Religion and Vaccine Arguments

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... e-unknown/
Former Arizona high school football defensive coordinator Greg Patrick dies
Ragle said he was shocked and saddened to hear the news about Patrick, an avid weight lifter who kept in top shape. ... 454992cb38
ATLANTA — The son of popular Atlanta radio host Rickey Smiley has died at 32, he confirmed in a video to Facebook on Sunday.

Rickey said his son, Brandon Smiley, unexpectedly died Sunday morning, but did not clarify how he passed away. In the three-minute video, Rickey said that he was on the way to the airport to fly to Birmingham, Ala., where he is from.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »

Certain batch numbers have been traced to more adverse events. ... -myelitis/
Exclusive: Woman Diagnosed With Vaccine-Induced Transverse Myelitis After Pfizer Shots
Danielle Baker, 43, was diagnosed with transverse myelitis after being pressured by her employer to get the two-dose series of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. After researching the batch numbers, Baker learned both doses were associated with high numbers of injuries and deaths.
Then, after several visits to various doctors and a spate of tests, including spinal taps, an ER doctor diagnosed Baker with transverse myelitis, a neurological disorder involving inflammation of the spinal cord.

Baker said her “core group” of doctors now includes a primary care physician, a neurologist, an alternative pain practitioner and a consulting allopathic physician.

“All of those doctors are on the same page about my condition and directly link it to the shot” as “other causes have been ruled out,” said Baker.

Baker reported her vaccine-related adverse events to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and to MedWatch on Aug. 4, 2021.

“My VAERS report disappeared and my MedWatch report was never acknowledged,” she said. “Nobody else filed one on my behalf that I am aware of.”
Baker investigated the batch numbers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines she received, and found they were associated with a disproportionately high number of adverse reaction reports, injuries and deaths.

According to documentation she provided to The Defender, batch number EW0181 of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was associated with 1,685 adverse reaction reports, 32 disabilities, 16 life-threatening illnesses and 14 deaths.

Thus far, 3.32% of individuals who received injections from this batch have reported severe adverse events, with a lethality of 0.83%.

Batch number EW0187 is associated with 1,757 adverse reactions, 24 disabilities, 31 life-threatening illnesses and 16 deaths. So far, 3.59% of those who received an injection from this batch reported severe adverse events, with a lethality of 0.91%.

“Not only did I get one bad shot, I got two bad shots,” Baker said. “So, it explains why I am in the condition I am in.”
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... -backward/
On top of all this, there are those who suspect that we have been subjected to a massive biological attack, using our own National Institutes of Health and CDC as attack vectors.

One only has to review the War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports to get the sense of an enemy closing in for the kill.[iii] In terms of the Pfizer vaccine, we have evidence of fraud and coverup. Pfizer’s own documents show that the vaccine was neither safe nor effective. Many questions follow from this. Why, then, did government officials recommend the vaccine for young children (when the vaccine was not initially tested on young children)? Given that the vaccine was dangerous, especially to persons with auto immune illnesses or other health vulnerabilities, why would the government or schools or large corporations, implement vaccine mandates? Why discriminate against people with health conditions? Why did the FDA fail to mention the danger of heart damage to vaccinated teens? All these questions are asked in the Analysis Volunteer Reports.

The push to inject the entire population of the First World with an experimental drug is not merely a scandal. It is evidence of something more far-reaching. Perhaps, indeed, it is an attack on the people of the United States and Europe engineered by Chinese agents and companies. There is a case to be made that communist China has infiltrated and corrupted our health science bureaucracy which is responsible for defending us from biological attack. They have aligned their pharmaceutical companies with America’s. They have offered their services on the cheap to draw our Big Pharma producers into partnerships – to harvest our medical and biological technologies. To what end? To mount a biological attack? To fulfill the mandate of Chinese General Chi Haotian? He called for killing 100 – 200 million Americans in a biological attack. He spoke about it more than twenty years ago.
This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a question – a serious question. And we need serious answers. The longer we do not receive the answers, the more danger we are likely to be in; for if the pandemic response was honest – involving mistakes made in good faith – there should be no coverup. There should be no evidence of collusion with Red China. It is when we see people hiding the truth, covering up for their actions, hiding Chinese involvement, that we must fear the worst.

That Pfizer sought to cover up a flood-tide of adverse events is now documented. The truth was supposed to be kept secret until the year 2096. What honest process seeks refuge in such a prolonged darkness? The thesis of the War Room/Daily Clout team is that scientific fraud has taken place, on a massive scale. The report reads: “The clinical data of the Covid-19 vaccines is corrupt and fraudulent. Attempting to conceal data for 75 years is another form of fraud as well.”[iv]

What we have here is a “trust the science” meme. But I fear that the operative word is “trust,” and all the “science” is false advertising. It is only people using science as a justification for destructive policies – for sabotage, for poison injected into the arms of children and pregnant women. And it is a bubble that is going to burst, like the bubble of manmade global warming “science.” I do not trust the “science” because I can see the not-so-hidden agenda of the people involved. In the case of the mRNA “vaccines,” millions of people have been used as lab rats, jabbed with something that was not properly tested, that was made with Chinese inputs. And what we know about the Pfizer shots is probably true of the Moderna and AstraZeneca shots. Why would the leaders of the West expose hundreds of millions of people to such a risk?

Let us not make excuses for anyone. Scientists should be accountable for their work when people begin to die from it. Furthermore, scientists are people who happen to be as subject to bribery and blackmail and ideological manipulation as anyone else. Thus do they croak, like frogs, their chorus, “Trust the science!” Which simply translates, “Trust us.” But they are as corrupt as the dishonest, ideology-driven society they serve.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »

JANUARY 27, 2023 AT 4:39 PM
Here is an added item courtesy of our friend at “Once Upon a Time in the West,” — WW4 File: Dr. Naomi Wolf acknowledges binary nature of COVID jab bioweapon on Bannons War Room: “I believe as you know that this [mRNA gene therapy] is a bioweapon. I’ve done reporting showing it’s being manufactured in concert with the CCP, the IP and tech went, per SEC Filing 21 21 to China. China’s opened manufacturing plants all over Western Europe and now in North America. And so for me, it’s just a slow way to debilitate, if not kill off the population in North America and Western Europe.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Tom Mazanec
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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by Tom Mazanec »

Is there a link to a spike in unexplained deaths of young adults after covid that I could refer to in the Cosmoquest forum (which is vehemently pro-shot) for reply? No tabloid type links, please.
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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... =ZeroHedge
Recent Data Shows ‘Stunning Increase’ in Serious Harm Reports in Young Healthy Pilots: Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long
It’s been a year since four Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers found a sudden increase in various diseases in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which coincided directly with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccinations. Now, new data shows more evidence.

That’s according to Lt. Col.Theresa Long, M.D., MPH, a board-certified aerospace medicine doctor and Army Brigade flight surgeon with specialty training as an aviation mishap investigator and safety officer, who was one of the four whistleblowers. Long’s background has uniquely equipped her to recognize what she described as “unusual diagnoses and alarming trends only after the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccinations.”
“After querying all pilots across the DOD, for all-cause morbidity and mortality, I found a stunning increase in the number of reportable events, spiking from an average of 226 reportable events a year (2016-2019) to 4,059 reports in 2022,” she explained.

A DOD reportable event is any patient safety event resulting in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm—and all require a comprehensive systematic analysis and a follow-on corrective action implementation plan report.

“The point is there is a statistically significant increase in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm in young healthy fit pilots,” she continued.

Such injuries were more obviously shown in this population. Because aviation pilots are required to have a superior level of health and fitness, and their health conditions are under more strict monitoring, according to Long.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... t/42734481
Athletic trainer performs CPR for 10 minutes after SC athlete goes into cardiac arrest during game
An athletic trainer performed CPR for 10 minutes after an Upstate middle school basketball player went into cardiac arrest during a game, according to the school.

Denny Vauters, of Southside Christian School, said on Tuesday night, during the junior varsity basketball team at Brashier Middle College, that eighth grade student Kamari Williams (K Will) experienced a seizure and cardiac arrest.
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »

Edward Dowd
Employed Women 16-64 have had the worst outcome in terms of rate of change in disabilities and are basically still at the highs. If it’s not the vaccine what is it? Tragic and crickets from the authorities and media. Where are the feminists!
Employed Women 16-64 have had the worst outcome in terms of rate of change in disabilities and are basically still at the highs. If it’s not the vaccine wh
Posted on 1:37 PM · Feb 3rd, 2023
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim »

Tom Mazanec wrote:
Fri Feb 03, 2023 8:32 am
Is there a link to a spike in unexplained deaths of young adults after covid that I could refer to in the Cosmoquest forum (which is vehemently pro-shot) for reply? No tabloid type links, please.
The spike in sudden deaths did not occur after covid. The deaths occurred after the vaccine and especially after the vaccine mandate. ... 306&sr=8-1
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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Re: Religion and Vaccine Arguments

Post by tim » ... er-project
Third Dr. J. T. Walker/Pfizer-Project Veritas Video
The mRNA vaccines must be pulled from the market, for the sake of humanity
Once again, as myself and my colleagues did on May 11, 2022, I call for withdrawal of the COVID-19 mRNA gene-therapy based “vaccines” from all global and domestic markets. They are neither safe nor effective. But what this latest investigative reporting video documents is that a Pfizer senior executive with line responsibility for “mRNA Scientific Planning” is aware that these products have significant reproductive risks. Basically, this confirms risks which were identified by Bret Weinstein, Steve Kirsch and myself on 14 June 2021 during the Dark Horse Podcast titled “How to Save the World in Three Easy Steps”. Bret, Steve and I discussed the Pfizer non-clinical data package finding that, in rodent testing, it was demonstrated that the cationic lipid-mRNA nanoplexes demonstrated an unusual affinity for the ovaries, and speculated that this would have broad ranging implications for reproductive health.
What are the most important take-aways from this new video evidence?

Pfizer is well aware of the alterations in menstruation associated with administration of their mRNA-based product. Apparently Pfizer (and the FDA) do not find this particularly concerning, as Dr. Walker comments that this will have to be investigated sometime in the future (“so people will have to investigate that down the line”)

Per Dr. Walker, a leading internal hypothesis for the cause of this (the pathophysiologic basis) is that the mRNA/Pseudouridine/lipid nanoparticle is damaging some aspect of the “hypothalamus, pituitary, gonadal axis”. (“somehow the vaccine must be interacting with that axis, the HPG axis, to cause mutations in menstrual cycles”)

Pfizer apparently does not “really know what's going on” with this toxic effect of the product which has been injected into literally billions of human beings - men, women, and children. And apparently they believe that they may never know.

In stating “I hope we don't find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body”, Dr. Walker, Pfizer Global Director of Research and Development- Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, is acknowledging that he is unaware of the Cell publication of Röltgen et al, published Mar 17, 2022, in which it was demonstrated that the pseudouridine-containing mRNA product persists in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection.

Dr. Walker’s response to the prospect that Pfizer may have “fucked” up the entire next generation was that he would have to remove reference to his employment at Pfizer from his resume !!??!!

Pfizer is actively developing the mRNA delivery technology for the purpose of developing gene editing-based medicines.

Dr. Walker again confirms that Pfizer is engaged in ongoing gain of function research with SARS-CoV-2

No-one at Pfizer “gives a shit” about COVID, and the firm has moved on to new horizons in product development for the mRNA technology.

Dr. Walker believes that Pfizer will not be able to be held accountable for malfeasance or fraud involving the mRNA products “because usually when you give drugs to people, if there's a known side effect, it's encoded on the FDA label.” (which displays his remarkably high level of ignorance of relevant regulatory and legal statutes and policies).

Dr. Walker recognizes that it takes years to determine long term safety of a vaccine product (“we'll see in the next couple of years if anything comes up”).

Dr. Walker asserts that “The vaccine doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier. “. I am not aware of data clearly demonstrating that neither vaccine nor encoded spike protein cross the Blood Brain Barrier. In fact, all of the data I am aware of indicate otherwise.

Dr. Walker and by extension Pfizer senior management are aware that public health policies which have coerced, compelled and mandated vaccination will have major scandalous political implications if the mRNA “vaccine” is shown to cause significant reproductive or other harms. “I will say if it does come down the line there's something wrong with the vaccine, then obviously people will criticize the big push because there was a lot of social pressure, government pressure, job pressure to get the vaccine. I had to get the vaccine otherwise I would have gotten fired. If something were to happen downstream and it was really bad, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.”
“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:5

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