12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Russia

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12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Russia

Post by John »

12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Russia

Russia says that Constantinople's decision is 'catastrophic'

** 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Russia
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e181012

Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Russia
Russia says that Constantinople's decision is 'catastrophic'

Generational Dynamics, Russia, Ukraine, Constantinople,
Russian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church,
Patriarch Bartholomew I, Patriarch Kirill,
Pechersk Lavra, Petro Poroshenko,
Filaret Denisenko, Hilarion Alfeyev, Crimea


Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by Kavkaz »

I think the Dutch writer Hans Boland nailed it in 2014 when he was interviewed regarding his refusal to accept an award from Putin.
In August 2014, when Boland was honored with an invitation to the Kremlin, to receive the Pushkin Award from the hands of Russia’s president, he refused the medal without hesitations. “I would receive such an honor with the greatest possible gratitude were it not for your president, whose behavior and way of thinking I despise and hate,” wrote the Dutch translator in his letter to the cultural attache at the Russian Embassy. “He represents a very great danger to freedom and peace on our planet. May God grant that his ‘ideals’ meet with swift and total destruction. Any relationship between him and me, between his name and Pushkin’s, is disgusting and unbearable to me.”
“It is always hard for an ordinary man to fight the lawlessness of the state.

Yeah, I know that from personal experience...
It is hard in a democratic country, but even more so when a state is based on lawlessness, when lawlessness is its main driving force. Such things are even more disgusting when it comes to Russia, because the mixture of loutishness and cowardice, typical of Putin and his associates, traditionally urges them to avoid an open battlefield. Their instinct is to respond with meanness to an act of decency. Putin has always remained a miserable petty spy, molded by the USSR. It is this pettishness that differs him from his inspirer, Stalin (and even from Hitler). You might wonder who would care to fight such a worm? Personally I am ready to fight the evil, of which Putin is one of the most eminent representatives. Because of my love for Pushkin, Akhmatova, and others. Authority is temporary, while poetry is eternal.”
It happened so that although it was Russia that was born out of Ukraine, and not the other way around, due to systematic distortion of historical facts to serve ideological needs (just consider the concept of ‘great Russia’) the entire world (alas, including Ukrainians themselves) grew to believe in this distorted picture of history and culture, believe in the ‘big brother.’ But Volodymyr the Great, Baptist of Rus’, Volodymyr Monomakh, and many other ‘founders of the Russian nation and culture’ were of Ukrainian, not Russian origin! And what about ‘the mother of all Russian cities’?
I know from personal experience how nasty and hypocritical Putin and his cronies (and the majority of the Russian people) truly are. Why is the Orthodox Church splitting? Because the Russian Church is a sham. It's nothing but an extension of the Russian FSB. Communism brought Russia low; Putin has dragged it down even further. Invading Ukraine was a mistake that Putin could not afford to make.

I can't believe anyone in the West would look to Putin to save them. It's strange that he has any fans at all.


Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by Guest »

Those psychopathic Russians are all about control. They clearly hate it when they lose it.

Silent Guest 1

Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by Silent Guest 1 »

The first response was thorough and from experience. Russia is historically a paranoid nation. My Jewish grandfather and brother escaped from the pale to avoid the gulag. Stalin also murdered millions of his own people. Putin is empire building and has involved himself in Syria. He is a friend of no one.
The Orthodox heirarchies tend to be ethnically different. Decades ago, a Roman Catholic could attend mass anywhere and find sameness or uniformity if you prefer. The Roumanian Orthodox Church was infused with communism after WWII.
Denominational religion seems to go the way of politics--secular heresy. Not a hearty recommendation. Unless Russian and Ukraine peasants are vastly more spiritual than Americans, I cannot see them taking to the streets with pitchforks.

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Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

The Russian people simply want as much "rest" between catastrophes as they can get.

The Russian elites, as always, are threatened by the forest, and the steppe, and the mountains, and the farm fields, and the peasants, and any other vaguely nearby people and things.

Russian elites, like US Democrats, are one-party-staters intent on Universal Empire with all others being their supporting slaves in charge of their own slaves, who have THEIR own slaves, lather, rinse, repeat...

..ain't gonna happen, but it's "fun" watching them try.

The Orthodox "Pope" (!?), like any good cat herder, loves stickin' it to those uppity cats that think they're in control.


Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by Guest »

[quote]The Russian people simply want as much "rest" between catastrophes as they can get.[/quote

You don't know Russians. They are brutal people who if not inflicting hell on outsiders are inflicting hell on each others.

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Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:
The Russian people simply want as much "rest" between catastrophes as they can get.
You don't know Russians. They are brutal people who if not inflicting hell on outsiders are inflicting hell on each others.

You are probably right, but EVERYBODY needs a break from their appointed rounds! :)

I do like (in an amused way) your extensive use of hyperbolic stereotyping. Bravo, kuʻu hoaloha!

..my guess is you are a Russian, and an obvious troll. And if not, they salute you for your excellent work, товарищ. <chuckle!>

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Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by CH86 »

Guest wrote:
The Russian people simply want as much "rest" between catastrophes as they can get.[/quote

You don't know Russians. They are brutal people who if not inflicting hell on outsiders are inflicting hell on each others.
Last time I checked, Russians have NOT been clamoring for Kasparov or the Surviving Romanov Descendants. Who therefore is going to bring the supposedly liberal Russian Government into existence that would cover against China's Northern Flank?

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Re: 12-Oct-18 World View -- Constantinople grants Ukrainian Orthodox Church independence, causing historic split with Ru

Post by CH86 »

Silent Guest 1 wrote:The first response was thorough and from experience. Russia is historically a paranoid nation. My Jewish grandfather and brother escaped from the pale to avoid the gulag. Stalin also murdered millions of his own people. Putin is empire building and has involved himself in Syria. He is a friend of no one.
The Orthodox heirarchies tend to be ethnically different. Decades ago, a Roman Catholic could attend mass anywhere and find sameness or uniformity if you prefer. The Roumanian Orthodox Church was infused with communism after WWII.
Denominational religion seems to go the way of politics--secular heresy. Not a hearty recommendation. Unless Russian and Ukraine peasants are vastly more spiritual than Americans, I cannot see them taking to the streets with pitchforks.
LOL, Our wilsonian globalists are far more paranoid than the Russians usually are, During WW2 it was our government, not Stalin's that insisted on unconditional Surrender and social engineering of Germany and Japan. Throughout 1943 and 1944 Stalin often complained about that and pointed out that the grand alliance had already won the war. The Russians were actually against unconditional Surrender for a very long time even though they had been physically invaded. It was not until the Yalta conference in February 1945 that we were able to get the Russians fully committed to unconditional surrender and that was only by FDR telling Stalin that he could keep any territories his armies set foot on. The Fact was that the historically paranoid Russians were willing to live with a defeated Nazi Germany and a defeated Imperial Japan yet our government was not; Even though our country had suffered far lower casualties in the war than the Russians did.

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