Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Mar-2021 World View: Syria war picture album
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:30 pm
> How are you not going to be some kind of "bad guy" if you are
> Assad? It's literally in the job description if you are a leader
> of those cultures and civilizations. That's why it is important to
> understand that in reality, he isn't.

> The foreign policy establishment is anti christian and uses
> muslims as pawns, since the greatest influence on American and
> worlwide foreign policy, and the most significant forces, are pro
> Israel. "Jews" promote loss of identity and multiculturalism
> around the globe in other countries, except in one place: Israel.

> How convenient.
This is sickening and disgusting. Over a ten year period, I wrote
thousands of articles about al-Assad's ethnic cleansing
and genocide of Sunni Arabs and specially targeting women and children
with barrel bombs and chemical weapons. In a sense, I personally
"lived through" al-Assad's genocide, and my heart was broken many
times. For you to excuse al-Assad after what he's done makes me want
to vomit. It's also a slur on Christianity for you to use his
relationship with Christians as a justification.

Over the years, I've responded to tens of thousands of comments, and
you sound very much like a paid Russian troll. Your comments about
bitcoin in the financial thread give the appearance of being a paid
troll in that area as well, especially since you're posting the same
thing in other forums, as Higgenbotham has pointed out. Are you a
paid troll? If so, you wouldn't be the first. If you are, you should
say so, so that people will know where you're coming from.

Since you seem to require education, and assuming that you're
educable, I thought it would be interesting to put together a picture
album of the Syria War. This will also be useful for me, since I've
written an enormous amount of material on Bashar al-Assad and the
Syria war. Now that I've finished the Vietnam book, one thing that I
might consider is expanding "Syria War Picture Book" idea into a whole
book. It's something to think about.

It's absolutely incredible how much horror and destruction
has been wrought by al-Assad. As the following picture book
shows, al-Assad is MUCH worse than Hitler.

*** Devastation

Let's start with pictures of devastation. We'll get to chemical
weapons and torture later, but even these pictures make the
point that al-Assad is worse than Hitler. These two pictures
are from 2013:

  • <g130713b.jpg -- >Smoke rises in the city of Latakia.(Reuters)xxxx

Al-Assad particularly loved barrel bombs -- large barrels filled with
explosives and metal that could flatten an entire neighborhood,
with flying shrapnel that would kill anyone around. He also filled
them with chemical weapons, as I'll describe later.

  • <g130527b.jpg -- >Devastation in Syria (Reuters)

When Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, he had his police grab them,
put them on trains, and send them to death camps, where they were
slaughtered with chemical gas and burned in crematoria.

For al-Assad, that method wasn't possible, so he simply rained
missiles and barrel bombs on the Arab Sunnis he wanted to exterminate,
killing them in their homes and school dorms rather than sending them
to concentration camps. One might argue that Hitler was much more
efficient and less destructive, while al-Assad wanted to inflict as
much pain as possible before death. Al-Assad considered Arab Sunnis
to be cockroaches to be exterminated by any means possible.

Al-Assad particularly targeted schools, markets and residential areas
because he wanted to kill as many women and children as possible,
rather than allowing a new generation of cockroaches to grow up. He
actually sent missiles in to children's dormitories in schools, so
that the kids were killed in their beds while sleeping.

So that's why al-Assad is much worse than Hitler.

  • <g130115b.jpg -- >Aleppo 2015: Aftermath of university bomb blast (AP) xxx

Anything that would allow Arab Sunnis to survive was an al-Assad target.

  • <g160920b.jpg -- >2016: Humanitarian aid truck struck by Bashar al-Assad (CNN)

Destroying a hospital is typical of Bashar al-Assad. The medics were
forced to create an underground network of hidden hospitals in
people's basements where al-Assad couldn't easily find them. Al-Assad
targeted masses of women and children, as well as maternity homes
and any hospital he could find.

  • <g160428b.jpg -- >2016: Aftermath of Syrian airstrike on Aleppo hospital(AP)

In 2015, Russian warplanes joined the genocide. There's an
interesting reason why Russia joined in. While al-Assad is a
sociopathic monster, Putin is totally amoral. He doesn't care about
genocide or chemical weapons, and would employ them any time it's

However, what Putin does care about is that Russia was completely shut
out of the Mideast after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Putin
would like to get back into the Mideast. So in 2015, al-Assad was
losing the war, and he begged Russia for help. Putin agreed to help
with the genocide, but in return he was given two Russian military
bases in Syria -- Tartus naval base and Hmeimim airbase. That was
a win-win for the two war criminals.

  • <g151221b.jpg -- >2015: Idlib devastation, after Russian warplane bombing (Reuters)

Another thing that happened in 2015 is that refugees began flooding into
Turkey, and from there into Europe. Trolls who consider al-Assad to
be a saint are often not aware of this.

In other words, those who are concermed about the hundreds of
thousands of refugees that poured into Europe should be aware that
al-Assad is to blame.

  • <g190822b.jpg -- >An Arab cartoon expressing the view that Vladimir Putin blindly bombs wherever Bashar al-Assad tells him, making Putin the puppet of puppetmaster al-Assad (Mideast Monitor)

*** Chemical weapons

The idiot Russian trolls I had to deal with always said, "There's
absolutely no evidence that al-Assad used chemical weapons." These
guys really are total idiots, but what do you expect from a troll that
earns 50 cents a day to post crap like that.

Anyway, there are thousands of pieces of evidence that al-Assad used
chemical weapons. Al-Assad always tried to prevent anyone from
visiting the site of a chemical attack, but eventually forensic teams
from the UK, the EU and the UN made it there and collected tons of
evidence, including interviews with all the people. A Syrian rescue
agency called the White Helmets were often on site when the attacks
occurred, and they documented the attacks in real time. Al-Assad has
an enormous hatred for the White Helmets, because he knows that their
evidence will one day convict him of being the psychopathic war
criminal that he is. But the White Helmets' evidence has been
corroborated by evidence from NGOs and other aid agencies, and there
is now a huge body of forensic evidence.

In 2017, a UN report confirmed that Syria's air force conducted a
massive Sarin gas attack on the town of Khan Sheikoun in Hama province
on April 4, 2014, killing at least 83 civilians. The report, by the
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab
Republic, says that the regime of Syria's president Bashar al-Assad
conducted over 20 chemical weapons attack in the previous four years.

  • <g170907b.jpg -- >A Syrian man collects samples from the site of the Sarin gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun in April 2014. (AFP)

  • <g130825b.jpg -- >2013: Pigeons lie dead after chemical weapons attack (CNN)

  • <g130824b.jpg -- >2013: Victims of chemical weapons attack in Syria

I remember one troll who set up a whole blog site to "prove" that
al-Assad hadn't used Sarin gas. I think he did it just for me because
I kept posting stories about al-Assad using Sarin gas. It must have
taken a couple of weeks to set up. He figured I would never take the
several days of time necessary to respond to all the crap on the web
site, and then I'd have to shut up. The web site author was someone
named "sasa wawa," who was not otherwise identified. It took me about
an hour to track him down to St. Petersburg, Russia. That's where
Russia's troll factory, the Internet Research Agency, is located. I
presented that information to the troll, and accused him of being sasa
wawa, and he shut up. He was such a jackass, I really enjoyed
sticking it to him. Lol! Good times!

  • <g130822c.jpg -- >2013: Syrian man in front of United Nations building in Beirut holds up placard saying, 'Dear Free World, Enjoy watching us burn.' (AP)

*** Barrel bombs

Al-Assad dropped barrel bombs laden with metals and explosives onto
markets and residential areas, to kill as many women and children as
possible. In many cases, the barrel bombs also contained chlorine,
ammonia, phosphorous and other chemical weapons.

These chemical weapons had two purposes. First, they would burn the
bodies and the throats of the women and children who were being targeted.

And second, since chlorine gas is heavier than air, al-Assad used it
to seep down into the basements where the women and children were
hiding from the bombs. The chlorine would choke the women and
children and force them out into the streets, where Syrian and Russian
warplanes could target them en masse with missiles and gunfire.

  • <g131215b.jpg -- >2013: Neighborhood targeted by barrel bombs (Reuters)

  • <g140429b.jpg -- >Deaths from April 18, 2014, chlorine gas attack in Syria

  • <g180410b.jpg -- >2018: Children being medically treated in Douma Syria after chemical weapons attack (AP)

  • <g180408b.jpg -- >2018: Medical workers treat toddlers following chlorine gas attack in Douma, Syria (AP)

*** Abu Ghraib Prison

During the war, when the bodies were piling up, al-Assad had a
crematorium built next to the Abu Ghraib prison. Hitler loved
crematoria. That allowed him to kill Sunni Arabs in the same way that
Hitler killed Jews.

  • <g130723b.jpg -- >Abu Ghraib prison

A Syrian defector who worked in the prison for 12 years was a military
photographer, and he took pictures of all the men that al-Assad
tortured and killed. He defected with 55,000 photos, showing 11,000
corpses. They were similar to the images found in Nazi death camps
after World War II, showing atrocities committed on Jews.

  • <g140121b.jpg -- >Emaciated man showing wounds from repeated beatings by rod-like object. There are 55,000 photos like this, showing 11,000 corpses

When the photos were examined by forensic experts, Western leaders
were sickened by al-Assad's 'industrial strength' torture. The photos
showed that al-Assad used electrocution, eye-gouging, strangulation,
starvation, and beating on prisoners on a massive "industrial
strength" scale.

Al-Assad the psychopath was apparently proud of the these photos, as
he had demanded photographs of the dead corpses out of distrust of his
own officials, so that he'd have proof that the killings had actually
taken place. And this was only the tip of the iceberg, as these
55,000 photos came from just one location out of many locations where
this torture took place. This one photographer photographed almost 20
bodies every day, suggesting that there was "torture for pleasure" on
a massive scale.

*** Children

Here are some more pictures of children. Some of these really broke
my heart.

  • <g160926b.jpg -- >White helmet workers in Aleppo find a small child in the rubble after a bombing (CNN)

  • <g170502b.jpg -- >Boy sits on a tank turret amidst the destruction of Syria's war (AFP)

  • <g160818c.jpg -- >Five year old boy, Omran Daqneesh, sitting confused in an ambulance in Aleppo after being pulled from the rubble of one of Bashar al-Assad's airstrikes.

In another case, a 2011 video showed a 13-year-old boy, Hamza
al-Khatib, who was beaten and tortured by al-Assad's security forces
for over a month, before the boy's swollen and mutilated body was
dumped. At that time, people were hoping that the video would shame
al-Assad so much that he would stop his genocidal campaign, but of
course that never was going to happen. And Hamza al-Khatib was soon

  • <g160114b.jpg -- >Starving boy found by aid workers in Madaya, Syria

Aid workers reaching the town of Madaya, an hour from Damascus in
Syria, found an almost unbelievable horror as thousands of people were
close to starvation. Al-Assad blockaded Madaya for 200 days,
preventing food or medicines from reaching the town. UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday accused the Syrian
government of committing war crimes by using starvation as a weapon.

*** Aleppo, Ghouta, Daraa, Idlib -- More devastation

Whereas Hitler could exterminate the Jews by gathering them up and
sending them to death camps, al-Assad had to exterminate the Sunni
Arabs "in place," so to speak. He went from city to city, reducing it
to ruins, and killing as many people as possible, particularly
targeting women, children, markets and hospitals.

The following pictures show what happened in Aleppo, Eastern Ghouta,
Daraa and other cities. Civilians from those two provinces fled to
Idlib province. Al-Assad is currently trying to exterminate them
there, but they are being partially protected by Turkish forces that
entered Idlib from the north.

Aleppo became a special target for al-Assad in 2016. Here are three

  • <g160923b.jpg -- >Aftermath of bombing in Aleppo in September 2016 (AP)

  • <g160513b.jpg -- >A neighborhood of Aleppo Syria in May 2016, after being targeted by Syrian regime airstrikes (AFP)

  • <g160915b.jpg -- >Aleppo in September 2016 (CNN)

Al-Assad particularly hates the Palestinian refugees, even more than he
hates the Jews.

  • <g170515b.jpg -- >2014: The Yarmouk refugee camp for Palestinians, in Damascus (Getty)

  • <g180222b.jpg -- >Eastern Ghouta buildings destroyed by airstrikes and shelling from Bashar al-Assad's armed forces (AP)

  • <g180113b.jpg -- >Aftermath of al-Assad attack on Eastern Ghouta on January 4 (Reuters)

  • <g171205b.jpg -- >Aftermath of Syrian and Russian airstrikes in Arbin in Eastern Ghouta (NRTTV)

  • <g170508b.jpg -- >Two girls walk past destroyed buildings in Douma, Syria, part of a planned 'safe zone' (AFP)

  • <g180626b.jpg -- >Area of Daraa after Syrian bombing (Sky News)

  • <g180526b.jpg -- >A bulldozer clears debris from the streets in Deraa, Syria July 25, 2017 (Reuters)

*** Idlib

  • <g171008b.jpg -- >Idlib Syria, 2017 (AFP)

There are 2.5 million people in Idlib, almost all civilians. Many
of them are hoping to cross the border into Turkey.

  • <g191225b.jpg -- >Over 120,000 civilians are fleeing their homes in Idlib and heading for Turkey's border (Sky News)

  • <g191221b.jpg -- >Displaced Syrians in Idlib carry their belongings and try to escape al-Assad's violence by fleeing to the Syria-Turkey border (AFP)

*** Al-Assad's creation of ISIS

August 2011 -- Al-Assad began his policy of ethnic cleansing and
genocide by attacking and cleansing the al-Ramel Palestinian refugee
camp in Latakia, forcing 10,000 people to flee for their lives.
Later, that region was repopulated by Iranian and Hezbollah Shias.
This was the launch of genocidal attacks on many Syrian cities. The
attack on the Palestinian camp was signficant because it
internationalized the war, and eventually caused thousands of young
Sunni males in 80 countries to travel to Syria to fight al-Assad,
eventually forming ISIS.

The following is an interesting map from 2015 showing the flow of
foreign fighters to Syria from around the world.

  • <g150115b.jpg -- >Foreign fighters flow to Syria. This graphic is from Oct 2014, so the figures may have doubled by now (WaPost)

*** Conclusion

All in all, it's almost unbelievable how much horror, disaster and
ruin was caused by one man, Bashar al-Assad. And it's still going on,
as he continues to be supported by the excusers, the deniers, the
collaborators, the acolytes and the trolls.

After ten years, it's almost beyond belief how Bashar al-Assad, with
the support of Russia, Hezbollah and Iran, has caused the greatest
geopolitical disaster of the 21st century so far. Syria itself is
turning into rubble, but al-Assad's disaster goes well beyond Syria's
borders. Al-Assad has created millions of refugees, flooding into
Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, and Europe.

I hope that this picture book has helped you to understand what's
really going on.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »


Thanks for your detailed description that is the nightmare of current Syria.

I would also point out that Obama had the chance to blockade Syria to prevent Russia or Iran from entering the fray during his presidency. This would have resulted in leaving the Syrian civil war as a domestic affair, and the Syrians would have rid themselves of Assad.

Instead, "Mr Nice Guy" Obama, followed a foreign policy that further destabilized and destroyed even more of the middle East. Now we have his successor running what will turn out to be a similarly naïve and disastrous foreign policy for the United States.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

MacroView: Is Hyperinflation Really A Threat? ... y-a-threat
However, while the fears of a hyperinflationary event are overblown, other factors could be equally devastating to individuals and the economy.

The debt problem remains a massive risk to monetary and fiscal policy. If rates rise, the negative impact on an indebted economy quickly depresses activity. More importantly, the decline in monetary velocity clearly shows that deflation remains a persistent threat.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Here is what I posted just a short while ago elsewhere on hyperinflation:

Biden will do, as his predecessors before him, whatever is in the best interest of the banks and the large market funds. This has included ALL predecessors going back to Reagan (the 1987 crash and subsequent Fed intervention).

The sad thing is that Obama could have held the banks accountable in 2009. Instead, he let them all off scot free.

In addition, the Biden Covid bail out is just an expanded version of the previous Trump ones, which are mostly pork for insiders. All of this is just exponentially expanding government debt and bringing us ever closer to the financial "day of reckoning".

Printing more money (or taxing the rich) is not going to save us financially. We do not "print money" in the USA. The Fed creates money by issuing DEBT. So we create far more additional DEBT than we do funds. This is why DEFLATION will be the hallmark of the financial implosion.

Also, and this is crucial to understand, the banks would be destroyed by hyperinflation. Biden will not allow this to happen.

If you think that Biden is going to either eliminate everyone's debts, or that he will allow the banks to be destroyed by hyperinflation, you should go out right now and borrow every cent you can. Buy all of the property you can. Because debt forgiveness and/or hyperinflation will result in you not having to pay anything back while you can keep everything you bought with borrowed money. Good luck with this.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by xeraphim1x »

John wrote:
Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:09 pm
** 20-Mar-2021 World View: Vietnam book available on Amazon

The Vietnam book became available on Amazon this morning.

"World View: Vietnam, Buddhism, and the Vietnam War: How Vietnam
became an economic powerhouse after the Vietnam War"
(Generational Theory Book Series, Book 4), March 2021
Paperback: 325 pages, over 200 source references, $13.99

5-star reviews would be greatly appreciated.

The description on my web site is here: ... s.vnbk.htm
Placed my order.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

John, you are absolutely correct that Assad is a psychopathic monster who has the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands. However, there is more too the Syrian conflict than just that.

I can describe this conflict in just three words: "The Perfect Opportunity." Because that's exactly what it is, for numerous parties.

For Assad, it's the perfect opportunity to exterminate Syria's Sunni population.
For the rebels, it's the perfect opportunity to exterminate Syria's Shia population.
For Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran, it's the perfect opportunity to expand their influence into the Levant.
For Hezbollah, it's the perfect opportunity to establish a presence in the Golan Heights in preparation for its next war against Israel.
For al-Qaeda and ISIS, it's the perfect opportunity to establish a new "home base" for their international terrorist activities.
For the US, it's the perfect opportunity to both strengthen the petrodollar scheme and severely curb Iranian influence in the Mediterranean.
And for Russia, it's the perfect opportunity to expand its naval presence outside the former USSR for the first time since 1991.

All of these factors have played a role in the prolonging of the war. And several of the players involved are just as unwilling to end the war as Assad because they are in a crisis era and thus see this conflict as necessary to strengthen their positions prior to the outbreak of an even bigger war that's to come. When that war does come, these players will start doing things that make Assad look like a saint by comparison.

Meanwhile, Russian trolls or no Russian trolls, it's inevitable that more and more of the American people will turn blind eye to Assad's atrocities, due to growing anti-Sunni sentiment throughout both America and the West in general. Much of this growing anti-Sunni sentiment is fueled by the rise of al-Qaeda and ISIS (which are both Sunni) and the growing amount of evidence linking their activity to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Qatar; and if Generational Dynamics is correct these sentiments will become far stronger once WWIII begins and many Sunni nations align with China against the US.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Mar-2021 World View: Book orders
Guest wrote:
Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:11 pm
> I just ordered copies of the China book, Iran book, and Vietnam
> book.

> I am sincerely grateful to you, John for everything. You didn't
> wake me up to the dangers; I saw pretty much the same things
> coming, only you confirmed that I was right and that most (but not
> my late mother) of my nay saying family that has dismissed and
> ridiculed my warnings for the last 20 plus years were wrong. I
> have been "cancelled" by friends because of my views. It's been
> difficult; I am not machine. All of it has taken a toll on me, but
> I thank God that I came across you and your site. I feel like a
> man dying of cancer. There is little I can do, but I appreciate
> being able to mentally prepare myself for what is coming.
Thanks to you and others for ordering copies of the new Vietnam book.
I'm really proud of this book, and I hope you enjoy it and find it

And thank you for your compliments. It's too bad that you were
"cancelled" by your friends, but since I've been "cancelled" by
many people over the last 20 years, all I can do is sympathize.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Mar-2021 World View: Sunday morning news - Southern border

Some highlights from the Sunday morning news shows today:

How things have changed in a week! Last Sunday, the mainstream media
were pretending that there was nothing going on at the southern
border, and only Fox News discussed the crisis. Everyone else was

Now, the crisis has gotten so bad that the mainstream media are
even calling it a crisis, although the administration is calling
it a "challenge," apparently thinking that the rest of us
are so stupid we believe them.

Here's how CNN described the situation:
> "CNN previously reported that children are alternating
> schedules to make space for one another in confined facilities,
> some kids haven't seen sunlight in days and others are taking
> turns showering, often going days without one, according to case
> managers, attorneys and Border Patrol agents. Bunk beds have been
> brought in to one of the processing facilities to help accommodate
> the influx of children, with one agent saying children are also
> sleeping on plastic cots and mats on the floor and
> benches."
> ... index.html
The administration used to criticize Trump for cruelty with "kids in
cages," but Biden's is a far more cruel situation, with kids crammed
into shipping crates with no social distancing, no sunlight, and
limited facilities. Furthermore, the kids are being controlled by
child traffickers who abuse the kids and exploit them sexually.
Furthermore, the cartels are using the fact that border agents are
overwhelmed to massive amounts of Fentynal and other drugs into the

Meanwhile, adults are now simply crossing the border and told to go
wherever the want, without even being tested for Covid. They aren't
even being assigned a court date, which is what Obama used to do.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made the rounds of the
news shows, clearly telling one idiotic lie after another -- the
border is closed, the situation is under control, it's all Trump's
fault, blah blah blah.

Here's Mayorkas' position:
  • He stated without evidence that the Trump administration dismantled
    the border policies that Obama had set up.
  • He said that Trump's policies were cruel, and that's why Biden
    rushed to dismantle all of Trump's policies on day one.
  • He stated without evidence that they have a new plan. If they
    have a plan, nobody knows what it is, so it's pretty clear that they
    don't have a plan.
  • It will take time to implement the new plan, and then everything
    will be dandy.
This is complete nonsense by an administration that's floundering, led
by someone who is cognitively deficient, and which has no plan and no
idea what to do.

One of the flaws in this logic is that if the administration knew
there would be a surge, then why did they rush to dismantle Trump's
policies before beginning implementation of their own policies? They
should have held off dismantling Trump's policies until they were
prepared. But they didn't care about the damage they were doing.
They just wanted to reverse the policies of the hated Trump.

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 21-Mar-2021 World View: Sunday morning news - Anti-Asian hate

The other big story this morning was the anti-Asian hate crimes. The
mainstream media, which are suffering PTSD from lack of having Trump
around, blamed the Atlanta shooting on Trump's phrase "China virus,"
which is ridiculous.

All the signs are there that the Atlanta shooter was obsessed with
Asian women and went berserk. I find this quite believable, since
I've known two guys in the past who were obsessed with Asian women --
to date them not to kill them. There's something about Asian women
that causes some men (not me) to obsess about them. (However, I admit
that I do find Elementary star Lucy Liu to be super-hot.)

The mainstream media were going on and on blaming white supremacists
for thousands of incidents last year for anti-Asian hate incidents.
However, the data shows that most anti-Asian hate crimes are
perpetrated by blacks.

In January, the National Institutes of Health used data from the
Department of Justice to "examine the nature and characteristics of
hate crimes against Asian Americans." The report compared hate crimes
against Asian Americans, African Americans, and Hispanics.

The most important finding of the report is that perpetrators of hate
crimes against Asians are most likely to be blacks. This is something
that's been known anecdotally for a long time, but the NIH report
confirms it. It's also clear that the writers of the NIH report don't
want you to easily find this result, probably for fear that if they
expose the truth, they'll get fired or canceled by the Stalinist
Democrat Party regime.

You have to go far into the report to find the results (search for
"Table 3" or "Findings of this study, however, also provide support to
the minority-specific model"), but the findings are clear:
  • Hate crimes against Asians are overwhelmingly done by blacks.

    "Hate crimes against Asian Americans are more likely than hate crimes
    against either African Americans or Hispanics to be committed by
    non-White offenders."
  • Blacks may be motivated by their resentment of the success of

    "This finding may be attributed to animosity toward the “model
    minority” from other minority groups. As aforementioned, the “model
    minority” stereotype assuming Asian Americans’ success in economics,
    education, and other opportunities generates potential competition or
    threats by members of other racial groups, which in turn may lead to
    resentment to be further acted upon through hate crimes."
  • Blacks may be motivated by fears that they'll lose their special
    privileges and financial welfare and other benefits because Asians
    will get the same benefits during downturns.

    "Offenders of other minorities of color targeting Asian Americans
    might fit the category of “reactionists." ... Instead of acting
    impulsively, the “reactionists” are motivated by protecting their
    resources from competitors.... This finding might also lend indirect
    support to the perspective of racial competition motivating hate
    crimes, which argues that when members of a racial group perceive that
    their access and privileges to material resources are threatened by
    other racial groups during economic downturns, racial conflict and
    hate crimes may occur."
Although all three of these reasons apply to Black Lives Matter (blm),
the third reason seems to me the most relevant of all:
  • The increase in hate crimes against Asians in 2020 was not
    caused by Trump, but was caused by blacks fearing that they'll get
    less welfare payments, and Asians will get more.
  • The attacks by antifa-blm fascists, burning down and trashing
    small businesses, may have been specifically an attack on Asian owned
The article by Michelle Malkin referenced below provides multiple
examples of hate crimes against Asians by blacks, probably all

Reading through the news stories of that Atlanta shooting, you can
almost see the frustration of the writers that they can't find an
angle to blame Republicans. By this time it's almost certain that the
Atlanta shooter was a Democrat, probably a supporter of Black Lives

---- Sources:

-- Hate Crimes against Asian Americans
(National Institutes of Health, 7-Jan-2021)

-- Asians: Stop blaming Whitey ... 12012.html
(Michelle Malkin, 10-Mar-2021)

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

A variant of the above hate crime article appeared in the Butler's Perspective thread, along with my full reply. I shall only repeat here that the Atlanta shooter was white, that his motive was thus hardly jealousy of a 'model majority' status, and that both black and red xenophobia against Asians would be equally deplorable.

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