29-Jan-17 World View -- Protests grow over Trump's executive order to restrict immigration / Iran promises retaliation

Discussion of Web Log and Analysis topics from the Generational Dynamics web site.

Re: 29-Jan-17 World View -- Protests grow over Trump's executive order to restrict immigration / Iran promises retaliati

Post by FishbellykanakaDude »

John wrote:
Weiseth wrote: > These differences between left and right are so diametrically
> different that...
This is a great analysis with a lot of useful information. But I
believe that when the "day of truth" arrives, none of these political
differences is going to matter. Instead, I expect it to be Catholic
vs Protestant, Western vs Orthodox, Christian vs Jew, Greek vs German,
and so forth.
There will be three "days of truth".

1) The First Certain Premonition

When it first becomes obvious to a population's critical mass that there will be a great nuclear war, the "Safety for Us First Committees" will create/motivate mass migrations within countries, dividing groups by "true felt culture".

"True felt culture" is the series of binary choices between "this person or gang" and "that person or gang" that one encounters during "the migration". People tend to choose those who are like them, and those they think are strong and can help them survive.

Relatively soon the local "proven strong" groups will begin killing their rival groups, one by one, as encountered, then as hunted, as they can. Consolidating.

The choice at this "day of truth" is to find an "intimate" society and defend it.

2) The Blast

The great cities disappear. The cultural groups survive as they can. The "Great Powers Infrastructure Tenders" do their best to ready their side to fight off whatever would be coming at them from the other side. They have recruited whichever "powerful" culture groups they can that will work with them, and not fight too much between themselves.

The choice at this "day of truth" is to decide who to punish.

3) The Defeat

The destruction of the enemy's capability to destroy your infrastructure is accomplished.

The choice at this "day of truth" is what society/societies to build, and what hatreds to hold onto.


Re: 29-Jan-17 World View -- Protests grow over Trump's executive order to restrict immigration / Iran promises retaliati

Post by Guest »

I have listened to several interviews with Neil Howe on YouTube. He's a wet noodle. He seems really unsure and non committal about the FT.

I'm not surprised Time Magazine did not bring up GD. I don't think Time wants to give this site any publicity. The final outcome is too upsetting.

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Re: 29-Jan-17 World View -- Protests grow over Trump's executive order to restrict immigration / Iran promises retaliati

Post by John »

Here's a comment that someone posted on Breitbart in response
to my article on the Myanmar Rohingys:
> Space Cowboy

> Man...it take a real mentally unhinged writer like this lunatic to
> believe the fake news that comes out of the UN. In any event, I
> recommend that Myanmar does all it can to kick every last Muslim
> out of their country, because Muslims and non-Muslims are
> thoroughly incompatible. My only wish is that Trump would order
> the same exact thing over here in the USA before it is too
> late.
Isn't that nice?

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Joined: Wed May 13, 2015 3:13 am

Re: 29-Jan-17 World View -- Protests grow over Trump's executive order to restrict immigration / Iran promises retaliati

Post by Weiseth »

Trevor wrote:It's interesting to see a positive view of Steve Bannon, being that he's someone that even a lot of conservatives don't like. If he knows and believes in Generational Dynamics, we might actually get through this after all. I'm just hoping Trump is willing to listen to him about it, being that like Obama, he doesn't seem interested in listening to anyone except for himself.
Based on which actions or knowledge do you base that conclusion on?

Trump changed his whole demeanor and is able to adapt to his circumstances as we saw during this election as he went from contender to the nominee, he listened to his strategists and changed his tactics to being more presidential as you could see in his tweets to Hillary about her health when she was experiencing problems which were civil and presidential instead of the mean spirited bullying that knocked out Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. Not to mention Trump is pro Choice and his personal faith is basically unknown as he is an unrepenting adulterer and womanizer but still he sets his personal beliefs aside to build his coalition of supporters many of whom are right wing christians who he disagrees With on almost all social issues. Still he is compromising which is the exact opposite of Obama. To give some examples just this last two weeks Trump has pushed contruction of the wall, ban on immigration from some terrorist haven countries and made the left insane. This gives him political Capital to push through infrastructure spending and ignore Calls to repeal transgender legislation by Obama.

As for Bannon, conservatives doesn’t have a problem with him because of GD, but because he openly stated that Breitbart was a place for the alt-right to congregate online. The alt right having some substantial amount of infiltration of anti-Semitism, most coordinated from sites like stormfront which does not fit in with the classical conservatives which most best thinkers are Jewish and there has been a lot drama during this election because of that conflict.

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