2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee aid

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2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee aid

Post by John »

2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program terminates aid to 1.7 million Syrian refugees

Syrian refugees increasingly threaten regional stability

** 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program terminates aid to 1.7 million Syrian refugees
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e141202

World Food Program terminates aid to 1.7 million Syrian refugees
Syrian refugees increasingly threaten regional stability

Generational Dynamics, United Nations, World Food Program, WFP,
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Kenya,
Iran, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Russia, Vladimir Putin,
Bashar al-Assad


Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by octavian61 »

I must disagree with you in regards to Syria as being the creator of ISIS. I put full reponsibility on the rise of ISIS and the chaos now arising in the Middle East squarely on the lap of Former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and the gang of Washington elitists. They are the ones who funded (with tax payer money) those "revolutions" that spiralled out of control, beginning with Tunisia, down to Egypt and Syria, and now, in my opinion, being conducted on Russia. I am not a fan of Putin or Assad, but when you start playing with mad dogs you will get bitten very badly. Syria was never even in anyone's minds until the State Dept., under Clinton, thought they had succeeded in Egypt, and saw that they had another chance to get rid of someone who did not agree to step aside and give room to those who would tow the line dictated by the West. This folly we are now find ourselves in will cost us very dearly, not only in the lives of our soldiers who will be sent to these places, in the hope, that they can get things straightened out, but in America's reputation abroad.


Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by Rowan »

Totally agree with Octavian re the responsibility of the US in creating the current situation in the middle east (and Ukraine, and certain south American countries, and anywhere else the US has applied its "bomb first" foreign policies).

From outside (I'm in the UK) it does seem that most Americans are totally oblivious to their country's foreign policy stupidity. They preach democracy but see nothing wrong in removing elected leaders they don't like. They have decided that the rest of the world is out to "get them" when really all the rest of the world wants is for the US to butt out and stop dropping bombs willy nilly. They believe they are bringing peace when all they do is create war and terrorists.

Blame Putin and Assad and the rest all you want, but remember to look in the mirror once in a while. The reflection you see isn't a policeman, its a warmongering bully with the political nous of a two-year old throwing a tantrum.

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Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by John »

Nobody is second to me in criticizing Obama's foreign policy. And if
you want to put part of the blame for ISIS on Obama's "red line"
flip-flop after al-Assad started using sarin gas on innocent Syrian
women and children and continues to use barrel bombs laced with
chlorine to this day, then you won't get any argument from me.

But ISIS was not created by Obama. ISIS was created in a very
specific way: by turning Syria into a magnet for jihadists worldwide
who want to fight al-Assad, after he started his genocidal assault on
innocent Syrian women and children.

There are thousands of young men and women who are citizens of
Britain and other EU countries who have traveled or are traveling
to Syria to join ISIS. Britain never had that problem during the
Bush administration or in the first term of the Obama administration.
That problem began specifically when al-Assad started slaughtering
innocent Syrian women and children. That's a specific cause and
effect that is totally unrelated to anything the US administration
has done.

So making vague, unsubstantiated loony left criticisms of America may
be ideologically satisfying, but it bears no relation to what's
actually going on. And blaming the Arab "color revolutions" on the
U.S. is pure fantasy. Those came about because of generational
changes in those countries, and could not have been either started or
prevented by any outside force.

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Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by gerald »

Those who play with fire can get badly burned.

There appears to be some support for the idea that Germany provided safe passage for Lenin from Switzerland to Russia to benefit Germany during the First world War. Of course Germany paid a very heavy price for that move during the Second World War

from --http://history.stackexchange.com/questi ... a-revoluti

"The historian Richard Pipes writes in his book The Russian Revolution that based on disclosed German papers made available after WWII the German Foreign Secretary at the time of Lenin's passage Richard von Kühlmann was either the person that came up with the idea, or at the bare minimum signed off on the idea of letting Lenin pass through German lands to return to Russia. Lenin was even decried as a "German agent" when he finally returned."

"According to Pipes, relying on numbers from Eduard Bernstein, the German government sent "more than 50 million deutsche marks in gold" from 1917 to 1918 to help the Bolsheviks establish and hold power."

from my media post

Queston? why does the Mainstream Media say ---

The grand jury decision released Monday ignited violent protests. Brown, who was black, was unarmed when fatally shot by a white officer in August.

But they do not say that the grand jury decided that the officer acted in self defense? --- Is this not propaganda as in what Joseph Goebbels would say? ( The grand jury consisted of six white men, three white women, two black women and one black man. Nine votes are needed to indict. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the racial makeup of the grand jury is similar to the racial breakdown of St. Louis County, which is about 24 percent black and about 68 percent white. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ferguson-ca ... -revealed/ ) Isn't this how one creates civil unrest by promulgating half truths?


"CNN is lying when they say Ferguson protests were ‘peaceful’" http://nypost.com/2014/11/29/why-cnn-wa ... -peaceful/

"The network helped stir up a nation to the point of violence. Yet, since the protesters must always be on the side of angels, CNN lies about the destruction that follows."

If one does not want to call a "spade a spade" how can society solve problems using rational thought? or are there other reasons?
Are they trying to stir up the hornets nest here, and for what reason?


Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by MarvyGuy »

Good analysis as usual John. I have often wondered what makes Putin take the actions that he does (not going into the current disease of narcissistic psychopaths required CV for politicians these days).

My guess has been that after Libya Putin resolved to fully support Assad to show how Russia stands with its friends as opposed to the US who will throw you under the bus at anytime. I think he did this to show the difference in and gain influence over the US.

As the crisis deepened and Assad took the gloves off to hold onto power Russia was now fully committed to their man and come hell or high water nothing was going to change that. As the US stepped into the proxy war it just hardened Russia’s position (red lines, gun running etc).

I think the same reaction occurred in Georgia and Ukraine. Any signs that you want to align closely with NATO/EU will now be met with resistance/invasion. Granted there are today former blocs who are in EU, NATO or both but that was then and the line has been drawn. You see Merkel saying that NATO is off the table for Ukraine due to potentially further destabilizing the region. I read a few reports that the US/EU/NATO is still heavily involved in Ukraine but to what extent I don’t know. I think it is clear Russia is tired of NATO creep and are in a way fighting another “proxy” war to prevent them getting any closer. By “proxy” I mean being actively involved but saying that they are not involved.

I think that today US plays the same games around the world today (power projection) so I no longer have confidence that they operate with a clear set of goals being run by a cabal of psychopaths (financed by Soros et al) bent on a Marxist revolution which makes pushing “democracy” a bit hard to swallow. Indeed Putin must be chuckling at the US right now since Russia saw the same events take place env. 1917/1918. So in the past US was resisting communism but today it is embracing and so has lost, in my opinion, the “moral” high ground.

While it seems hard to negate further action on Russia’s part it will be interesting to see how the US/Russian alignment comes about. I suspect it will be when China decides to get started. So we have Russia and China salami slicing, the global financial system on the precipice and it is just waiting for nucleate boiling to occur.
As an aside to Gerlad I suppose that Ferguson is a result of actively taking the system down as Marx would encourage using Cloward/Piven. My supposition is that for those in the US the choice has been “made” and you are just seeing the end game being playing out. I wonder if it is too far gone now and no matter whom you elect in 2016 it will be too late since the system is now fully unstable and on the way down. The end result ocould be a dictatorship since Octavian now knows that the Rubicon was crossed many miles ago so just need the civil war now with Caesar’s legions to roll in and crush the OpFor.

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Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by Trevor »

Yeah, I don't see this ending anytime soon, either. Assad's getting all the weapons and heavy equipment he wants. It's not lost on me that even though ISIS is controlling more Syrian territory, he's focusing most of his firepower on the Free Syrian Army.

The major difficulty is that you're not going to get rid of ISIS without first removing Assad from power, and we've made it clear that we have no interest in doing so. I think at least on some level, we've decided to let him stay in power. Even though our intervention has slowed ISIS down, it's also given the impression that we're siding with Assad against them, which is only going to boost recruitment to their ranks.

From the very beginning, I've been amazed at how many people support Assad and consider him a hero. I've read the Breitbart comments and far too many seem to share that opinion, claiming that all reports of his atrocities are lies, that the rebels are responsible for all of them, and that we should be standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

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Re: 2-Dec-14 World View -- World Food Program ends refugee a

Post by John »

Trevor wrote: > From the very beginning, I've been amazed at how many people
> support Assad and consider him a hero. I've read the Breitbart
> comments and far too many seem to share that opinion, claiming
> that all reports of his atrocities are lies, that the rebels are
> responsible for all of them, and that we should be standing
> shoulder to shoulder with him.
It totally astonishes me as well. And some of these Breitbart
comments are people who say in other comments that all Muslims are
murdering savages, and yet they praise as a hero probably the world's
worst Muslim murder savage. It's bizarre.

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