2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

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Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by John »

Guest 5 wrote: > No way in hell I will fight for this country...
During the days of the Barack Obama administration, I would write that
if a regeneracy event occurred, then all the people would drop their
political leanings, and become united behind Obama. This was greeted
with horror by some commenters, where some people said that he and his
friends would never unite behind Obama.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, and I'm hearing from commenters who
say that they would never become united behind Trump.

Neither of these claims is realistic. If a nuclear missile landed on
Los Angeles, anyone who refused to defend the country would be branded
as a traitor, and would be treated as such.

A regeneracy event is a disconfirmation event in the sense of
Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance. It forces everyone to
reevaluate all their deeply held beliefs, and either reject them or
double down on them. A tiny few people will double down and become
perceived as traitors, but everyone else will support the president,
whether it's Obama or Trump.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was vitriolically hated by many people, just
like Obama or Trump today. There were a few people who refused to
support FDR after Pearl Harbor, but history does not look kindly on

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Tom Mazanec »

A regeneracy event is a disconfirmation event in the sense of
Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance. It forces everyone to
reevaluate all their deeply held beliefs, and either reject them or
double down on them. A tiny few people will double down and become
perceived as traitors, but everyone else will support the president,
whether it's Obama or Trump.

But if I understand Festinger's book, almost everybody doubled down on their disconfirmed beliefs. Why would it be different in politics as opposed to prophesy?
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Guest 3

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 3 »

Sorry John. No way would I have fought to defend barry. The problems in the here and now are the illegal invaders. IF the hordes had come with funds and wherewithal and working legal Americans were not supporting them, then I would have fought.
However, barry is a flat out traitor and responsible for importing illegal invaders. Even now we are not seeing Deportations. Sessions is useless except for conjuring distractions such as the opiod crisis. I live in a veterans village. We are armed and will fight at the barricades. A native Greek professor told me 8 years ago that America was ripe for civil insurrection.
The saddest truth of all is that a missile delivered to California might draw leftist outrage. Conservatives would be delighted if California seceded. Fighting to preserve socialism is not an American tradition. We are living within deep ideological divisions...core values and lack thereof. The left escalated towards violence, first with demanding illegal demonstrations and now with violence-inciting rhetoric. Their behavior is the path to revolution.

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Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by John »

Guest 3 wrote: > Sorry John. No way would I have fought to defend barry.
Yes you would. Your son would have made you.


Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest »

And when Rome fell to the barbarians, where was Generational Dynamics? America is rapidly becoming Mexico. No, thanks. Let the cowardly Mexican illegals--the invaders-- shout traitor all they want. I'm leaving.


Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote:Nassim Taleb Slams "These Virtue-Signaling Open-Borders Imbeciles" In 3 Short Tweets

What intellectuals don't get about MIGRATION is the ethical notion of SYMMETRY:

1) OPEN BORDERS work if and only if the number of pple who want to go from EU/US to Africa/LatinAmer equals Africans/Latin Amer who want to move to EU/US

2) Controlled immigration is based on the symmetry that someone brings in at least as much as he/she gets out. And the ethics of the immigrant is to defend the system as payback, not mess it up.

Uncontrolled immigration has all the attributes of invasions.

3) As a Christian Lebanese, saw the nightmare of uncontrolled immigration of Palestinians which caused the the civil war & as a part-time resident of N. Lebanon, I am seeing the effect of Syrian migration on the place.
This is one aspect of the immigration debate which the leftist press doesn't like to discuss: immigrants or second generation immigrants calling for stricter immigration controls. Enough is enough.

Latinos are by far the most racist people I have ever encountered. They don't even try to hide it. How black Americans have been conned into supporting open borders I will never understand.

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Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by thomasglee »

Guest 5 wrote:I'm from a long line of soldiers. I'm a Citadel graduate. No way in hell I will fight this country if it means just preserving for a bunch illegals and their larva. Hell no.
Thank you for your service and the service of those in your family who came before, and after, you in serving.

What would "fighting for this country" mean? Fighting here domestically, or fighting overseas? There are so many variables to consider. My gut says, "hell no," but then again, what we would be fighting hasn't been yet defined. We may find ourselves fighting for our lives here in the USA.
Last edited by thomasglee on Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by thomasglee »

Accidental double post. Sorry.
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

Guest 3

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 3 »

You're right, John. We'd have been together at the barricades here. I nearly lost him during that time.

Guest 5

Re: 2-Jul-18 World View -- Generational explanation of today's vitriolic divisiveness in America

Post by Guest 5 »

thomasglee wrote:
Guest 5 wrote:I'm from a long line of soldiers. I'm a Citadel graduate. No way in hell I will fight this country if it means just preserving for a bunch illegals and their larva. Hell no.
Thank you for your service and the service of those in your family who came before, and after, you in serving.

What would "fighting for this country" mean? Fighting here domestically, or fighting overseas? There are so many variables to consider. My gut says, "hell no," but then again, what we would be fighting hasn't been yet defined. We may find ourselves fighting for our lives here in the USA.

I will not fight in a war to protect America from a foreign country like China, Russia, etc. I WOULD fight Mexico and other Latin American nations if they attacked, but they won't (officially) because they know they would lose. I would fight in a civil war, to drive out Latinos. But fight the Chinese and be in killed action just so that Latinos can destroy my country and turn the USA into a part of Mexico? Hell no.

If we had millions of Japanese, Taiwanese, and Germans immigrating here, I wouldn't mind. They would be productive and law abiding citizens. But Latinos, I can easily see what they have done to the Carolinas. Look at what latinos have done to their own countries? Latinos spread misery. They hate Americans. They aggressive and openly hostile to Americans and the United States. I'm tired of hearing about how wonderful these people are. Everyone knows better.

Are Americans to just disappear? Are statues are being torn down. Our history books are being revised. Our national symbols are denigrated. If this keeps up, America will end up like England, where the English flag and the Union Jack are both under attack as symbols of racism and imperialism. Do people think the Aztecs and Africans were strictly peace loving people? They had huge empires and enslaved people on a scale the West has never seen. I don't even want to go on with this discussion anymore.

You are right; the future remains undefined. I pray for the USA to break up. At least then, Americans would have a home to call their own. The part of America that reverted back to Mexico would be an instant slum. After all of the death and suffering of a race war, Americans wouldn't just build a wall, they plant land mines and make hiring illegals a capital offense.

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