6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

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6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by John »

6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Venezuela's Socialist president Maduro refuses humanitarian aid

** 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180906

Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela
Venezuela's Socialist president Maduro refuses humanitarian aid

Generational Dynamics, Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, Nicolás Maduro,
Quito, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile,
Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia,
Dominican Republic, Diosdado Cabello


Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by Guest »

Let's, see: Between 25%-35% of the populations of Central American countries have already migrated (most of them illegally) to the United States and are on welfare. Central American countries have already collapsed and are now just a collection of global murder capitals. The populations of these failed states is kept alive by remittances from the US and the cocaine trade.

Farther south, Venezuela is dead, another failed Latin American state, and Brazil, the heaviest of the South American heavy weights, is failing too. The upperclasses of Brazil have already decamped for Portugal. Argentina's currency has collapsed again, and rest of South America is on life support as their currencies are now in free fall.

Can North America supprt all of these people on welfare? No. We can't. And our people are being raped, robbed, beaten, and murdered on a massive scale by migrants who have no right to be here at all.

This is how America ends?

Liberalism is a terminal illness.

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Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guests are such GLOOMY people.... which is fine, I suppose.

Anyway,.. The comedy value of this awfulness is really quite high. Sorry to be overly cheery, but it's just the way I'm constituted.

People will try to make the best of whatever situation they're in, or they'll give up and die, or their "best handling" of things will still result in them getting killed off, but being a human being is a "challenging" occupation, and it's certainly more difficult a job in some places than others, but that's reality.

But the Benny Hill-esque drama that South America illustrates is truly amazing in it's "unintentional" zaniness.

Actually, if there was ONE group of South Americans that I'd welcome into the US it would be the (non-socialist) Venezuelans. Really great people.

..and the Costa Ricans. And if they could bring their beaches with the great waves that would be really nifty.

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Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by shoshin »

Mr KanakaDude, the "Mutts" agree with you about Costa Rica!
https://mutts.com/product/strip-090618/ ... 5c9d347451

Me too. They don't even have an army! Imagine if we dispensed with our so-called "Defence" Department.

Silent Guest 2

Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by Silent Guest 2 »

Dear Guest:
Thank you for recapping John's post. Your observations agree with my own.
My imagination pictures another march of "refugees" targeting America's southern now porous borders. Maduro's murderous "Help? We don't need no stinking help" edict is unacceptable on every level. Several of the nations "agreeing" to accept fleeing Venezuelans will be pushed over the edge of crisis themselves. Can no one grasp that civilization rests on nations having control of THEIR OWN borders??
Trump is considering privitizing our necessary Afghanistan presence. To some extent that is in operation. South American countries, make your own decisions. As for me and my house, we choose armed troops, tanks, bouncing betty filled moat and electrified barbed wire fence on our borders. As Guest pointed out, American CITIZENS are NOT willing to subsidize and be victimized for 3rd world illegal border crossers.

U R idiots

Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by U R idiots »

“Since 2015, more than 1.6 million Venezuelans have abandoned their country, with 90 percent arriving in neighboring South American countries, according to the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.” Reuters

Somehow this equates to the US being invaded by foreigners.


Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by Guest »

U R idiots wrote:“Since 2015, more than 1.6 million Venezuelans have abandoned their country, with 90 percent arriving in neighboring South American countries, according to the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.” Reuters

Somehow this equates to the US being invaded by foreigners.
Moron, most of the illegals in America are from Central America. Grow up, douche bag. Go back to that Mexican slum where your hooker mother gave birth to you.

U R moronic

Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by U R moronic »

Your stupidity is astonishing. Attack puppy is so scary.


Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by Guest »

U R moronic wrote:Your stupidity is astonishing. Attack puppy is so scary.
Virtue signaling noted, snow flake. :roll: No go crawl back under your rock.

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Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:07 pm

Re: 6-Sep-18 World View -- Latin American countries open their borders to migrants from Socialist Venezuela

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

Guest wrote:
U R idiots wrote:“Since 2015, more than 1.6 million Venezuelans have abandoned their country, with 90 percent arriving in neighboring South American countries, according to the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR.” Reuters

Somehow this equates to the US being invaded by foreigners.
Moron,... ... Go back to that Mexican slum where your hooker mother gave birth to you.
Damn..!! And I thought I was being harsh...!!

... I love you f__kin' guyz...!! :)

I WAS expecting a donkey "reference" in there somewhere, by the way, but hey,.. restraint has its merits.

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