Why is Gen Y seen in such a positive light here?

The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Why is Gen Y seen in such a positive light here?

Post by mr_t »

Although I think that this web site has many down to earth and intelligent things to say, I do not share the high opinion it has of Gen Y.

Along with many others, I see Gen Y as being lazy, narcissistic, arrogant, lacking attention spans, whingy, and deluded.

They seem to have a real sense of entitlement, as if the world owes them a living, but they don't feel as if they have to contribute anything.

No idea why the author of this site has such high opinion of them. Heroes? You gotta be kidding......

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Re: Why is Gen Y seen in such a positive light here?

Post by wtf »

I have to agree with you. I can't speak highly of my generation either (genx) but the sense of entitlement and the need for constant approval/rewards on the job is ridiculous. The whole theory that they are more efficient workers because of multitasking is ridiculous. IM/facebook/myspace are nothing more than time wasters like talking on the telephone at the office with your friends was for Boomer generation. My dad (boomer) says that when genY's/genX's multitask on two tasks at the same time, they only finish 50% of each task and take twice as long to do that.

A lot of times I think its not just a generational thing, but just that I'm getting older, grumpier, and less tolerant of others opinions.

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Re: Why is Gen Y seen in such a positive light here?

Post by John »

mr_t wrote: > Although I think that this web site has many down to earth and
> intelligent things to say, I do not share the high opinion it has
> of Gen Y.

> Along with many others, I see Gen Y as being lazy, narcissistic,
> arrogant, lacking attention spans, whingy, and deluded.

> They seem to have a real sense of entitlement, as if the world
> owes them a living, but they don't feel as if they have to
> contribute anything.

> No idea why the author of this site has such high opinion of
> them. Heroes? You gotta be kidding......
Well, first off, my son is a Millennial (Gen Y), and he's a great,
fantastic kid. Second, all of his friends that I met were always
nice, well-mannered, and concerned about what they could do to make
life better for their parents and the country -- in other words,
if Gen-Xers are nihilists, Millennials are anti-nihilists.

The reason that Millennials seem lazy and narcissistic is because
they do not yet have a role in society. They're a "generation in
waiting," waiting for their time to come. They have, as the saying
goes, "an appointment with destiny."

When the time comes, you'll worship and thank them for their
willingness to do anything they can, even risking their own lives,
without a word of complaint, to save your butt.

In the meantime, try to enjoy the fun and joy that they bring into
your life. This time won't last long, and when it's over, you'll
think that you'd give anything just have one day of it back.



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Re: Why is Gen Y seen in such a positive light here?

Post by Felix34 »

The baby boomers think we're special because we're their kids, expect a backlash soon.

A lot of Yers I know are drug addicts and drunk messes due to this attitude towards them by their parents.

Personally I think my generation has yet to show us their potential. I can also see different groups in Y, my brother's generation (4 years older than me) are relatively unstable and risk takers. (drunks messes I was talking about.) My cousin's generation (7 years older than me) are a very responsible. My generation (age 20-23) I believe are also responsible. I watched most of my friends head off to college and graduate. Also the ones that didn't go to college are now working at jobs and fairly stable.

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STOP GOOD or BAD Why is Gen Y seen such a positive light her

Post by burt »

I get sick with all the remarks about the others GOOD or BAD, Generational Dynamics could help to undertstand that we are ONLY humans, so please STOP thinking taht a generation is good or bad, that the OTHERS are stupid, lazy or, on contrary genius.
Go for your own psychotherapy, it will help

Nobody cares, we are just trying to live on this earth and the way we spent our time on earth when we were children gives the way we think, once adult, that's all.


I begin to be mad about remarks on the others, the boomers, the Gen-X, and so on, it makes too much noise, PLEASE COME BACK TO THE ONLY TRUTH: we, as humans (I mean ALL OF US), are pretty stupids, arrogants, lazy, .... and what we see in the others IS ONLY (but really ONLY) what we are.
I mean if you think the other is lazy it can only come from the fact that you are lazier than him, otherwise you wouldn't even remark it.

John, could you please reject or refer to my post to answer to all kind of remarks on the others and stop them, so that we can concentrate on the main stuff: Do Generational Dynamics works and where are the limits of the Theory??



Tom Acre
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Re: Why is Gen Y seen in such a positive light here?

Post by Tom Acre »

Generations are groups of individuals. General tendencies of the group may or may not be true of individuals or subgroups. For instance, the Rangers who took Pointe du Hoc and the traitors who gave nuclear weapons to the Communists were of the same generation.

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Re: STOP GOOD or BAD Why is Gen Y seen such a positive light her

Post by thomasglee »

burt wrote:I get sick with all the remarks about the others GOOD or BAD, Generational Dynamics could help to undertstand that we are ONLY humans, so please STOP thinking taht a generation is good or bad, that the OTHERS are stupid, lazy or, on contrary genius.
Go for your own psychotherapy, it will help

Nobody cares, we are just trying to live on this earth and the way we spent our time on earth when we were children gives the way we think, once adult, that's all.


I begin to be mad about remarks on the others, the boomers, the Gen-X, and so on, it makes too much noise, PLEASE COME BACK TO THE ONLY TRUTH: we, as humans (I mean ALL OF US), are pretty stupids, arrogants, lazy, .... and what we see in the others IS ONLY (but really ONLY) what we are.
I mean if you think the other is lazy it can only come from the fact that you are lazier than him, otherwise you wouldn't even remark it.

John, could you please reject or refer to my post to answer to all kind of remarks on the others and stop them, so that we can concentrate on the main stuff: Do Generational Dynamics works and where are the limits of the Theory??


Try to understand the teachings of Generational Dynamics and stop putting your "feelings" into it. Sure, there are good people in bad generations, but generations are a whole, not individual. Therefore, labeling a "generational" period as being good or bad is understandable.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: STOP GOOD or BAD Why is Gen Y seen such a positive light her

Post by burt »

thomasglee wrote: Try to understand the teachings of Generational Dynamics and stop putting your "feelings" into it.
"Good" or "bad" IS a feeling and it has nothing to do with any kind of formal descrption of human, as is Generational Dynamics.

My only point is to understand where are the limits of this theory.

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Re: STOP GOOD or BAD Why is Gen Y seen such a positive light her

Post by thomasglee »

burt wrote:
thomasglee wrote: Try to understand the teachings of Generational Dynamics and stop putting your "feelings" into it.
"Good" or "bad" IS a feeling and it has nothing to do with any kind of formal descrption of human, as is Generational Dynamics.

My only point is to understand where are the limits of this theory.
No, judging good or bad is easy. So are black and white just feelings too? :roll:

It is clear that there are generational cycles that lead to good and bad actions. The Generations that perpetuate whatever it leads to bad times are doing bad things and therefore are bad. Again, that does not mean that all the people of that Generation are bad, but that the Generation as a whole acts badly (incorrectly) and therefore, is bad for society = bad.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: STOP GOOD or BAD Why is Gen Y seen such a positive light her

Post by John »

Dear Bertrand,
burt wrote: > I get sick with all the remarks about the others GOOD or BAD,
> Generational Dynamics could help to undertstand that we are ONLY
> humans, so please STOP thinking taht a generation is good or bad,
> that the OTHERS are stupid, lazy or, on contrary genius. Go for
> your own psychotherapy, it will help ...

> John, could you please reject or refer to my post to answer to all
> kind of remarks on the others and stop them, so that we can
> concentrate on the main stuff: Do Generational Dynamics works and
> where are the limits of the Theory?? ...

> I do not support criticies of the others (Remarks in this blog
> about Boomers or Gen-X are much too general and not human, for
> example), so instead of thinking that such a generation is good or
> bad, I suggest to see WHO they are.

> First I SUGGEST THAT WE SPEAK ABOUT "Prophet", "Nomad", "Artist",
> "Hero" instead of boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y, and so on, which only add
> confusion in multiplying the words for one concept. ...

> NEVER THINK IN TERM OF GOOD OR BAD, just see how it works and why.
I'm not sure what you're asking me here. You seem to be upset about
something, though I'm not sure what.

I'm not teaching a math course here. I'm writing for people with
different levels of understanding of generational theory, including
people who know nothing more than the meanings of "Boomer" and
"Generation-X." So I have to use those terms.

More than that, many people get into generational theory not because
they want to do some theoretical analysis, but because they are
comforted by understanding themselves and how their own identities are
formed. These people often want to explore what it means to be a
Boomer, a Gen-Xer or a Gen-Yer.


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