15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

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15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by John »

15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

** 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report
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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by VinceP1974 »

I had to respond to this item
In Malaysia, where there's violence between Christian and Muslims, Christians have been using the "Camel Method" to convert Muslims to Christianity. This method starts with the story of Isa (Arabic for Jesus) in the Koran, and uses the Arabic word for "Allah" to refer to the Christian god. NY Times
Link to NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/13/us/13 ... lobal-home

First.. the author of this article is a naive baboon.

He says
The reports from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital, described events that we imagine could never happen in the United States, where free speech is supposed to guard against such conflict. But we have fights over religious language, too, even if the violence rarely rises above name-calling.
First off.. the right to free speech does not to protect one from violent reprisals. The only thing that protects a person from being attacked is the self-restraint of the person who would be attacking you.

Then he says whatever is happening in Malaysia is unimaginable to have happen here.. then goes on to say "oh but we have bitter fights about it" too. Huh? And how is name-calling considered violence?
Instead of talking about the Jesus of the New Testament, missionaries using the Camel Method point Muslims to the Koran, where in the third chapter, or sura, an infant named Isa — Arabic for Jesus — is born. Missionaries have found that by starting with the Koran’s Jesus story, they can make inroads with Muslims who reject the Bible out of hand. But according to Dr. Caner, whose attack on Dr. Rankin came in a weekly Southern Baptist podcast, the idea that the Koran can contain the seeds of Christian faith is “an absolute, fundamental deception.”
This Dr Canton is acting as if the Jesus found in teh Koran is some wholly other individual than the Jesus of the Bible..and then acts as if the Christians are inventing the assocation between Biblical and Koranic Jesus.

How dumb is this guy? It's the Muslims who appropriated Jesus from the Bible and put him the Koran. It's the Muslims who established the purported connection. It's the Muslims who believe Koran Jesus *IS* Bible Jesus (in most respects and attributes)

In fact, Islam says that both Christians and jews were originally Muslims and that they had corrupted the revelation of God which required Allah to use Mohemmed to correct all the errors.

I cant beleive this guy is arguing that to start with Islam's POV regarding the Bible is somehow a dishonest tactic.

This Caner guy is president of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. I can only conclude that this Seminary is a place so intellectual that only morons could believe what is taught there.
The danger, critics of the Camel Method say, is twofold: exploitation of Muslim culture and infidelity to the Christian message. According to Dr. Caner, missionaries who say the Koran can be a “bridge” to Christianity risk obscuring real differences between the two traditions.
Exploitation of Muslims! Isn't that rich... I dont think there is any other group of people who have mastered the ability to exploit others than Muslims/Arabs. But of course the Smart People in our society , while accusing everyone of being a racist.. are the biggest racists and bigots of the lot. I swear. I never see these Smart People ever give Muslims the respect by acknoweldging that the Muslim does what he does for the reasons he says he does.. not the reasons the intellectual concocts for him.

And really does he think Muslims are so stupid as to not realize what is happening as he uncontrollably is metaphorizied into a Christian by the skillful deceitful manipulation and brainwashing of the devious treacherous Christian islamophobic jingoistic racist paternalistic eurocentric capitalist non-atheist missionary Hitler wanna-be ??

For example, the missionary board recommends that in some cases missionaries use “Allah” to refer to God.
OMG.. using the same word for God that the Muslims use that the Muslims say is the same God as the Christian God?

As Dr. Garrison explains it, “there is only one God, the God who created the heavens and earth,” so talking about the Christian God as “Allah” is not misleading.
I love how the NYT is acting as if this Garrison guy is concoct some new theory. It's basic Islam 101 that Muslims believe that Allah (God) is the same "individual" as Bible's God.

But Allah is also the specific god of the Koran, who says things the New Testament God would not. And the Isa of the Koran, while based on the Jesus of the New Testament, is quite different.
Wow.. i dont think the NYT understand the true power of this observation.. of course they only get close to the powerful truth in order to "debunk" the Missionary.. not Islam.

It's plainly obvious to anyone with eyes that Islam's God is not the Bible God.. no matter how genuinely the Muslims think that he is. Christians know this.. but Muslims have to beleive the two gods are the same God.. which is why the missionary finds it effective to act on that presumption and go on from there.
The missionaries’ use of “Allah” to refer to the Christian God thus strikes Dr. Caner as an error both semantic and theological. In Baptist missionary fashion, he contextualizes his argument with a culturally relevant, if antiquated, example: the song “My Sweet Lord,” by George Harrison.
I can't tell you how many Leftists and Muslims I've debated with who insist that Allah is just a generic Arab word for a generic god. They insist that Allah is not a Proper Noun , is not a name. They do this because preIslamic Arabs were worshiping a god with the Proper Name , "Allah".. Allah was the chief pagan moon god of war in mecca. He was the head god of all the gods in the kabaa

The Muslims are very sensitive about this lineage and do not want it discussed that Allah is the moon god.. which is why they must reject Allah as a name and instead is more of a title.

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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by John »

Vince, all I can tell you is that the Christian use of "Allah" has become a major
issue in Malaysia throughout the last year. However, remember what I always say
-- Religion doesn't cause war; war causes religion.


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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by VinceP1974 »

John wrote:Vince, all I can tell you is that the Christian use of "Allah" has become a major
issue in Malaysia throughout the last year. However, remember what I always say
-- Religion doesn't cause war; war causes religion.

John: The Muslims have the luxury of choosing from an infinite range of pretexts for them to get upset.

I don't even understand what they're so damn angry about... I cant tell you how many of them INSIST that Allah is nothing more than the Arabic word for generic "god". So why would Malaysians care if a generic word from another language is being used in a generic way?

Well I think one of the reasons is that nothing provokes a group of Muslims to claim attachment to something than for another group of people to express association to the same thing.

So for some reason, the Christians are now asserting the use of the word Allah (what were they using before???) the Muslims then rise up and say .. Hey we outdo you in your claim to that word.

Just like when the Arabs neglected the Dome of the Rock for hundreds of years until the Zionists started to show up...then all of sudden they were all about the Dome of the Rock.

I always say.. worship the angry moon god of war.. and war is what you get.

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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by robfromraleigh »


Are you a Gen-X'er? I am assuming this because of the 1974 in your name. If so, that must be why I agree with you over 99% of the time! I've read a good number of your posts throughout the forum and believe that you have put good thought into them. Wow--that is certainly a long list!

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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by thomasglee »

John wrote:Vince, all I can tell you is that the Christian use of "Allah" has become a major
issue in Malaysia throughout the last year. However, remember what I always say
-- Religion doesn't cause war; war causes religion.


I believe in this case you have it totally wrong. It is clear that the religion of Islam IS causing war. It is part of their doctrine. If you want to read a very good book on the subject, read the book "God's War on Terror" by Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson. Whether you're Christian or not, I'm sure you'll find the detailed explanation of Islam by both very interesting. Walid is an ex-Muslim that converted to Christianity. The book does a very good job of showing how the Q'uaran promotes a view exactly the opposite of Christianity (Christ said to Love your neighbor, Mohammed said to subdue your neighbor).
Psalm 34:4 - “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by VinceP1974 »

robfromraleigh wrote:Vince,

Are you a Gen-X'er? I am assuming this because of the 1974 in your name. If so, that must be why I agree with you over 99% of the time! I've read a good number of your posts throughout the forum and believe that you have put good thought into them. Wow--that is certainly a long list!
Hi Rob. Thanks for the compliment. I was born in 74. So i'm told this makes me an Gen X'er. Though I never feel like that's my group... I think because when the Gen X label was bandwagoned in the early 90s, it was originally put on whiny, pretentious, over-maleducated, entitlement-expecting, suburban, Seattle-grunge, Jeanine Garafalo types.. and being an Italian boy growing up in an Italian neighborhood in South Side Chicago.. nothing could be further from my life experiences.

Other than maybe being a black lesbian vegetarian, born without limbs and eyes, with a photographic memory who aspired to stalk Michael Jackson, if only he would wear the coat of skin made from Diane Ross after she eventually dies from having Nancy Pelosi's artificial pea-brain implanted in her boobs.

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Re: 15-Mar-10 News - Georgians panic over mock TV war report

Post by VinceP1974 »

thomasglee wrote:
John wrote:Vince, all I can tell you is that the Christian use of "Allah" has become a major
issue in Malaysia throughout the last year. However, remember what I always say
-- Religion doesn't cause war; war causes religion.


I believe in this case you have it totally wrong. It is clear that the religion of Islam IS causing war. It is part of their doctrine. If you want to read a very good book on the subject, read the book "God's War on Terror" by Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson. Whether you're Christian or not, I'm sure you'll find the detailed explanation of Islam by both very interesting. Walid is an ex-Muslim that converted to Christianity. The book does a very good job of showing how the Q'uaran promotes a view exactly the opposite of Christianity (Christ said to Love your neighbor, Mohammed said to subdue your neighbor).

Oh I love that book.

There's a free version of the Joel Richardson's earlier book that inspired Waleed's book... "Antichrist: Islam's Awaited Messiah"


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