Climate Change

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Re: Climate Change

Post by OLD1953 »

The warming or cooling of the earth, within limits, is not a matter of concern per se, the concern is with the current rather rapid rate of heating, and how rapidly plants and animals can adapt. Moreover, tropical diseases are moving north, as are pests like armadillos, and africanized bees, and that's going to be majorly annoying.

Now, I myself believe the dark particulate count in rural areas is grossly underdone, because of coal microflaking that seems to be little known outside the bureau of mines and minerals. If this is correct, (and kindly note that the graphs of CO2 would match this particulate release exactly, there is NO means with the data I've got of separating the effects) then any reduction in coal use will have a much larger impact on climate that would be apparent with the current climate models. It's likely we'll find out if this is correct in the next few years, if so, then we aren't in nearly as deep as hole as some claim.

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

Climate changes --- is the pole shifting, is the US moving to the South?

An interview with some Inuit hunters -- The sun is not where it was.

The rate of change of the magnetic pole --a shift map ... ole-shift/

Is a magnetic pole shift a precursor to a geographic pole shift? The Earth's magnetic core is connected to it's crust, where we reside.

The Piri Reis Map Evidence of a previous pole shift ... lar-Shifts

The sudden transition from the Pleistocene to the current era of the Holocene around 11,000-12,000 years ago, a massive extinction event, -- and an end of civilizations?

Maybe we should be thinking about more important things, and not petty things like money, politics, war, etc.

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

Interesting -- Antarctic sea sets another ice record. ... er-record/

Have pity on the poor little Penguins, I know they are cute and one can watch their antics for hours, but they are stupid, and smell like rotten chicken sh**

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

People get all excited about "climate change" but what about garbage in the ocean ... o-you.html I would venture to say much of this problem comes from countries other then the US or Canada. ... ,s:80,i:59 or ... -the-muck/ or the beach ... s:35,i:300 etc, etc.

Solutions exist, but they are unacceptable.

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, ... ve-it.html

"The most depressing feature of this debate is that anyone who questions the alarmist, doomsday scenario will automatically be labelled a climate change ‘denier’, and accused of jeopardising the future of humanity.
So let’s be clear. Yes: global warming is real, and some of it at least has been caused by the CO2 emitted by fossil fuels. But the evidence is beginning to suggest that it may be happening much slower than the catastrophists have claimed – a conclusion with enormous policy implications."

And the objective truth is --- ? and our objective decisions should be ----?

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Re: Climate Change

Post by OLD1953 »

There's always a hottest year in any given period. Counting from that year will always give the result that things are getting cooler. Long baselines are needed for meaningful results in any field.

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Re: Climate Change

Post by John »

A couple of days ago I posted an article relating the "climate change"
financial scam to manipulation of Libor by Barclays Bank. It focused
on the plan by Barclays bankster Louis Redshaw to create hundreds of
trillions of dollars in carbon trade derivative securities, and use
them to make more money than Barclays was making with interest rate
swaps, which Barclays was manipulating by manipulating the Libor rate
in the 2005-2008 time period.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proposed
fining Barclays $470 million for a different scam: During the years
2006-2008, Barclays was manipulating the prices of electricity in
California. They would take a daily loss on the trading of physical
electricity in the California markets, but make a lot more money in
"financial swaps" -- synthetic securities that were also tied to the
prices of electricity. So they used two fraudulent transactions to
bet against themselves. They would lose a little money by "crapping
on" physical electricity trades, and they would make a lot more money
by collecting on the synthetic security trades.

The Barclays traders were veterans of Mirant, one of the companies
involved with the Enron scandal that was fined hundreds of millions of
dollars for manipulating power prices in the California power crisis
of 2000-2001.

So now we have the following:
  • Barclays was manipulating Libor in 2007 to make money on interest
    rate swaps.
  • Barclays was manipulating energy prices in 2007 to make money on
    financial swaps related to energy
  • Barclays wanted to make money in 2007 by selling financial swaps
    related to carbon trading (which could also have been related to their
    manipulation of energy prices)
So Barclays Bank apparently was at the center of the whole "climate
change" financial scam. Undoubtedly scammers like Al Gore were poised
to make millions if they could get this trading scheme off the ground.

The one thing that the scam needed most of all was United States
passage of the "cap and trade" law that would pour billions of dollars
into the banksters' scheme. The climate change scammers were
absolutely furious at President Bush, and were screaming at the tops
of their lungs about how he was sabotaging the world and humanity for
not backing the law. But what they were really furious about is that
he was sabotaging their million dollar commissions and bonuses. In
reality, the climate change scammers couldn't have cared less if some
South Pacific islanders drowned; in fact, they'd welcome it, because
killing off a few islanders would only make them more money.

I think that this is potentially a very big international news story,
but no one in the media is going to investigate these allegations
because the climate change myth and Al Gore have achieved god-like
status, and I certainly don't have the resources or contacts to
investigate it in depth, as much as I'd like to. ... 4X20121101 ... -8-000.pdf ... -rudeness/ ... er_market/

** 30-Oct-12 World View -- Banksters desperately seek to save Europe's carbon trading system
** ... 30#e121030

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

John, the "electric" and "cap and trade" scams above illustrate a little of the problem that we are dealing with regarding the "global warming/changing " issue, among others. There are solutions - they exist- but they are not implemented because it would upset the "Status Que" and those with money and power always want more. Anything that would negatively effect their positions is suppressed when possible.

You want an investigation how about this ---

For example, Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower (1903 ) for the wireless transmission of electricity. Which would eliminate the need for transmission lines , and cars, trucks, trains, ships etc. would be electric and would not need recharging. And oil would only be needed for plastics and chemicals. --- However, think of the tax, financial, governmental and international ramifications. This equals a VERY BAD IDEA for those in power.

"In 1900, J. P. Morgan financed inventor Nikola Tesla and his Wardenclyffe Tower with $150,000 for experiments in transmitting energy. However, in 1903, when the tower structure was near completion, it was still not yet functional due to last-minute design changes that introduced an unintentional defect. Once Tesla revealed to Morgan his vision of wireless electricity, Morgan saw no reason to continue investments in Tesla's vision since Morgan was motivated by profits and had a monopoly on copper of electrical lines. [16] Consequently, by July 1904, Morgan (and the other investors) finally decided they would not provide any additional financing. Morgan also advised other investors to avoid the project.[17] "

" Wireless Communications and Limitless Free Energy -- These two are inextricably linked, as they were the last straw for the power elite -- what good is energy if it can't be metered and controlled? Free? Never. J.P. Morgan backed Tesla with $150,000 to build a tower that would use the natural frequencies of our universe to transmit data, including a wide range of information communicated through images, voice messages, and text. This represented the world's first wireless communications, but it also meant that aside from the cost of the tower itself, the universe was filled with free energy that could be utilized to form a world wide web connecting all people in all places, as well as allow people to harness the free energy around them. Essentially, the 0's and 1's of the universe are embedded in the fabric of existence for each of us to access as needed. Nikola Tesla was dedicated to empowering the individual to receive and transmit this data virtually free of charge." ... -that.html ... la_patents, number of U S patents -- 111.

"In the book Tesla: Man Out of Time, there are references to missing patents.[8] Some patents of his experiments are lost to history, as well as some of the scientific notes and records pertaining to Tesla's patents. These, though, are alluded to in the redacted FBI files. The missing patents may be among effects seized by government agents and military intelligence officers following Tesla's death in 1943"

Who Nikola Tesla was/is, is very interesting, years ago I came across a quote attributed to Nikola Tesla in an interview by a reporter from the New York Times from around the early 1930's ( I have not been able to find the quote ).
In the article Tesla was asked how he could come up with so many original ideas and have them work. His answer - " I am in daily contact with off planet intelligence".

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

And the agenda is ---?

"Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming"

“[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)."

However ---

"they still make no attempt to account for this omission in their predictions"

Read more: ... z2Jr9Y86W1

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Re: Climate Change

Post by gerald »

Of course this does not help, and what will the UN do? Blame the US and Europe?

China's Creeping Toxic Smog Cloud Blankets Japan ... kets-japan

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