Generational Dynamics World View News

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Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

thomasglee wrote:
Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:41 pm
I have not posted for a long time, so forgive this "drive by" post, but I am too busy these days to hang out and debate.

Having said all that...

I am quite amazed that you still hold to the, "Bashar al-Assad is bad" mantra. I am not saying he is a good guy, but the more the career politicians wage war against him and his regime, the more I doubt he is as bad as you claim. There is much more to the story, and you always gloss over it. Syria is an excuse for the US war machine to continue to roll. The establishment didn't like the fact that Trump wouldn't continue to fight there, so now that they've gotten rid of him, they have restarted their war and now you are right there with them, cheering it on.
I don't know John's position (I think you are suggesting this) here but I'm 100% with you. I'm saying he's much better than any other alternative. Assad is an Alawite and has always had good relations with Christians in his country. Ever notice how all of the US foreign policy during our lifetime is anti-christian? Assad is an enemy, Russian is an enemy (supposedly) but China isn't. The illegal immigrant muslims into Kosovo, Serbia aren't the bad guys, the Serbians are. Let's bomb them during Holy Week. I wonder why ...

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

thomasglee wrote:
Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:41 pm
I have not posted for a long time, so forgive this "drive by" post, but I am too busy these days to hang out and debate.

Having said all that...

I am quite amazed that you still hold to the, "Bashar al-Assad is bad" mantra. I am not saying he is a good guy, but the more the career politicians wage war against him and his regime, the more I doubt he is as bad as you claim. There is much more to the story, and you always gloss over it. Syria is an excuse for the US war machine to continue to roll. The establishment didn't like the fact that Trump wouldn't continue to fight there, so now that they've gotten rid of him, they have restarted their war and now you are right there with them, cheering it on.
Assad is a bad guy, but he's not the bad guy. Virtually all of his enemies are even more genocidal than he is. The only exception are who, the Kurds? And half the time the Kurds are collaborating with him.

Meanwhile, it's not like the US is the only one who contributed to the Syria quagmire. Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey caused quite a bit of damage too. They should ALL get out. Even the ones that Assad invited.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:53 pm
Ever notice how all of the US foreign policy during our lifetime is anti-christian? Assad is an enemy, Russian is an enemy (supposedly) but China isn't. The illegal immigrant muslims into Kosovo, Serbia aren't the bad guys, the Serbians are. Let's bomb them during Holy Week. I wonder why ...
Two reasons.

1) To prevent any of the four regional powers of the "Eurasian Balkans" (China, Iran, Russia, and Turkey) from expanding their spheres of influence and thus threaten the unipolar world order created with the collapse of the USSR;

2) To protect the petrodollar.

Meanwhile, the foreign policy establishment is not necessarily anti-Christian. It's anti-anybody who opposes its imperialist agenda. They see "allies" as vassals and "enemies" as subhuman barbarians. It's a mentality very similar to the attitude China held towards non-Chinese people in the imperial era, and perhaps does even today. A sick mentality, if you ask me.

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Bob Butler
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Bob Butler »

DaKardii wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:54 am
Meanwhile, the foreign policy establishment is not necessarily anti-Christian. It's anti-anybody who opposes its imperialist agenda. They see "allies" as vassals and "enemies" as subhuman barbarians. It's a mentality very similar to the attitude China held towards non-Chinese people in the imperial era, and perhaps does even today. A sick mentality, if you ask me.
Too true.

Insurgent proxy war gives an advantage to the true locals, but the more power one has, the more one is tempted to expand one’s zone of influence. The result in the Middle East and Balkans has been chaos. I don’t see it changing soon.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Tom Mazanec »

US-China relations: Beyond the 'Cold War' cliche
This is the essential rivalry of our times. Cliché and false historical analogy must be set aside. This is not "a Cold War mark II" - in fact, it is something far more dangerous. China is already a peer competitor of the US in many areas. And while not yet a global superpower, it is very much a military rival to the US in the areas that matter most to China's own security.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

Cool Breeze
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

DaKardii wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:54 am
thomasglee wrote:
Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:41 pm
I have not posted for a long time, so forgive this "drive by" post, but I am too busy these days to hang out and debate.

Having said all that...

I am quite amazed that you still hold to the, "Bashar al-Assad is bad" mantra. I am not saying he is a good guy, but the more the career politicians wage war against him and his regime, the more I doubt he is as bad as you claim. There is much more to the story, and you always gloss over it. Syria is an excuse for the US war machine to continue to roll. The establishment didn't like the fact that Trump wouldn't continue to fight there, so now that they've gotten rid of him, they have restarted their war and now you are right there with them, cheering it on.
Assad is a bad guy, but he's not the bad guy. Virtually all of his enemies are even more genocidal than he is. The only exception are who, the Kurds? And half the time the Kurds are collaborating with him.

Meanwhile, it's not like the US is the only one who contributed to the Syria quagmire. Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey caused quite a bit of damage too. They should ALL get out. Even the ones that Assad invited.
Cool Breeze wrote:
Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:53 pm
Ever notice how all of the US foreign policy during our lifetime is anti-christian? Assad is an enemy, Russian is an enemy (supposedly) but China isn't. The illegal immigrant muslims into Kosovo, Serbia aren't the bad guys, the Serbians are. Let's bomb them during Holy Week. I wonder why ...
Two reasons.

1) To prevent any of the four regional powers of the "Eurasian Balkans" (China, Iran, Russia, and Turkey) from expanding their spheres of influence and thus threaten the unipolar world order created with the collapse of the USSR;

2) To protect the petrodollar.

Meanwhile, the foreign policy establishment is not necessarily anti-Christian. It's anti-anybody who opposes its imperialist agenda. They see "allies" as vassals and "enemies" as subhuman barbarians. It's a mentality very similar to the attitude China held towards non-Chinese people in the imperial era, and perhaps does even today. A sick mentality, if you ask me.
Good post. But

How are you not going to be some kind of "bad guy" if you are Assad? It's literally in the job description if you are a leader of those cultures and civilizations. That's why it is important to understand that in reality, he isn't.

The foreign policy establishment is anti christian and uses muslims as pawns, since the greatest influence on American and worlwide foreign policy, and the most significant forces, are pro Israel. "Jews" promote loss of identity and multiculturalism around the globe in other countries, except in one place: Israel.

How convenient.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 18-Mar-2021 World View: Bashar al-Assad

In the past ten years, I've written literally thousands of articles on
Syria and al-Assad, and those articles have referenced tens of
thousands of sources from many countries. So I'm quite certain that I
have my facts right.

Bashar al-Assad is a sociopathic monster and war criminal who wants to
complete the work begun by his father, Hafez al-Assad, in
exterminating the Sunni Arabs in Syria and replacing as many of them
as possible with Alawites and Shia Muslims.

Al-Assad's horrors have been well documented. In 2014, an al-Assad
defector supplied 55,000 photos of about 11,000 men whom al-Assad had
tortured using electrocution, eye-gouging, strangulation, starvation,
and beating on prisoners on a massive "industrial strength" scale.
Al-Assad was so pleased and proud of this torture that he made sure
each act was photographed.

Al-Assad gets obvious pleasure from sending missiles into school
dormitories to kill children, or dropping barrel bombs laden with
metal, chlorine, ammonia, phosphorous and chemical weapons on civilian
neighborhoods, or using Sarin gas to kill large groups of people. He
considers all Arab Sunni Muslims to be cockroaches to be exterminated.
Bashar al-Assad is the greatest genocidal monster in the 21st century
so far, comparable to Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and Stalin from the
last century. There is no mass weapon of destruction, nor any
gruesome form of torture, that he won't use to satisfy his
psychopathy. (I may have to revise this opinion to put Xi Jinping in
first place.)

All of this is very well-documented, and when I was cross-posting on
Breitbart, I would constantly be attacked by Russian and Syrian
trolls, telling me what a great guy al-Assad was, and how he was a
great opthamologist who just wanted best for his people.

So now I'm seeing the same kind of idiocy in this forum.

One person, thomasglee, wrote that al-Assad can't be bad because
career politicians don't like him, and use him as an excuse for
military action. So that idiot must like Hitler, who was also
disliked by career politicians.

Another idiocy, from Cool Breeze, is that al-Assad is really a nice
guy because he gets along with Christians, as if that makes it
perfectly ok to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing of Arab Sunnis.
Hitler and the Nazis were Christians, so I suppose you think that
makes it perfectly ok to commit the Jewish Holocaust.

The next one will be that al-Assad is a beloved leader who was
popularly elected. Hitler was also a beloved leader who was popularly
elected. A war criminal has to be popular in order to commit genocide
and ethnic cleansing. Hitler was very popular, and he won elections.
Mao Zedong was very popular. All of these genocidal monsters were
extremely popular, since they couldn't get away with genocide

The worst people in the world are the leaders that order their armies
to commit genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, atrocities, and
crimes against humanity -- people like Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol
Pot, Robert Mugabe, Josef Stalin, Xi Jinping, and Bashar al-Assad.
These people were very popular, and won elections, just like al-Assad.
They had to be popular in order to get away with their horrific

Right behind them, the second-worst people, are you people, the people
who are supporting the war criminals -- the excusers, the deniers, the
collaborators, the acolytes and the trolls -- the people who defend
the war criminals and make the actions of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and
al-Assad possible. These are the people that make genocide and war
crimes possible, and they are as much to blame as the war criminals
Cool Breeze wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:30 pm
> How are you not going to be some kind of "bad guy" if you are
> Assad? It's literally in the job description if you are a leader
> of those cultures and civilizations. That's why it is important to
> understand that in reality, he isn't.

> The foreign policy establishment is anti christian and uses
> muslims as pawns, since the greatest influence on American and
> worlwide foreign policy, and the most significant forces, are pro
> Israel. "Jews" promote loss of identity and multiculturalism
> around the globe in other countries, except in one place: Israel.

> How convenient.
This is anti-Semitic garbage, blaming Jews for al-Assad's atrocities
and genocide and ethnic cleansing of Sunni Arabs. Hitler blamed the
Jews too. You must really love Hitler.

Cool Breeze
Posts: 2960
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:19 pm

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cool Breeze »

John wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:53 pm

Bashar al-Assad is the greatest genocidal monster in the 21st century
so far, comparable to Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and Stalin from the
last century.


This is anti-Semitic garbage, blaming Jews for al-Assad's atrocities
and genocide and ethnic cleansing of Sunni Arabs. Hitler blamed the
Jews too. You must really love Hitler.
Those are select quotes from the above. The first is totally preposterous on every level imaginable. That statement alone would disqualify you from fair analysis on Assad, and I'm open to hearing he's not the greatest guy. The suggestion that he is in the category with those people is not only absurd, it's totally irresponsible.

Secondly, I don't even know what anti-semitic means, it's another buzzword and you're better than that, John. Furthermore, it is untrue and unrelated to my posts. I did not once "blame jews" for Al-Assad's anything. Sunni Arabs have their hands in just as much death and destruction as any other muslim group, including many leaders who have killed far more people than Assad over the years. Muhammad himself provided the first examples of them to follow, in any case, so it shouldn't be a surprise.

The foreign policy of the world, and certainly in the US, is precisely what I said it is. And we know why. It's time to face facts about history, foreign policy, Israel, double standards, and marxism/communism.

If you needed help, or don't trust me because you've been propagandized too, just look at Biden's Cabinet. Then come talk to me with your bizarre claims and conclusions. The facts are right there in front of you, and what's sad is that they don't even care anymore, so they mock you to your face. Shall I list his cabinet for you, John? LOL


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

It is interesting that people treat Serbia as a normal country after committing mass rape and genocide in the Balkans. The Serbian people and Serbia still openly deny the genocide and mass rape, and they have been allowed to get away with it. It only goes to show that countries can commit genocide and mass rape and get away with it. So some countries will adopt these policies (China, for example). There is very rarely any pay back for genocide; that's why it will continue.

"Never again" is laughable.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

And this misbegotten ideology carries such weight that junior staffers can carry the day against top management. Not just when it comes to teen fashion mags, either: The same dynamic has now purged multiple senior figures at The New York Times. All the old liberals are too scared to cross the radical kids.

But we suspect the radical kids will come to hate the world they created. The cancel monsters will find that no one is pure enough, and no one can change. They’ll burn everyone and everything down. ... oke-world/


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:26 pm
Guest wrote:
Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:18 am
The American military is woke. Look at their woke response to Tucker Carlson. A woke military will lose the next war. We won't have six months to turn the situation around. Politcal Correctness has paralyzed the country. There won't be enough time for a hero generation to emerge. Why not call a spade a spade? (And then get fired for making an obviously racist comment like that...) There will be no generalissmo as Navigator suggests. We are done.

Ameica has become a land of losers.
A politicized US military should horrify all Americans
The behavior of these “woke generals,” as Carlson called them, should horrify Americans, regardless of their views on, say, women in combat. The fact that the II Marine Expeditionary Force later issued an apology doesn’t change the reality that dressing down a journalist undermines the basic principle of civilian control of the military.

The armed forces serve at the direction of a civilian commander in chief and secretary of defense for a reason. The American people, not professional soldiers, ultimately decide military policy through their elected leaders. The role of the armed forces should be to obey civilian orders, not to lash out at anyone who dares to participate in the national conversation about what that policy should be. ... americans/

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