Generational Dynamics World View News

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.
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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

Saw the same article in the Guardian a couple of days ago ... able-covid

Very good article from Mike Shedlock on his blog regarding Deflation vs Inflation ... ply-shocks

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-May-2020 World View: Clarence Thomas
pbrower2a wrote: > Clarence Thomas sold out to the American Right.
Lol! So you Democrats decided to lynch him because he wasn't a
leftist. I think that Clarence Thomas would agree with you. There's
nothing that Democrats hate more than an uppity black who doesn't obey
his Democrat masters, and so he was lynched. That's how Democrats

The Democrats loved Anita Hill because she was a good black girl
who did as her masters told her.

Actually, Democrats hate Clarence Thomas for several reasons:
  • Thomas was the son of freed slaves, which Democrats hate
    because the slaves were freed (by the Republicans).
  • Thomas is a great American success story -- grew up in poverty in
    the ghetto and became a Supreme Court justice. Democrats hate him
    because he didn't obey his leftist masters, as you suggest, and
    because he escaped from the Democrat-controlled ghetto.
  • Thomas married a white woman. This alone would make feminists and
    leftists vitriolicly hate him, but combined with his other crimes --
    descending from freed slaves to rise from poverty to the Supreme Court
    -- makes him public enemy number one to the Democrats.
Here's what Thomas testified to the Senate:
> "This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult
> matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a
> circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a
> black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who
> in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to
> have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow
> to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be
> lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate
> rather than hung from a tree."
So Clarence Thomas made a complete fool of the Democrats and won
the Supreme Court seat. In the aftermath, we had Bill Clinton
abusing and raping women, and amusing everyone by seeing the
Democrats excuse him.

The leader was Susan Estrich. Estrich was raped by a black man
in 1974, and she became an anti-rape campaigner for years, writing
a book called "Real Rape," and lecturing everyone how women had
to be believed. As usual, Democrats have no ethics, morals, or
principals, except getting votes. So Estrich sold herself out
as a woman, a rape victim, and became the principal defender
of the White Rapist Bill Clinton.

And now we see this played out again, with Hillary Clinton
endorsing a new White Rapist, Joe Biden. The message from Democrats
is clear: When Susan Estrich was raped by a black man, that
was evil. But when a girl is raped by a White Rapist, like
Bill Clinton or Joe Biden, then it's perfectly ok as long as the
White Rapist is a Democrat. Pathetic.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-May-2020 World View: Black ghettos
Bob Butler 54 wrote: > Most of the overt racism was handled in the 1960s. Blacks not
> being able to stay in many hotels, eat in most restaurants,
> purchase housing in many neighborhoods, all changed with the Civil
> Rights Act. At that time LBJ and MLK were working together, in
> part for justice, in part for the Democrats to get the black
> vote. This made Nixon’s Southern Strategy nigh on inevitable, as
> the Republicans quietly gathered the racist vote. If you haven’t
> noticed that, if you don’t believe me, you can do some research on
> various polls. Who voted for whom and when?
This "overt racism" was from Democrats. I grew up on the New Jersey
shore, where there were plenty of black kids in the same schools that
I was in, and blacks were free to eat in any restaurants. The overt
racism you're talking about was in the Democratic South, run by
Democrats who were pissed off at the Republicans for freeing the

You seem to be saying that Democrats got some sort of frontal
lobotomy. They had wanted blacks to remain enslaved, wanted to
rape and lynch them for over a century, but then in 1965, this
frontal lobotomy made them love blacks. The whole concept
is a leftist fantasy.

All that happened in 1965 is that LBJ and MLK found a formula to keep
the blacks enslaved, by keeping them in black ghettos controlled by
Democrats and in poverty except for welfare payments controlled by
Democrats. The fact that blacks vote 90% for Democrats proves how
tightly they're controlled by the Democrat slavemasters.

The way that Democrats accomplished this re-slaving the blacks is
bone-chilling. I documented it at length, supported by hundreds of
sources, in my book "Fraternizing with the enemy - a book on gender
issues for men and for women who care about men."

I'll summarize it here in order to provide a little education.

Black ghettos were created by Democrat housing policies that created
the ghettos as subsidized black enclaves in various cities. We had
one in Long Branch, the city I grew up in. In retrospect, it
was quite amazing, as I frequently walked through it to get
from my white neighborhood to the downtown area. There were rows and
rows of identical homes, all occupied by blacks. That gave the
Democrats control over where blacks lived.

I remember in the early 1970s reading in the Boston Globe how
the city was sending vans into all the black neighborhoods to
sign women up for welfare payments. The van would roll down
the street, and a black woman, usually a single mother, would just
open her door, walk out to the van and sign up for welfare. That
was the Democrats' first step.

Step 2 was to get rid of the fathers completely. The single mothers
may have been unmarried, but very often they lived with the fathers as
a family. But a single mother wasn't allowed to get welfare if the
father lived with her, or even if he lived down the street. So the
father had to go. In my book I quoted dozens of sources from
"feminist theory" that fathers were not necessary. All a black mother
needs is sperm and money.

In the 1980s, the concept of "Liberation Day" was common in the black
ghettos. A teenage girl just had to get pregnant, which usually
wasn't very hard to do. The day she turned 16 years old was
"Liberation Day," the day she could apply for her own apartment and
her own welfare payments. This only ended in 1996 when it got so bad
that Clinton was forced to agree to welfare reform.

So today the Democrats have almost entirely destroyed black families
and re-enslaved the blacks. The blacks live in Democrat-controlled
black ghetto enclaves, and they receive Democrat-controlled welfare
payments. Mass black-on-black murders and massacres, such as those
that are common in the Chicago ghetto, are entirely the fault of
Democrats, and are the outcome of Democrats' racist policies.

So along comes Donald Trump and lowers black unemployment to historic
lows. Suddenly blacks can get work on their own. Suddenly black
fathers can support their families, and the mothers won't kick them
out. Suddenly black families can afford to live elsewhere besides the
Democratic-controlled ghetto. Suddenly Trump is threatening to "free
the slaves," just like Abraham Lincoln. No wonder the Democrats
vitriolicly hate the Tea Partiers, Trump, and the 63 million Trump
supporters. The Democrats are desperate to keep the blacks under
control and in the ghettos, where they'll do what their masters tell
them to do.

The Democrats are so desperate to win, they'll resort to any sort of
violence and criminal activities, as they did with General Michael
Flynn and many other Trump supporters, to get their way.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-May-2020 World View: Partisan hacks vs idiots
Bob Butler 54 wrote: > When people describe all members of a political party as being a
> certain way, of having a certain trait that is despised, I asked
> myself if I recognize myself. Do the people in the real world who
> belong to that party fit the description? Most often they don’t.
> You know you are dealing with a partisan hack with a distorted and
> vile picture of his rivals and a political agenda.

> That is not how an interpreter of history ought to behave.
Lol! You must be pretty desperate to resort to that kind of garbage

So I'll just say this: I've lived in NJ and MA. I went to school with
whites and blacks in both states. I've worked in dozens of companies
around whites and blacks. I never saw the kind of blatant racism that
you and other Democrats talk about -- not from Republicans, not from
Democrats. It's a political construct used as a political weapon by
Democrat leaders.

But that kind of racism - separate drinking fountains, separate
schools, etc. - did exist in the Democratic South, and I'm told that
today it still does to some extent.

I'm sure you consider it "vile" that I would have the temerity to talk
about Democrats supporting slavery, the Democrats lynching and raping
blacks through the KKK for a century, and so forth. Democrats hate
talking about those things, so it's not surprising they would call any
mention of them "vile."

And it shouldn't be surprising to anyone that after supporting slavery
and the KKK for over a century, the "vile" Democrat leaders would not
change their stripes just because of a political agreement between LBJ
and MLK. In fact, if that political agreement didn't, in some way,
continue the "vile" policies of the preceding century, that would be
shocking. People don't change their "vile" attitudes overnight
because of some agreement between élite politicians.

So I describe those policies and how the worked -- the ghettoization
of blacks, the destruction of the black family, the control of blacks
through poverty and control of welfare, and the resulting violent
black enclave ghettos in cities like Chicago. Those are actual facts,
completely visible today, whose history and development is backed up
by hundreds of quotes from Democrat leaders and feminist leaderss,
that I quoted and referenced in my book. You may not like the "vile"
activities of the politicians that you worship in the Democratic
party, but they are "vile" people no doubt. You should consider
becoming a Trump supporter. What have you got to lose?

Finally, I'll make one more distinction that may clarify things. When
I was writing my book on China, someone read a draft and said I was in
danger of being called "racist." Since then I've been extremely
clear, and I've said it over and over again. The Chinese are
wonderful people, whether they're in Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland
China, or elsewhere. The evil criminal organization is the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP), not the Chinese people.

So I'm making the same distinction. It's not you that are supporting
the "vile" policies of the Democrats. It's the Democratic leadership,
the people in power, the 1%, the people who stand to make millions
while everyone else suffers. So when Trump said, "What have you got
to lose?" he was talking directly to the black people, helping them to
understand how "vile" the Democrat leadership is.

So when I said, "That's how the Democrats work," I meant, "That's how
the Democrat Party leadership works." I apologize for not making that
distinction earlier.

(By the way, Democrats exhibit a similar confusion in reverse, when
they talk about hating Trump. What they really hate are the Tea
Partiers and the 63 million Trump supporters. Hating 63 million
people really is "vile.")

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 03-May-2020 World View: Pablum
utahbob wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 7:22 am
> John, Looks like some of your main points are finding new homes:
> ... nk=sfmw_tw
Navigator wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 4:57 pm
> Saw the same article in the Guardian a couple of days ago

> ... able-covid
I used to read the Project Syndicate articles, but I gave up because
they're pure pablum. This article is an example. It talks about a
"Greater Depression," which is a laughable way of making no prediction
at all. It talks about "a new cold war between the US and its rivals
– not just China, but also Russia, Iran, and North Korea" which is

I try to be philosophical about these situations. Project Syndicate
publishes meaningless pablum that's wrong half the time, but those
people make the big bucks. I publish specific forecasts that are
always right, but I don't get paid anything, and I'm hated and shunned.
So who's better -- me or the Project Syndicate. Obviously PS is
better, because they actually get paid.
Navigator wrote:
Sun May 03, 2020 4:57 pm
> Very good article from Mike Shedlock on his blog regarding
> Deflation vs Inflation

> ... ply-shocks
This is kind of a surprise. After I've been predicting deflation for
15 years, and listening to nonsense from so-called "experts"
predicting that inflation and hyperinflation are just around the
corner, Shedlock is predicting deflation. It would have been nice if
he'd figured that out earlier, but it's nice that he's figuring it out

The key to understanding deflation is the "velocity of money,"
which has been plunging since 2007.

  • Velocity of money, 1919 to 2017 (St. Louis Fed Fred Graph

The velocity of money is Economics 1.01, but most economists
have trouble with 2nd grade arithmetic, so the velocity of money
is too complicated for them to understand. It measures the
rate at which people are willing to spend money. It plummeted after
the financial crisis of 2007, and you can be sure that it's
going to plummet every further because of the current crisis.
Inflation is dead for many years to come.

Here are a couple of articles where I talked about the velocity of money:

** 21-Feb-20 World View -- Planning for Wuhan Coronavirus (Covid-19)
** ... tm#e200221

** 4-Mar-17 World View -- Champagne corks pop as a 'Trump rally' sends Wall Street stocks parabolic
** ... tm#e170304

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Navigator »

I have always believed that the real economic disaster, which is now imminent, would be deflationary.

I have always believed that when it happens, those in debt will face ruin.

In a hyperinflation scenario, it would actually be a good idea before hand to go and borrow all the money you can, buy assets like property and so on, so that when the hyperinflation hits, you can pay back the loans with next to worthless monopoly money, while you get to keep the assets.

Of course, under deflation, you will still owe everything you are in debt for, it is just that you now have even less income/resources to pay it off with. Part of deflation is falling income.

Under hyperinflation, banks and the financial industry are wiped out.

Under deflation, debtors are close to being in chains.

The banks and financial industry are not going to let themselves be wiped out. They have MUCH more power/influence than debtors. They will soon have laws in place to prevent you from discharging your debts, just like what happened to people with student loans. It will be subtle at first, like "no payment due this month because of the crisis" (but the interest on the debt will still accrue).

And forget about walking away from a mortgage or car loan. The property will just be repossessed and the borrower will be in debt for what the lender doesn't recover.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

And forget about walking away from a mortgage or car loan. The property will just be repossessed and the borrower will be in debt for what the lender doesn't recover.
If Americans tolerate that, they deserve to be slaves.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 9:50 am
And forget about walking away from a mortgage or car loan. The property will just be repossessed and the borrower will be in debt for what the lender doesn't recover.
If Americans tolerate that, they deserve to be slaves.
In Spain, mortgages must be repaid, even if you lose your home. And when you pay off the defaulted mortgage, you don't get your house back.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Trevor »

John, while your track record has been far superior to any other news source and analyst, which is why I read this site to find out what's going on in the world, it isn't perfect. Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes was anticipating the Clash of Civilizations to happen long before now. ... 110828.htm

There are times I'm amazed it hasn't broken out yet, but we're in the 2020s and it's still yet to occur. I think we're going to have to crash economically first before that happens, as we'll have millions of young men who have nothing to lose by going to war. China in particular will have tens of millions with no job prospects and no marriage prospects.

The second is expecting Ebola to become a massive pandemic. ... tm#e140918 Even with the nightmare scenario of it penetrating a war zone, it hasn't spread far, since it's not very transmissible. At least so far, I haven't seen any indication of it mutating into a more contagious disease.

As for Biden, I don't know whether he's guilty or not. He's been known to make women uncomfortable, hence the "Creepy Joe" memes I see all over social media. It's an alleged incident that happened in 1993, almost 30 years now, and there's no way to know now. Certainly there's more evidence than there was against Kavanaugh, but to me, it's not conclusive.

#BelieveWomen is not part of the GOP platform, in contrast to the Democrats. Most of the discussion I've read from news sources has been about the glaring double standard in the media. CNN alone published 700 stories about Kavanaugh, all of them proclaiming his guilt, and only published two about Tara Reade. The Larry King episode where her mother phoned in has disappeared, so we're seeing an open cover-up. They scream about Fox News being biased, and it is, but they're nothing compared to CNN, MSNBC, and others. If evidence builds and more people come forward, I'll change my opinion.

People like to complain I'm too cynical and pessimistic, but the events of the last 2-3 years have informed me that the mistakes I made were not being cynical enough. The Coronavirus is the Black Swan event Democratic leaders were praying for, and they're already making plans to impeach Trump again once all this is over. I don't see any unity forming despite 60,000 Americans dead. Even a few years ago, I wouldn't have believed it.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by DaKardii »

Hey, John. Can you please increase the attachment quota? I want to create a new topic that involves an "alliances map" which I created, and I can't upload the file unless the quota is increased.



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