The Silent Generation, the Baby Boomer Generation, Generation-X, the Millennial Generation (or Generation-Y) and the Pivotal Generation (Generation Z)
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Post by zyrktec »

I had the opportunity to know my grandmother who was born in the late 1880's or early 1890's. I can never be exactly sure because gram hid her age well. I knew she was 90+ when she died around 1984. My father was born in 1909. I was 1955. my son was 1981 and my daughter was 1988. I have had the opportunity to see and experience 5 different generational archetypes and see how they've effected my life. My gram and father both survived the depression and I grew up with their stories about how they survived that period of time. My father always toughed out a situation without complaining. He had an indomitable spirit that wouldn't give up. If he needed a ditch dug and no money for a power shovel to do the work, he'd get the shovel and wheel barrow and get the job done himself.

My son is a tech savvy gen-x er.

my daughter is different from my son in attitude and outlook.
she works with people to achieve a goal and she does respect elders. esp. if they are teachers to her.

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Post by Felix34 »


Interesting perspective.

I was also born in 88 so your daughter and I belong to the same generation.

I know this may sound odd, but I used to love it when my grandfather (and now grandmother) used to tell me stories about his childhood. He was born in 1930 and I'm not sure how much he remembers from the depression, but he did have a few memories to share. I don't know why, but I always found family history fascinating, seeing their old black and white, faded photos, seeing their parents' belongings (my grandfather had his father's violin from the turn of the century.)

My parents?? It just felt as if they were bragging about their "leave it to beaver" childhood in he 60s and bashing my childhood in the 90s.

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Family psychotherapy and MY GENERATIONS

Post by burt »

I think it may be the best place to post this Idea:
I do not support criticies of the others (Remarks in this blog about Boomers or Gen-X are much too general and not human, for example), so instead of thinking that such a generation is good or bad, I suggest to see WHO they are.

First I SUGGEST THAT WE SPEAK ABOUT "Prophet", "Nomad", "Artist", "Hero" instead of boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y, and so on, which only add confusion in multiplying the words for one concept.

Second a theory about groups of human have to apply (if theory wants to have a chance to be "true") to human, so what I did was to examin some families (including mine) to understand if this theory could be useful at the individual level with this approach:
- Can we determine Hero, Crisis climax, and Awakening crisis inside the family (if one is missing, redo the work)?
- DO NOT take into account the social part, every family has had a crisis, the best ones are INSIDE itself
- and now check the 2 parents, are they both Heroes for the family (it could be positive heroes or negative ones, I do not care)if not think about redoing the work (taking another starting point), but this is not mandatory
- and now does this give kind of "Prophet", then kind of "Nomad", then kind of "Hero", then some kind of "Artist"

NEVER THINK IN TERM OF GOOD OR BAD, just see how it works and why.

I tested with the examples I have and it gives reasonnable results.
The goal is NOT that anyone expresses here its family (a real Crisis has to be kept secret), just to know if it works by you, too.


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