
The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Post by gerald »

An up dated repeat of "old" thinking and actions?

I am slightly a pre boomer born in 1945, from a heavily Eastern European lower middle income community in the US ( 3rd generation), also I was familiar with the living conditions and censorship that existed in Eastern Europe because of family connections . As a child I became familiar with the depression and the things one needed to do to survive, I lived and learned those traits. Over the years I have been amazed at society's waste of resources. Is this waste of resources beginning to change? ... malls.html.

Currently I have over 100 tenants ( generally students either finishing advanced degrees or recent graduates, 1-3 years out of school and am seeing them struggle). We have exchange tables in the laundry rooms where one can drop off things no longer needed, but is still useful, clothes, furniture, etc. Many tenants find this very helpful.

Is the younger generation going to learn the advantages of frugality that was learned by an earlier generation? --- Could be.

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Re: Frugality

Post by falopex »

I think frugality and "green living" are hallmarks of Prophet and Hero generational types. During an Awakening Era, Prophets turn to frugality and Earth-conscious living out of idealism and as part of a greater social awareness. During a Crisis Era, Heros turn to those same ideals out of necessity. Artists turn away from those ideals either out of having prosperity handed to them (High) or out of resentment at prolonged sacrifice during a time when conditions are improving (Austerity). Nomads get so caught up in their plans that they don't have time to think about such things and, if they think about it at all, consider it to be someone else's problem even as they take full advantage of whatever resources they can access.

In other words, the Artist doesn't see the need, the Prophet does it because it is the right thing to do, the Nomad places little or no importance on it, and the Hero has little choice.

Speaking in terms of the generational archetypes, of course. There are always individual exceptions in every generation. Heck, I'm a Gen-Xer (Nomad) who is living an increasingly frugal and "green" lifestyle partly by necessity and partly by preference. The 1970s "back-to-the-land" movement sounds like a little slice of heaven to me.

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Re: Frugality

Post by gerald »


There is a problem of balance,---- nature vs. technology, logic vs. spirituality, physical vs. ethereal, positive vs. negative etc. It is very problematic. However if one can begin to understand, things appear very differently. And the flow of generations only hints at these possible understandings. By the way, I am an artist - painter and sculptor, (I have exhibited) and am a designer (with patents and an award) Wishing you , understanding and the best.

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Re: Frugality

Post by sarahS4621 »

I think the younger generations went through a period of waste and they are now paying for it by being forced into merchant account frugality. My generation (born in 1969) watched as our children spent all their money, or ours, on everything from the newest clothes to the newest gadgets that came out, trying to keep up with the Jones' and now they realize that the Jones' are piss ass poor anyway.

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Re: Frugality

Post by hunterG7343 »

I believe that frugality is also a great effect of how children were raised by their parents. Being frugal these days needs to be an attitude. Most frugal people have experienced hardship then success along the way. How people value their money is what you will see in everyone's lifestyle.

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