Generational Dynamics World View News

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

John wrote:
CH86 wrote: > There is NOTHING Milosevic and Mladic did that precludes them from
> the category of "Good People". What I and other Millennials want a
> world where an Assad or a Milosevic can look over his shoulder and
> see America and see a friend over here.
I don't know any millennial, or anyone in any generation, who
shares your views. You are a loon alone, all by yourself
in your loony bubble.
Lots of Xers, Millies and Gen-Z'ers agree with me. Look at just about any comment thread on Youtube or Twitter or Go to 4Chan or 8Chan you will find a lot who agree with me over there.

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Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 24-Aug-2019 Thread praising Hitler
CH86 wrote: > Lots of Xers, Millies and Gen-Z'ers agree with me. Look at just
> about any comment thread on Youtube or Twitter or Go to 4Chan or
> 8Chan you will find a lot who agree with me over there.
Could you list some comment threads where they praise Hitler?

Cynic Hero 86

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Cynic Hero 86 »

John wrote:** 24-Aug-2019 Thread praising Hitler
CH86 wrote: > Lots of Xers, Millies and Gen-Z'ers agree with me. Look at just
> about any comment thread on Youtube or Twitter or Go to 4Chan or
> 8Chan you will find a lot who agree with me over there.
Could you list some comment threads where they praise Hitler?
Where have I Praised Hitler or said anything of the sort? You are Hallucinating that. Regarding 8Chan I could look for them if i'm in the mood such threads are there.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Millenial83 »

CH86 wrote:
John wrote:
CH86 wrote: > There is NOTHING Milosevic and Mladic did that precludes them from
> the category of "Good People". What I and other Millennials want a
> world where an Assad or a Milosevic can look over his shoulder and
> see America and see a friend over here.
I don't know any millennial, or anyone in any generation, who
shares your views. You are a loon alone, all by yourself
in your loony bubble.
Lots of Xers, Millies and Gen-Z'ers agree with me. Look at just about any comment thread on Youtube or Twitter or Go to 4Chan or 8Chan you will find a lot who agree with me over there.
*Raises Hand*

Keep fighting the good fight CH86. I look forward to fighting along side you on the battle field in the coming Second American Civil War. The war for the soul of America where Trump National will CRUSH the Clinton Archipelago once and for all.

Posts: 397
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:51 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

Millenial83 wrote:
CH86 wrote:
John wrote:
I don't know any millennial, or anyone in any generation, who
shares your views. You are a loon alone, all by yourself
in your loony bubble.
Lots of Xers, Millies and Gen-Z'ers agree with me. Look at just about any comment thread on Youtube or Twitter or Go to 4Chan or 8Chan you will find a lot who agree with me over there.
*Raises Hand*

Keep fighting the good fight CH86. I look forward to fighting along side you on the battle field in the coming Second American Civil War. The war for the soul of America where Trump National will CRUSH the Clinton Archipelago once and for all.
I'm actually of Mixed race, but the Clintons and Desire they and other Silent/Boomer Gerontocrats personify to turn us all into metrosexual Fags IS the crisis. Now they want to Import Hordes of Foreigners from the third world in order to replace Actual Americans because they know actual Americans do not/no longer agree with them, increasingly even the non-white ones. The elimination of the Clintons and their Ilk is the necessary prerequisite in order get anything done. Only Known Globalist constituencies (Liberal aristocrats, Jews, Southern Black Women, Fat Girls, Fags and subservient Momma's boys) still believe and follow Clintonism and the Clintons.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by Guest »

Go to 4Chan or 8Chan you will find a lot who agree with me over there.
That's where all the people who shoot up mosques hang out, right?

Posts: 397
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:51 am

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by CH86 »

Pictures say a thousand words. Boomer globalist conceptions of millennials being converted into globalist "boy scouts" beware. Mwa Ha Ha.

From Wisconsin: ... al-n935241

This one is from California: ... arty-51151

This one is From Indiana: ... ation.html

These two are from south Africa: ... er-1636268 ... ph-furore/

mr nobody

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by mr nobody »

Another way of looking at it is the per capita annual income in
different countries:

China $10K
Taiwan $25K
South Korea $30K
Japan $40K
Hong Kong $48K
USA $60K

The interesting thing about these figures is that the same Chinese
people live in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, but the per capita income
is far lower in China, reflecting the utter incompetence and stupidity
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
really?! that is your rational? are you kidding me?
first, you're comparing 1.4 bil country to basically what could be/is a city or region in china(dishonest).
and secondly, that is possible only because of support of US military, direct investments from US and free access to US market.
so basically without US, all of these countries would be pour 3rd world countries. has nothing to do with IQ or their governments.

CCP is many things, but being dumb/stupid is not one of them. it does take some finesse to rule 1.4 bil people.
they ARE ideologues and social engineers and everything is viewed in the terms of control and power. i think they recognize that to rule such masses, you have to control what's in peoples heads. and not to mention that in asian culture appeasement and accommodation is a sign of weakness.
John, you always make fun of Winnie-the-Pooh censorship in china, but i raise you Pepe the Frog. this simple symbol has become
a powerful tool for resistance and mocking and even freedom. so don't underestimate power of symbols...
CCP is suffering from messiah complex, but they have ensured unprecedented level of stability and social cohesion.


Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by JCP »

really?! that is your rational? are you kidding me?
first, you're comparing 1.4 bil country to basically what could be/is a city or region in china(dishonest).
and secondly, that is possible only because of support of US military, direct investments from US and free access to US market.
so basically without US, all of these countries would be pour 3rd world countries. has nothing to do with IQ or their governments.
You are either a complete idiot or an inept paid troll; either way, you are stupid.
The Red Chinese are corrupt and incompetent. They are also homicidal and grossly inefficient. The CCP has squandered China's water and soil resources and left them toxic and largely unusable.

South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan worked hard to become wealthy nations with Rule of Law. The CCP have turned mainland China into a piratical gangster state.
CCP is many things, but being dumb/stupid is not one of them. it does take some finesse to rule 1.4 bil people.

No, they are stupid. They destroyed thousands of years of Chinese culture during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). China no longer has an ancient culture. China, like Russia, is a bastard nation filled with low grade bastards.

Finesse? The CCP has never been known for doing anything with finesse. They are more like bulldozers driven by drunkards.
CCP is suffering from messiah complex, but they have ensured unprecedented level of stability and social cohesion.
If they are so stable, why are they committing genocide in East Turkmenistan and Tibet? Why have they introduced the 'Social Credit' system which has left millions of Chinese unable to do something a simple as buying a train ticket?

Posts: 11485
Joined: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:10 pm
Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Generational Dynamics World View News

Post by John »

** 25-Aug-2019 World View: The stupidity of the Chinese Communist Party
mr nobody wrote: > really?! that is your rational? are you kidding me? first, you're
> comparing 1.4 bil country to basically what could be/is a city or
> region in china(dishonest). and secondly, that is possible only
> because of support of US military, direct investments from US and
> free access to US market. so basically without US, all of these
> countries would be pour 3rd world countries. has nothing to do
> with IQ or their governments.

> CCP is many things, but being dumb/stupid is not one of them. it
> does take some finesse to rule 1.4 bil people. they ARE
> ideologues and social engineers and everything is viewed in the
> terms of control and power. i think they recognize that to rule
> such masses, you have to control what's in peoples heads. and not
> to mention that in asian culture appeasement and accommodation is
> a sign of weakness. John, you always make fun of Winnie-the-Pooh
> censorship in china, but i raise you Pepe the Frog. this simple
> symbol has become a powerful tool for resistance and mocking and
> even freedom. so don't underestimate power of symbols... CCP is
> suffering from messiah complex, but they have ensured
> unprecedented level of stability and social cohesion.
Since I wrote a whole book on this subject, I'll only point briefly
to a couple of things.

You say that these other countries -- Japan, South Korea, Taiwan,
colonial Hong Kong -- all did well and are doing well because they had
"support of US military, direct investments from US and free access to
US market." Well, yes, that's true, but it's the utter stupidity
of the Chinese that they rejected all that help from the West.

Brief example: While China pursued the Boxer Rebellion, which essentially
declared war against the rest of the world, Japan signed the
Anglo-Japanese alliance, which enormously benefited Japan. That's
an example of how the Chinese were unbelievably stupid.

Another example is Mao's Great Leap Forward, which is probably
the stupidest policy in the history of the world, where Mao
managed to kill tens of thousands of Chinese through executions
and starvation, and destroyed the entire agricultural
infrastructure at the same time. During the same time period,
Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and colonial Hong Kong were building
up their economies, accessing the US market, and accepting
direct investments from the US. That's how smart the other
countries were, and how stupid the CCP was.

After Mao inflicted the Great Leap Forward disaster onto
China, he went on to inflict another enormous disaster,
Mao's Great Cultural Revolution, a policy so incredibly stupid
that it set China back probably 20 years.

Here's a very interesting point relevant to your statement about the
other countries had "support of US military, direct investments from
US and free access to US market." I wrote a lot about this in
my book because it's so interesting. Let me quote a few
paragraphs from my book:

> "Mao launched the Great Cultural Revolution. He shut
> down the nation’s schools, calling for a massive youth
> mobilization to take current party leaders to task for their
> embrace of bourgeois values and lack of revolutionary spirit. In
> the months that followed, the movement escalated quickly as the
> students formed paramilitary groups called the Red Guards and
> attacked and harassed members of China’s elderly and intellectual
> population. A personality cult quickly sprang up around Mao,
> similar to that which existed for Josef Stalin, with different
> factions of the movement claiming the true interpretation of
> Maoist thought.

> The Cultural Revolution was particularly harsh on religion. As
> we've described previously, the CCP cracked down on Chinese
> Christians in the 1950s, and Taiwan became a refuge for them, and
> a new base for missionaries. During the Cultural Revolution, any
> remaining foreign missionaries were imprisoned and tortured.
> Christian missionaries and charities were an enormous boon to
> Taiwan's economy, and their expulsion from China was just one more
> stupid mistake that explains why Taiwan, South Korea and Japan
> were economically and governmentally superior to China.

> The Red Guards, mostly younger students, soon brought the country
> to the verge of chaos; they fought pitched battles, carried out
> summary executions, drove thousands to suicide, and forced tens of
> thousands into labor camps, usually far from home. Intellectuals
> were sent to the countryside to learn the virtues of peasant life.
> Countless art and cultural treasures as well as books were
> destroyed, and universities were shut down. Insulting posters and
> other personal attacks, often motivated by blind revenge, were
> mounted against educators, experts in all fields, and other
> alleged proponents of "old thought" or "old culture," namely,
> anything pre-Maoist.

> With different factions of the Red Guard movement battling for
> dominance, many Chinese cities reached the brink of anarchy by
> September 1967, when Mao had Lin send army troops in to restore
> order. The army soon forced many urban members of the Red Guards
> into rural areas, where the movement declined. Amid the chaos, the
> Chinese economy plummeted, with industrial production for 1968
> dropping 12 percent below that of 1966.

> Mao used the army to resist any attempt to remove him from power,
> until he died in September 1976, after 1.5 million people had been
> killed, and millions of others suffered imprisonment, seizure of
> property, torture or general humiliation in the Cultural
> Revolution. Deng Xiaoping gained power in 1977, and led the
> government for the next 20 years."
Note in particular what happened to the religious organizations in
CCP idiots tortured and killed them, and forced them to flee to other
countries, especially Taiwan, where they were an enormous boon to
those economies. This is an excellent example of your point that
other countries received Western support while China didn't -- that's
because the unbelievably stupid idiots in the CCP tortured and killed
anyone who tried to help them, because all the CCP officials cared
about was keeping their own power and their own mistresses.

You should buy my book if you want more examples, but the bottom line
is the same -- that the people in the CCP have been incredibly evil,
stupid, incompetent people who are inflicting enormous pain on the
wonderful Chinese people, while people in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan
and colonial Hong Kong thrived because they had the support of the
West instead of rejecting it, and became active partners in the
international community.

And yes, the CCP's fear of Winnie the Pooh is an example of how stupid
and idiotic the CCP is. They fear Winnie the Pooh because he looks
like Xi Jinping, and they're afraid that the cartoon character could
be used to encourage an anti-CCP rebellion (on the mainland). Can you
imagine how ridiculous it would be if Donald Trump or any Western
leader were afraid of a cartoon character like that?

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