2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

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2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by John »

2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Leon Festinger and Cognitive Dissonance

** 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e180702

Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America
Leon Festinger and Cognitive Dissonance
The explanation: Commitment, disconfirmation and Cognitive Dissonance

Generational Dynamics, Jarrod W. Ramos, Capital Gazette,
Maxine Waters, Tea Party, Anderson Cooper, David Gergen,
James Hoffa, Teamsters Union,
International Longshore and Warehouse Union, ILWU,
Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown Connecticut, Adam Lanza,
Steven Crowder, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Kathy Griffin,
Leon Festinger, Cognitive Dissonance, When Prophecy Fails,
GI Generation, Silent Generation,
United Nations, World Bank, Green Revolution,
World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, IMF,
Battle of Bull Run, Pearl Harbor, Bataan Death March


Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest »

There is validity to the concept of "Regeneracy" and I have recently read some commenter who predicted the "Powers that Be" will manufacture some crisis to unite everyone in America (I don't think so, just mentioning that others recognize the phenomenon). However, I don't think that will happen this time around, especially if the crisis requires great sacrifice, including the sacrifice of lives. The reason is mainly due to the mass influx of immigrants who have nothing in common with Americans, and who have no skin in the game, and whose only concern is what they can extract from the country. There will be few to no recent immigrants who will crowd the recruiting stations, there will be few to no inner city gang members or MS-13 who will crowd the recruiting stations to defend America, the Land of the Free, since none of them care about the founding principals and in fact (along with the younger native generations) harbor bitter hatred for the Founding Fathers. There will be perhaps a massive refugee flow north and south to neighboring countries. I personally would absolutely not put my life on the line to preserve this dying country, so that it can be inherited by Chicago and Detroit thugs, and picked over by Aztec and Mayan Mestizos. I am not alone in this opinion, and our solution is to have a plan of escape, not a stand and fight attitude. It may not sound honorable or heroic, but is a rational and natural response to the state this country has evolved into.
Finally, Rome did not perpetually enjoy some kind of unification after every crisis; eventually it ran out of steam and crumbled into ruin. The same fate awaits America.

Guest 2

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 2 »

The media has chosen the anti freedom side (which calls freedom fascist.) They accuse a druggy-looking guy of being a trumpy when he attacks immigrants.

Theres something being set up. It’s like the lead up of the pro-slavery people attacking the abolitionists before the first revolution- but what’s happening smacks more of to the French Revolution; far more evil than ours.

We are “protected” by the constitution only so long as people believe in the sanctity of rights like those set out in the declaration.

Without that, our recourse shifts to the principals set out in the articles of confederation.

Trump is clearly the best president since Reagan at least. I’m personally shocked. But he can’t lead a patriotic movement because he’s in government. He can enforce laws punishing companies and execs for hiring illegals and then they will ALL leave, but he cannot attack the triad of media-academia& communist insurgency.

If the antifreedom guys get more support from government than the pro-freedom guys, then the constitution might come into effect again in a way that’s too late.

A leadership will emerge that understands the articles of confederation and the continental congress upon which the constitution is based.

Still-I don’t yet see a way out of this.

Gen X

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Gen X »

Reagan was never as much fun as Mr. Trump. He was neutered after the assassination attempt, and was completely bogged-down by Iran-Contra. I think his heart was possibly in the right place, but Trump seems to be the real Teflon President . . . so far, anyway. I still struggle with the knowledge that it's probably all theater, though it's still top-notch entertainment.

Glad I'm old with no kids...


Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest »

I personally would absolutely not put my life on the line to preserve this dying country, so that it can be inherited by Chicago and Detroit thugs, and picked over by Aztec and Mayan Mestizos. I am not alone in this opinion...
I'm with you. As a white male, I know I have no future in America. I only pay taxes because I'm required to (not that immigrants are held to that, even though they collect welfare and their kids attend school on my dime). No. Let America die.

Sometimes you just have to walk away. Even the Romans walked away.

Guest 3

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 3 »

John, you have written a defining piece which I will pass on to many, especially in the White House.
Having lived an almost Forrest Gump life as a patriot (3 generations military, law and order), I am active in community life. Male guests here cannot be faulted for their unwillingness to fight for what America has become. Guys, I have twice researched ex-pat havens. Unfortunately many are literally walled in sanctuaries surrounded by squalor and occasional uprisings.
Note that Bibi, the most sane decisive world leader, backtracked from his intention to deport "migrant" squatters. Trump is faced with 50,000,000 criminals who reproduce annually. Did he purposely choose under-the-desk Sessions to avoid dealing with the obvious solution?
Having been personally in ER's by physical attacks from illegals, cartel dealers and jihadists, I understand the cost of standing to fight. Three reasons for deep concern remain with me:
Congress is dysfunctional. Both majority leaders are arrogant, disconnected and greedy for money and power.
The justice system is dormant on all levels. We are literally on our own.
Last summer I watched 4 busloads of young men go off to Marine boot camp. Not a one was hispanic. We have a great gap between seasoned military officers and pilots and line troops. Barry replaced patriotic military with NWO plants.
My son is a Wounded Warrior from Black Ops service. This Father's Day I again thanked him for having no children.
Lastly, my deepest apoligies to white males for the rabid feminazis.

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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:07 pm
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Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by thomasglee »

Guest 3 wrote:John, you have written a defining piece which I will pass on to many, especially in the White House.
Having lived an almost Forrest Gump life as a patriot (3 generations military, law and order), I am active in community life. Male guests here cannot be faulted for their unwillingness to fight for what America has become. Guys, I have twice researched ex-pat havens. Unfortunately many are literally walled in sanctuaries surrounded by squalor and occasional uprisings.
Note that Bibi, the most sane decisive world leader, backtracked from his intention to deport "migrant" squatters. Trump is faced with 50,000,000 criminals who reproduce annually. Did he purposely choose under-the-desk Sessions to avoid dealing with the obvious solution?
Having been personally in ER's by physical attacks from illegals, cartel dealers and jihadists, I understand the cost of standing to fight. Three reasons for deep concern remain with me:
Congress is dysfunctional. Both majority leaders are arrogant, disconnected and greedy for money and power.
The justice system is dormant on all levels. We are literally on our own.
Last summer I watched 4 busloads of young men go off to Marine boot camp. Not a one was hispanic. We have a great gap between seasoned military officers and pilots and line troops. Barry replaced patriotic military with NWO plants.
My son is a Wounded Warrior from Black Ops service. This Father's Day I again thanked him for having no children.
Lastly, my deepest apoligies to white males for the rabid feminazis.
It's sad, but the handwriting is clearly on the wall; this country can and will never return to the liberty loving paradise it nearly was but frankly, we already knew that as most of us here are students of history. I have many ex-pat friends living in various countries across the globe. What most of them tell me they enjoy the most is not having to turn on their TV's each night and see talking heads blabbing on about politics. Sure, some of their "freedoms" are limited, but in many ways, living overseas they are "more" free than they would be if living here in the USA.

I live in Texas, will probably be one of the best places to live once the crap does hit the fan. I might still fight for Texas, but I'm with the others as far as fighting for this country goes. I served 8 years as an Army Infantryman and it's hard to believe that I now feel as I do.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

Guest 5

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 5 »

thomasglee wrote:
Guest 3 wrote:John, you have written a defining piece which I will pass on to many, especially in the White House.
Having lived an almost Forrest Gump life as a patriot (3 generations military, law and order), I am active in community life. Male guests here cannot be faulted for their unwillingness to fight for what America has become. Guys, I have twice researched ex-pat havens. Unfortunately many are literally walled in sanctuaries surrounded by squalor and occasional uprisings.
Note that Bibi, the most sane decisive world leader, backtracked from his intention to deport "migrant" squatters. Trump is faced with 50,000,000 criminals who reproduce annually. Did he purposely choose under-the-desk Sessions to avoid dealing with the obvious solution?
Having been personally in ER's by physical attacks from illegals, cartel dealers and jihadists, I understand the cost of standing to fight. Three reasons for deep concern remain with me:
Congress is dysfunctional. Both majority leaders are arrogant, disconnected and greedy for money and power.
The justice system is dormant on all levels. We are literally on our own.
Last summer I watched 4 busloads of young men go off to Marine boot camp. Not a one was hispanic. We have a great gap between seasoned military officers and pilots and line troops. Barry replaced patriotic military with NWO plants.
My son is a Wounded Warrior from Black Ops service. This Father's Day I again thanked him for having no children.
Lastly, my deepest apoligies to white males for the rabid feminazis.
It's sad, but the handwriting is clearly on the wall; this country can and will never return to the liberty loving paradise it nearly was but frankly, we already knew that as most of us here are students of history. I have many ex-pat friends living in various countries across the globe. What most of them tell me they enjoy the most is not having to turn on their TV's each night and see talking heads blabbing on about politics. Sure, some of their "freedoms" are limited, but in many ways, living overseas they are "more" free than they would be if living here in the USA.

I live in Texas, will probably be one of the best places to live once the crap does hit the fan. I might still fight for Texas, but I'm with the others as far as fighting for this country goes. I served 8 years as an Army Infantryman and it's hard to believe that I now feel as I do.
I'm from a long line of soldiers. I'm a Citadel graduate. No way in hell I will fight this country if it means just preserving for a bunch illegals and their larva. Hell no.

Guest 5

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 5 »

Edit: No way in hell I will fight for this country...

Apologies. This article and discussion thread have really gotten to me. I can't even write down my thoughts correctly.


Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest »

Nassim Taleb Slams "These Virtue-Signaling Open-Borders Imbeciles" In 3 Short Tweets

What intellectuals don't get about MIGRATION is the ethical notion of SYMMETRY:

1) OPEN BORDERS work if and only if the number of pple who want to go from EU/US to Africa/LatinAmer equals Africans/Latin Amer who want to move to EU/US

2) Controlled immigration is based on the symmetry that someone brings in at least as much as he/she gets out. And the ethics of the immigrant is to defend the system as payback, not mess it up.

Uncontrolled immigration has all the attributes of invasions.

3) As a Christian Lebanese, saw the nightmare of uncontrolled immigration of Palestinians which caused the the civil war & as a part-time resident of N. Lebanon, I am seeing the effect of Syrian migration on the place.

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