Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

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Dave Stafford
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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Dave Stafford »

Hi Everyone!

I'm excited that this forum is finally up. I've been reading this site for some time. and BTW John - great job. Thank you very much for this forum. I have been a proponent of generational thoery since Strauss and Howe first came out with "Generations". I have tried talking with family and friends about the concepts and they (until very recently) didn't buy it. Its amazing how much our brains are wired for "straight-line trend" assumptions about the future. Everything is a cycle. I know its going to very a very rough crisis turning period that we are entering. All I can say is stay close to family and friends. I think this is the best advice that can be given at this point.


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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Witchiepoo »

Hi everyone! I am a former Desi queen from the "other" forum, whom John was nice enough to invite over here. I will be really busy the next month or so, working on a local issue for the Nov election, but I'll be around from time to time to see what's going on.

Thanks, John, for starting this. Good timing, too! The meltdown appears to be commencing. :shock:

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by Weebork »

Good day, I have been following this site for several years now. I am a 30 year old Xer who is half way through a BS in physics. I currently reside in CA, though I, half-jokingly, tell people that I "only go to school here". I am glad to have this forum available. Thanks for getting it started.

I guess I am in the minority among my fellow Gen Xers in that I do not blame the country's woes on the quibbling Boomers. :)

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by richard »

Hello to you all. I was looking for some sort of financial info to get a grasp of what is happening in the financial world, about a year ago, when I found GD site.
I'm glad I did. It is a tool for putting all the pieces of the 'world jig-saw' together in a simplified manner and giving the reader the basis on which to make sound judgement on a variety of issues. I'm no financial adviser, however reading this site almost daily has given me the understanding of what we are heading for soon. I have put things in place for my future and I'll hope for the best, I just feel for the people who have no idea of the scale of the 'depression' coming their way. I'm an optimist and helping type of person and trying to do my bit! Tip of the day... Keep some cash handy because you will queue for it soon and you may not get the amount you would like - if any!!



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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by tandem300 »

I have recently hear James Kunstler speak and prognoticate with a voice that has many similar over tones as those predicted by Generational dynamics. However his approach has been focused on energy issues rather then broad based genrational models. The develompent or llack of development, of energy policy however could be related to generational dynamics. If this issue (energy)has been adddressed on this forum/site can anyone direct me?

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by xlax64 »

I'm 23 year old history major with an emphasis on East African history and a minor in Swahili. I forget exactly how i first stumble upon your site in 2004, might have been through some history related site like History News Network. Anyways I find your theory very interesting and it did open my eyes to other possible ways at looking at history. I was actually taught in an very anti-Marxist department which clashes with your theory. Nonetheless I like to research every possible explanation before I make up my mind on subjects. I was a lurker of the old forums and some here too. I bought your book and still waiting for the new one to be published.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by malleni »

Hi all,
I am 42 years mechanical engineer from Austria.
English is not my native language, but of course I tried to make myself understandable. Please if you any time have a problem with my "translation" to English - just request it and I try to formulate my sentence different.
I find this site quite interesting, although sometimes too "American", which is from my point of view incorrect in neutral discussion.
Anyway, I am reading the comments and perhaps I try to discuss some of themes too.
Kind regards

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by agnostic »

Hi everyone. I've been lurking on the website and blog for over a year -- and very glad to have seen the GD analysis ahead of the current "market adjustment". My calendar age is 50+, my body age I hope is under 50. :-) I thought I'd start contributing some of my ideas, rather than just feed off the work of others.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by gary »

Hi guys and gals. I just wanted to check in and say hi. I found this site today and have spent enough time reading what's here that I thought I'd say I'll be hanging around. Excellent site with excellent reading. Thanks for putting this site up.

Me, I'm a layman who's taken an interest in the current events. Trained as an electronics technician, I've spent the last 30 years fixing TV's... I see you - don't laugh :P . Yes, we're still are around.

In my 30 years of TV repairs, the only thing I can say I've learned about the economy is that when people get scared, they fix the TV instead of buying a new one. It has happened on every downturn that included fear. It's happening now, but this recent increase in business is nothing like the 2 months that followed 9/11. If I have any predicting ability, I used it to calm my technicians. They all said were doomed in the shop. I said, "No were not" and that the phones are going to be ringing off the hook. I also told them that Americans fears will fade within a few months and that people were once again going to return to buying new instead of fixing. I was right, and in this light, I can see our business is going to go back to normal as the man-on-the-street looses his fear... even if everything is technically going to heck.

I’m striving to be a better man. That’s how I found myself here.

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Re: Welcome to the Generational Dynamics Forum!

Post by myk_87 »

hey all, millie myk reporting for service!
thanks firstly to john for setting up the forum and to rani for tipping me off about this place.
i am an australian, however i also hold a euro passport and i was working in canada for the past year and travelled america. i like to consider myself a global citizen ;) i am currently a uni student considering dropping out, unemployed and an aspiring cartoonist. maybe i should get into the propaganda business for the 4T!
a summary of my views. i am:
a climate change skeptic
an obama skeptic
a euroskeptic
a UN skeptic
noticing a pattern here? just a warning that i do love to argue! its one of my favourite sports. but please don't take it personally if i start getting all fire and brimstone, afterall we're all GD fans in the end aren't we? lets play nice and leave the fighting for the real world ey?

lastly, i am indeed a millie but i have some weird generational identity crisis right now. i just dont think i see eye-to-eye with a majority of millies out there. why do i get the feeling then that im going to be on the losing side of a war? :roll:

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