Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

John wrote:
Mon Jan 11, 2021 3:22 pm
** 11-Jan-2021 World View: Think different

The following is posted on

Half of America sees no problem with it and that is a BIG problem.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

America has already adopted a defacto form of China's social credit system. A few Silicon valley billionaires now decide what can and cannot be said. Freedom of speech is dead. freedom is dead. Democracy is dead. Soon a few billionaires will decide who gets to run for office, like in North Korea. If social media weirdos (and they are wierdos) can ban the democratically elected leader of The United States and get away with it, then America is dead. Without freedom, there is no America.

China has won. Why? Because we have adopted their system.

Why would anyone bother to fight China now? Are we fighting for freedom? Or are we now just cannon fodder for slave masters?

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

John wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:34 pm
** 12-Jan-2021 World View: Collaborators
DaKardii wrote:
Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:17 pm
> Perhaps you haven't heard of people like Andrew Anglin. Or Charles
> Bausman. Or Philip Giraldi. Or Brad Griffin/Hunter Wallace. Or
> Paul Craig Roberts. Or Lew Rockwell. Or Richard Spencer. Or Ron
> Unz. Every single one of those people mentioned in the previous
> sentence are part of the anti-establishment right. And every
> single one of them has unapologetically defended the CCP as either
> a lesser evil relative to the US, or as a force for good against
> the US.

> Who knows how many more people share their vile opinions?
Some Americans supported Hitler. Some Brits supported Hitler. Some
Jews ("Collaborators") supported Hitler. That's just the way things
Yes. And some Americans on the anti-establishment right believe supporting Xi is the patriotic thing to do.

Granted, I understand that people are upset that the government is becoming increasingly tyrannical at home and adventurous abroad. I too am upset that we are de facto transitioning from a Republic to an Empire; I have established that on multiple occasions. But that does not justify siding with the enemy during wartime, which I know these people will do in the end. The real question from there is whether or not they will incite like-minded individuals into committing acts of partisanship or sabotage on behalf of the CCP during the war.

Meanwhile, I strongly suspect that some of the people here who keep posting over and over and over again about how "America is dead/finished/lost" and that it's not worth defending would do the same thing. They would side with the CCP if war broke out, for one or more of the reasons I mentioned earlier.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

I would not side with China. But I also wouldn't die fighting China for a leftist America. I would rather fight a civil war and regain my country.

Posts: 944
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:17 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

JCP wrote:
Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:47 am
I would not side with China. But I also wouldn't die fighting China for a leftist America. I would rather fight a civil war and regain my country.
And if you absolutely had to pick a side? Which do you deem better (or worse)?


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

Thta's like askin a White Russian if he would join the Red Army under Stalin to fight Nazi Germany. Most of the Russians exiles sat out the war. Depending how bad the situation is in America will determine my course of action. I wouldn't join the Chinese army. At worst, I would sit it out. And yeah, I can sit it out.

Would you have joined the Red Army under Stalin? Would you join the army of AOC and BLM?

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

It's going to be a matter of degrees how different groups participate in a fight with China. If it's "over there", in the Asia-Pacific, I won't help, support or participate. I will certainly egg leftists on to go fight-fight-fight for our "democracy" (yay). The first volleys will be die-hard patriots and people in the military for economic reasons. I suspect left-wing soys will try to push right-wingers into the fight (to get them killed) just like I would push lefties. AOC, The Squad, and Pelosi will challenge your "manhood"; it's a certainty, and it will work to some extent.

If Chinese shells are landing in your town, most here will join in brotherhood with blue-hairs and Antifa soybois to fight any invasion force. That's except for Bob who will almost certainly be a collaborator, hoping for power and leniency by his Chinese overlords. He'll be the type to rat out anyone, even the innocent if they are his enemy, just like they do in Pakistan almost daily - claiming someone "blasphemed" and hoping the mob kills them.

But I doubt China has any desire to actually invade North America, having no naval fleet that would be required and no ability to pacify the local population (except for people like Bob, of course). And the Western forces would destroy their shipyards anyway.

Most here make the same point I have, that I have no equity in a country filled with looters, thugs, gangsters, and degenerates, and many are happy to see it all burn down so we can rise from the ashes anew. I think many ethnic groups think the same. I can see Hispanics and Blacks being very happy to see whitey go off to die and when the dust settles, they inherit everything.

Burner Prime

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Burner Prime »

Former mob underboss Michael Franzese is brilliant and lays our sickness out well. Essentially it's that we expect our politicians to lie to our faces, while we would never allow that in our personal and business dealings.

So this brings us to the words we always hear "existential threat". John's idea is that if the US faces an existential threat, everyone will stop their stupid infighting and face the actual existential threat in a serious manner.

But as many point out, what is the "existence" what is the nature of America's "existence" that we would lay down our lives for? It is a corrupt, lying, scheming, degenerate existence. And it's OK if that disease dies. That's why I agree with the sentiment here by many that this unification probably won't be as strong as believed.

It appears John's argument relies heavily on what happened in the past as precedent. But that was a completely different collective ethnic generation. The "generation" we have today that GD relies on is not what we assume. It is comprised of various somewhat Balkanized ethnic groups, and I don't believe at all that they are all on the same timeline, and even if they were, they do NOT form "cohorts" of people with the same mindset, which is required for a synchronized generational response. In short the main 4 generations consist of different cohort mixes. Older generations consist of mostly homogenous "America-centric" people while the latest generation consist of extremely divergent and Balkanized ethic groups who will act in their own interests.

At some point they will all synchronize, but I don't think there has been enough time for the newest arrivals to. 4th Turning never accounted for massive migrations that affect generational groups, and the book fell apart near the end in its predictions for that reason. I think the upgraded GD also is missing something there and may not be able to account for it as it is probably very chaotic. You always have to wait for migrations to slow and things to settle.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Most here make the same point I have, that I have no equity in a country filled with looters, thugs, gangsters, and degenerates, and many are happy to see it all burn down so we can rise from the ashes anew. I think many ethnic groups think the same. I can see Hispanics and Blacks being very happy to see whitey go off to die and when the dust settles, they inherit everything.
Ding! Ding! Ding! And you win a new set of Samsonite luggage!


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

With Hong Kong crushed, mainland China will now attack Taiwan. The EU just signed a trade deal with Beijing, so America might be alone with its Asian allies in fighting off China. Biden will choke. We need a leader like Donald Trump, not a weasel like Joe Biden.

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