to a major in the US army a few weeks ago, and mentioned that Iraq had a crisis war in the 80's. He asked how I meant that, so I told him it was how it would be described by the generational theories of Strauss and Howe. He told me he was familiar with them, and he'd been assigned to read their books and write essays on them. We didn't get into great detail, we were both fairly busy that day, but there are more people familiar with GD every day. I suspect we are at or near a tipping point, where GD will be accepted by the public as the correct explanation of why history seems to cycle with similar events repeating on a grand scale.
If this is true that we are about to see GD emerge as a well accepted or even widely known theory, doesn't this present the possibility that the cycle will end? Having followed the stock market for many years, it is clear at least in that venue that once a pattern is general recognized, the pattern changes due to the mass of people who change their behavior because they see the pattern too. I suspect the same may be true across broader human endeavors. I have suspected that this may already have happened after 9/11. Since I have become aware of GD in the last several years, I could recognize in myself after 9/11 the rage that could well have resulted in the Clash of Civilization wars that John often talks about. In fact I remember W taking a bit of flack for not calling it Islamic Terrorism (criticisms that are still occasionally echoed). As John has stated that both the Dems & the GOP have been aware of GD since 1992 does that not open up the possibility that they recognized 9/11 as the Regeneracy event (as it was indented by OBL), and our bi-partisan leadership decided to intentionally limit the scope of the war? Or were there still enough Silents in the administration due to the increases in life expectancies? And so Gen-X cannot help but bring the world to utter destruction once again as our Lost ancestors had done?

It is interesting that if my supposition is true and the Regeneracy event has past, that the unraveling political discourse returned quickly after 9/11. Therefore even if the leadership recognized the danger and prevented it, they couldn't reap the benefits of a united nation without the full crisis. So perhaps I have answered my own question in that even though the immediate crises of 9/11 may have been averted, another will have to come because that is our human nature? What do you think?

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by robfromraleigh »

I am also excited about the movie and plan to see it! Is there going to be a central list of theaters that plan to show it, or should I just my local listings and call to complain if my local theaters don't show it?

Since Generational Dynamics touches on chaos theory, I have to agree (somewhat) with the previous post. Like the Uncertainty Principle, if we gather too much knowledge about something, that knowledge-gathering process changes the state and future path of the system. If we do indeed have military people and some politicians who are well-versed in Strauss & Howe (or John's Generational Dynamics variant), then this will most certainly change the flavor of events.

But....like knowledge of the momentum and position of a small particle changes it outcome, knowledge of large-scale systems do not change the outcome. If Generational Dynamics theory becomes well-known to a large number of people in, say, English-speaking countries, then it will make a difference to how America, Britain, and a few other nations react to _specific_ events. But it certainly won't reach critical mass in all crisis countries. We don't live in a vacuum / no man is an island. Like a train that has already left the station, many crisis countries already have too much momentum for small, chaos-based events to have any significant affect on their existing momentum. As John said in a recent post, there will come a point that choices _have_ to be made regardless of how much one knows about generational theories and wants to sidestep it.

In other words, such knowledge might steer politicians away from one or some inflection points but, like the incoming ships in the game Space Invaders, there comes a point that the incoming barrage simply becomes too much. And that does not even discount the scores of politicians or would-be dictators in crisis nations from _wanting_ to bring about a regeneracy. Or, for that matter, the younger prophet generations who want to "stick it to the old man" in an awakening. As much as humans like to brag about mind over matter, there comes a point that the subconscious human impulses/psyche as described by these generational theories produce the outcome.

John, congratulations on the movie and best wishes for success! If it is successful, I hope you decide to shed the grumpy political-correspondent look. :D (just kidding) Thanks for all the hard work, sweat, and tears you have put into this site!

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by VinceP1974 »

I watched the Hannity show previewing the movie.

A few times, especially in the second half of the hour, Hannity asked a question to Bannan (sp?) paraprhasing "Is this country going to be able to start working towards fixing the problems (ie: Trade Deficit, Entitlement Program Bankrupacy, etc)

Of course no one can tell the future so the question really has no answer, but the answer that was given was along the lines of

"We have to"
"We're a great country"
"We cant have something calamatious happen to us"

All I keep thinking of lately is this

Daniel Webster
Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.

Which made me think of this threat that I saved. I read it shortly after A'jad became Presidnet of Iran back in the mid 00's

The [Iranians] President’s chief strategist, Hassan Abbassi, has come up with a war plan based on the premise that “Britain is the mother of all evils” – the evils being America, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, the Gulf states and even Canada, all of whom are the malign progeny of the British Empire. “We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization,” says Mr Abbassi. “There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them… Once we have defeated the Anglo-Saxons the rest will run for cover.”

Which strangley makes me think of this

Rev 13:3 And the whole world followed the beast in amazement; they worshiped the dragon because he had given ruling authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast too, saying: “Who is like the beast?” and “Who is able to make war against him?”

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by jhc811 »

Well said, John!

Nick said the same thing about CDS and those derivatives for years and how we would face not just deflation, but hyper-deflation.

Agreed about cash and my suggestion is go for T-Bills rather than FDIC insured deposits (except for some money in FDIC insured deposit for everyday bills and basic needs). You can buy T-Bills via http://TreasuryDirect.gov Just open your account there, then bid for T-Bills et al and the money will transferred from your bank to Treasury Direct to buy those T-Bills. T-Bills are dear life to US Govt and they are #1 above everything else, including Prez, Congress et al. T-Bills and the entire Treasury complex is what keeps our US Govt tick.

My daughter age 17 just went to Costa Rica as an intern for fasting (water fasting for 3-4 weeks) event for 5 weeks and it is part of CLC (Certified Lifestyle Coach) program ( http://FoodNSport.com ) and she had new boyfriend there and he is from Aussie. As soon as she returned to home from Costa Rica early Feb, the first thing he asked me to do is to order the entire The Ringing Cedars Series books. http://RingingCedars.com Her boyfriend said he read all 9 books and said it is a must and wonderful reading, a mind-blowing reading. (He is amazing kid, soon getting Phd degree in Natural Health and already wrote a full book about sleep and he is only 19 years old). So I ordered those books and my daughter told me I should read them. So I checked the brief info and reader's comments at that book's web site. It is like too good to be true kind of thing. So I just started reading and wow, it blew me away. Also it produced some wonderful feelings that I never had feel before, like love and happiness. I am now at book #3 (out of 9 books in all) and now I am starting to agree with those reader's comments (Ex. "this series makes all other books like a complete waste of paper").

Funny, before I knew about this book series, I knew it is time for people to move to a much simpler way of living, i.e. living in harmony with the nature, eating fruits/veggies right off from nature in it's natural state. It cannot go wrong when one living like this. Great example of living in harmony with the nature is http://www.vidaclara.com/ It is like a complete disconnect from so-called modern world and no dependency on govt as much as possible. Off-grid way of life and being much happier as a result.

In Russia, dachas (i.e. vacation home/weekend homes with small plots of land for gardening/fruits) has been in Russia for long time but it seems in 1990's, it become much more popular (due to change in USSR policy to allow citizen to "own" small tract of land, and the fall of USSR, economic hardships and ruble default) so more and more Russian people are getting involved with dachas for their self-sufficent living along with love and happiness of living in harmony with the nature. The exact numbers escapes me but more veggies/fruits are produced in total via dachas than commercial farms which is a big thing to me. Know who has been helping those dachas'ers for past 35 years (she is only 41 years old now)? Anastasia :) Now we have Dachas Day (All Earth Day) being celebrated allover the world on July 23. Why that date? It is Anastasia's lover and author of that series birthday :) Anastasia has nothing but has everything!

So I think we will see that movement happening in USA and elsewhere as more and more people will discover the simple joys and living of living in harmony with nature. The human society (the host) has the parasite that is made up of govts, faceless corps, faceless elites and now that parasite is getting out of hand now and the host is being irritated big time by that parasite and will soon being cut off. Thus the rise of eco-villages and permaculture.

So I think the coming crash is going to be the best thing ever happened to mankind, time to go back to pristine origins of Man.


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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by John »

Dear Jamie,
jhc811 wrote: > Agreed about cash and my suggestion is go for T-Bills rather than
> FDIC insured deposits (except for some money in FDIC insured
> deposit for everyday bills and basic needs). You can buy T-Bills
> via http://TreasuryDirect.gov Just open your account there, then
> bid for T-Bills et al and the money will transferred from your
> bank to Treasury Direct to buy those T-Bills. T-Bills are dear
> life to US Govt and they are #1 above everything else, including
> Prez, Congress et al. T-Bills and the entire Treasury complex is
> what keeps our US Govt tick.
I just posted some comment about t-bills in the Financial Topics

http://generationaldynamics.com/forum/v ... 5142#p5142

I really don't know how safe t-bills are these days, with all the
focus on failing sovereign debt. Perhaps you have a different


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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by mannfm11 »

If this is true that we are about to see GD emerge as a well accepted or even widely known theory, doesn't this present the possibility that the cycle will end? Having followed the stock market for many years, it is clear at least in that venue that once a pattern is general recognized, the pattern changes due to the mass of people who change their behavior because they see the pattern too.

The problem here is the actions are compulsive. Being they aren't possible to on forever, they will cease to occur. Once they cease to occur, the collapse will occur. We are in a paradox. To do contrary means that banks can be robbed without repercussion, money can be spent and lost at no expense and there is no reason to toe the line for any reason. The debt structure needs more debt to be continued. The stock market on the other hand can only go on as long as there is debt inflation to make it go on. Today it made an interday 18 month high. It took over a year to get back the prior 6 months losses. We are not back to where FNM and FRE were nationalized yet. And, people never stopped playing the market, chosing instead to believe the lies out of the Ivy League colleges.

John mentions there is 3 times as much money circulating now as 2 years ago. I beg to differ, as this isn't money like walking around in your pocket money, but bank money so banks can pay each other. What banks were walking around with was nothing, as the currency in the US was not in the banks, but in the matresses of people in poorer countries. The Fed liquidated these assets for the banks because they couldn't liquidate them in the market, as none of them had any purchasing power and the means of financing bank reserves had broken down (read Minsky's "Stabilizing an Unstable Economy). There was no longer any Federal Reserve money in the system, the Commercial Paper market had broken down as had the repo market. Citi was insolvent to the tune of $400 billion in Fed funds, BAC something like $300 billion. Maybe that was why the TARP was $700 billion?

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Re: "Generation Zero - The Inconceivable Truth" - the movie

Post by mannfm11 »

I think I brought you up the other night John, not knowing about this movie and the person I was talking to mentioned the movie. He didn't know about you or your site, but I brought up the generational structure. This is an exciting event for me because I have been talking about this site for as long as I have been here, which I believe is since October 2008. I have described your work as brilliant and one of the better sources of what is going on around the world. Your site will probably crash if this movie is a hit.

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