Religion / End Times

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Religion / End Times

Post by Navigator »

This is the second of the new threads I am starting.

This is to discuss what is often called the "End Times" in many religions. This, I believe, fits with many of the topics discussed here on this board.

As with the other religious thread, I would really like to ask people to be respectful of each other's opinions, as what we are discussing here is about belief systems. I am fine with others not agreeing with my beliefs.

One of the fundamental principles of the US Constitution is that no-one is forced to believe (or not believe) a specific religious doctrine. So this is a place to explain what we think/believe, and it is recognized that others may have vastly different beliefs. So go ahead and explain what you believe and why, but don't knock someone for not agreeing with you.

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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Navigator »

As I posted in the other new thread earlier today, I do believe that God exists.

Of all of God’s creations, I think that his greatest is not planets, suns and moons, but instead, the history of this world.

I believe that God was able to design the history of this world, where everyone is exercising free will and choice, is due to his being our father, and knowing us intimately. Although each of us is making choices, he knew what choices we would make. This is not “pre destination”, but knowledge based on his insight into our natures and characters. (Its kind of like we know what our little kids will do given certain basic choices).

With this knowledge, I believe he was able to design the world’s history. Part of the design is the use of certain “cycles”, the evidence of which is frequently discussed on this site.

There is, I believe, a purpose to this creation. Just as there is a divine purpose for our lives and our existence.

The history of this world has a beginning, and it also has an end. I believe that what we are seeing happening in the world around us is part of the great design of history, and that we are witnessing the beginning of the “End Times” spoken of in scriptures that will proceed the return of Jesus Christ.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Cool Breeze »

Yes, very interesting post. Navi, you believe that the chronological end times are coming, then? As in, Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead (as mentioned in the Creed) in our lifetime?

It is curious that many people do not see how many times it is mentioned (St. Paul) that we only see in part, we have incomplete knowledge, there will be an unveiling of mysteries (that's what apocalypse means) ... when the all will be aware finally of the God-Man's (Jesus Christ) presence, without any doubt.

It is indeed speculation, but of course, there will be many signs, quite different than those which were even confusing in the past. I'm sure you have ideas on this, as well, as we already see types of the "mark" and its application on society, though clearly they aren't the final mark, they are bridges to that sad conclusion of things.

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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Navigator »

I do believe in the return of Christ as part of the designed history of the world.

But I do not believe that it is the time of the final judgement.

I do believe that when Christ returns, that the world is cleansed, and that Christ will personally rule and reign over the earth for an extended period. This being the Millennium period, where there are no wars, no real evil (as Satan is bound, and unable to get people to follow him or give in to his temptations), and the earth becomes what we today would call a paradise.

(I believe that the final judgement would be post-millennium.)

However, before Christ returns, is the period of the Apocalypse, which is characterized by War, Disease, Famine and Death. (all of which we talk about frequently on this site).

Setting the stage for this period are times characterized by immorality and materialism being at all time highs. A time where "good is called evil, and evil good" (Isaiah 5:20).

Note that prophecy is possible because history is of God's design. He knows what will happen, and he has revealed most of it through prophets from times of old. These people saw our day, and what it would be like. They wrote about it in rather cryptic terms, so that you have to study to figure out a lot of it, but the information is there, and we are seeing it play out in an ever accelerating fashion.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Tom Mazanec »

I believe that Jesus will return at the End of Time to Resurrect the Dead and Create a New Heaven and Earth. This may happen in our lifetimes or in ten thousand years. There will be no literal 365,250 day physical rule of Jesus on planet Sol III. The Millennium is the Roman Catholic Church.
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Navigator »

Thank you Tom for being respectful while disagreeing. Most of my friends growing up were/are Catholic. I love them, but I disagree with them.

Cool Breeze
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Cool Breeze »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:52 am
I believe that Jesus will return at the End of Time to Resurrect the Dead and Create a New Heaven and Earth. This may happen in our lifetimes or in ten thousand years. There will be no literal 365,250 day physical rule of Jesus on planet Sol III. The Millennium is the Roman Catholic Church.
The millenium period is far more likely, as we see it ending, the period which we just went through and now that which we see the "nations of the earth" denying (the Gospel, but of course not all of them). Tom is accurate in that it is the period of the Church taking the Gospel message to all the nations and at this point it has been revealed to all people, and they get to decide if they would like to be with Christ or not, in action, in belief, in spirit, etc. The RC church is not the one holy catholic and apostolic church of the creed, but as in other faiths and denominations, it certainly is likely to have members that are faithful to God. The teaching of the Church is clear (the Orthodox Church) in all of these regards, and as Tom also says (but is slightly off on) he will make things ANEW, it won't be a new creation. Just as He himself was raised from the dead, and now lives as God and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, so will the creation be renewed and with Christ, incorruptible. It follows his trajectory, that's why it is not only true, it is also harmonious and self evident.

I don't know when this will happen, either. But as I said, it seems that there are particular signs that are very scary and there are ways in which today things are nowhere near the former ages, in which of course everyone was always expecting the parousia of the Lord.

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Opportunity to Chose or Reject God

Post by Navigator »

Similar to your belief, as stated above, I believe that God will provide an opportunity to have his gospel preached in all the world prior to his return.

To me this means that those powers/nations that do not allow freedom of religion must end in order for this opportunity to be given. Hence a WW3 that would take out, even if just for a couple of years, those that prevent freedom of religion.

However, once that opportunity is given, and people make their choice, the final "cleansing" of the earth would commence prior to Christ's return.

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Nations that do not allow Freedom of Religion in 2021 are (predominantly) Red China and the Muslim world.
So you think the West is destined to win WWIII?
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

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Re: Religion / End Times

Post by Navigator »

Yes, but it doesn't mean that it will be any kind of "cake-walk". It will be almost unbelievably bad, and the casualty levels (both military and civilian) will be an order of magnitude past what they were during the two world wars of the last century.

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