1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

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1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by John »

1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Al-Assad issues citizenship cards to Iranian and Hezbollah Shias

** 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181201

Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria
Al-Assad issues citizenship cards to Iranian and Hezbollah Shias
Al-Assad and Russia ally with ISIS against Arab Sunnis
The future of Idlib

Generational Dynamics, Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Law #10,
Russia, Iran, Aleppo, Ghouta, Daraa, Idlib, Latakia, El-Ramel,
Islamic State / of Iraq and Syria/Sham/the Levant, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh,
Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel

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Re: 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by CH86 »

Once Again Xenakis Misrepresents Assad as some kind of Genocidal Psychopath bent on Sunni extermination when the Sunni Islamists were the aggressors. The notion of an ISIS/Assad alliance is also laughable, something only a globalist would believe when there are many documented instances of ISIS and Assad forces massacring each other.


Re: 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by Guest »

"many documented instances of ISIS and Assad forces massacring each other." -- could you give links to some of these documented instances?

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Re: 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by CH86 »

Guest wrote:"many documented instances of ISIS and Assad forces massacring each other." -- could you give links to some of these documented instances?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmyra_o ... (May_2015)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_m ... _Civil_War


Re: 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by Guest »

Palmyra was an ISIS massacre of purely defensive Syrian forces. Your second link is to a long list of hundreds of massacres. Which ones specifically, if any, are Syrian massacres of Isis?

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Re: 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

The Russians will be "The West's" allies.
The Iranians will be "The West's" allies.
The Sunnis will be "The West's" enemies.

So, something VERY interesting will happen, to bring about this shift.

Realpolitik drivers will cause this shift to happen. The specifics are rather foggy, though.

Any ideas as to how this might happen?

Here's my two cents:

Who are the "internationalist" powers? Those who consider their nations to be "examples of multicultural 'universalist' society"?

The USA. The Russian Federation. China. Iran. The EU. India. ISIS. Any other "Pan National" organization.

A three party war is a pain in the posterior. Better to make war binary; betwixt two parties.

The goal of a "universalist" (wanna be one-world hyperpower) is twofold: 1) Don't break up into more natural "nations", 2) Win external wars of conquest.

Universalists prefer to fight (war) with other universalists, as that distracts the "diverse" population from fighting amongst themselves.

Universalists are happy to ally with other universalist nations if it helps reduce the complexity of future war possibilities to the preferred binary condition (two overall sides).

China is the natural "enemy" of the other universalists, the most "alien", both physically and philosophically. China, therefore, is the "leader" (by acclamation) of one side of the preferred binary war condition. The USA is the other "leader" (also by [reluctant] acclamation).

And the membership of each side "precipitates" out in obvious ways.
USA/Russia/EU/Iran/India vs. China.

ISIS is an ad hoc "identity". They can and will change into whatever helps them (as individuals and sub-groups). They are now trying to "self-identify" with SOMEBODY (anybody?) that will "guarantee" their survival. At the moment it's the Syrians, who seem to have an "in" with the Russians, which would get them into the Anti-China side.

They don't want to get into bed with China, at this point, because they think the West is more likely to win. Those (within ISIS and Islamist elsewhat) who vehemently refuse to align with the West (as Syria/Iran) will be expelled or exterminated by "their fellows". The expelled will most likely ally with China, as there is no other real choice.

Each Sunni "nation" will have to make a choice: Reform into a Non-Sunni nation and ally with the West, or remain Sunni and ally with China.

My guess is that Pakistan (and the Sunni-ish parts of India) will fragment into reformed and non-reformed parts, and that Saudi Arabia will utterly reform and ally with the West. The "small nations" of central asia will ally with the West, as they are well aware of what China is.

Russia will "eat" Syria, sacrificing Assad as the impure evil tool that was required for the job. Iran will "eat" their (even vaguely) Iranic neighbors (Caucasus, etc), who will welcome them jubilantly as liberators.

NONE of this will happen until Iran is "freed" from their "old fogie" oppressors and reform Shi'ite Islam into what it must become to survive.

The single greatest event toward the precipitation to war will be the Liberation of Iran.

THAT is your storm warning!

The West will firm. China will tense. The small countries will scramble for the West, and most of them will succeed. Those who don't will prostrate before their remaining choice, despairing at their prospects,.. positioning themselves for treachery when the time they dread most comes.

..and then madness.

Either take joy in the turning of the wheel with your people, whoever they may be, in the madness,.. or don't. Happiness is not contingent. You either take it for yourself, whatever the conditions, or you don't. Teach the young to take it, always.

The turning is not for naught. Fragmentation is needed. Make happiness, not despair. Beauty conquers, always!

Cynic Hero 86

Re: 1-Dec-18 World View -- Evidence grows of Assad's 'final solution', extermination of Arab Sunnis in Syria

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

Iran will likely stay Twelver Shiite, the majority of the Iranians in Iran are pro-islamists. Yes the upper-class college students want a liberal Iran but the rest of the population doesn't.

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