23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Pakistan

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23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Pakistan

Post by John »

23-Apr-14 World View -- Arab countries recruit more soldiers from Pakistan

China's commodity and real estate bubbles are bursting

** 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arab countries recruit more soldiers from Pakistan
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/pg/ ... tm#e140423

Arab countries recruit more soldiers from Pakistan
U.S. threatens to cut off all aid to the Palestinians
ZeroHedge: China's commodity and real estate bubbles are bursting
45 people in Chicago shot over the weekend

Generational Dynamics, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, Jen Psaki,
China, ZeroHedge, Chicago


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by Guest »

I think the Palestinians should abandon the hopeless two-state solution and call for a one-state solution. They would have overwhelming support in the UN. The Israelis have never been sincere about reaching a just agreement with the Palestinians anyway. The Israelis have already taking so much Palestinians territory that a viable Palestine is no longer possible. One man-one vote. Israel is nothing but a racist apartheid state. The one-state solution is Israel's worst nightmare. (Not that they would ever agree to it.) Let the Palestinians do that. They have tried everything else...


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by MarvyGuy »

Israel is one of the only successful democratic governments operating in the middle east (not talking about Asia) as far as I can see (unless you are a big Sharia fan then I suppose you would call it a huge failure). The exception is perhaps Turkey but that probably won't last much longer since it seems for the most part IMO these Middle Eastern govts tend to fall into some type of dictatorship based on a statist model (Marxism et al).

I think Israel would run a much better state than the Palestinians ever could so I thought Abass statement was directionally positive but looks like it was just a lever to get Hamas to reconcile. As John points out though in many posts the next Crisis war is approaching so this discussion is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic anyway.


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by Guest »

How can a country be a democracy when half the people living in it aren't even allowed to vote? The Arabs that do have the vote now face the possibility of losing it unless they make a humiliating and degrading public statement declaring Israel to be a "Jewish state"? How is that democratic? Israeli Arabs are 2nd class citizens (at best). How is that democratic? All i see is cynical hypocrisy. How is that "successful"? Successful at being completely hypocritical. Israel is successful at created the largest group of "unpersons" in the world and keeping them in that condition.

South Africa attempting something along similar lines when they set up "independent" black homelands during apartheid. The fragmented, impoverished. and ghettoized Palestinian statelet would serve the same purpose.

No, I don't support Sharia Law. Do you support apartheid?


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by MarvyGuy »

Israel an apartheid state? Quoting from a recent Breitbart article “Prior to the late 1980s, Israelis and Palestinians moved freely into and out of each other's communities. There are no separations based on race, as in apartheid South Africa.” The recent problems have been Palestinian terrorism. I’m sure wrongs have been committed by Israel but I bet if Palestine would renounce blowing stuff (like people) up and recognize Israel things would go along a lot better. There are a ton of other Arab run dictatorships they could move to if they wanted where women are repressed and denied an education etc. So why do they need another poorly run state?
“Israel is successful at created the largest group of "unpersons" in the world and keeping them in that condition.” Really? That is a little too broad and hints at a scattergun approach often used by stateists when they try to argue a point. I agree with John that Israel will be in a crisis war with the Arabs and I am betting Israel is going to kick their rear ends pretty well. So you can try to make your point from which many will agree (since they only ever get their information from state controlled sources) but at the end of the day the guy with the better weapons systems and motivation will win this particular argument.


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by Guest »

Once again, it all boils down to the typical neocon argument: might makes right. The next wave of genocidal wars will solve all these "problems". Brilliant. (Does that argument sound familiar?)

Once again, Israelis trot out the old arguments comparing their brutality to that of other thug regimes to say, in essence, that Israelis thugs really aren't all that bad compared to other brutes. Ridiculous. Palestinians have a right to live in that country as much as any Israeli (many of whom weren't even born there). To say that the only choice Palestinians have is to accept misery or leave their homeland. That a few Palestinians resort to killing (just as the Israelis do) does not mean that the entire Palestinian population now deserves to be exterminated. The hypocrisy is jarring (and unending).

What Kerry said privately, is what the rest of the world (including-admit it or not- the Israelis) has been thinking for a long time. Israel has painted itself into a corner. A just peace is what is really needed-not bone headed comments like: " but at the end of the day the guy with the better weapons systems and motivation will win this particular argument." Ugh.

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Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by gerald »

When two dogs fight over a bone the biggest or more cunning gets the bone. Victories are only temporary. Just peace? That is a laugh, when has there ever been a just peace?
Peace between two groups is only an interlude between wars, unless of course one side is eliminated, or absorbed and changed into something else. Or another party comes along and wipes out both groups. ( end of that two party conflict ) Think not? Take a look at the last few thousand years of history. Conflict is built into existence, be it human, plants, animals, forces of nature, etc. This may be unpalatable, but it is reality and it won't change.

As for a group having a "right" to a particular place in which to live, that is also a laugh. People have been migrating and fighting for living space since the neanderthals vs. the cro-magnon.
Who draws the line and where ? -- see above .


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by MarvyGuy »

Well "Guest" we are at an impasse. I am certainly not a neo-con. Look at what the current admin has achieved destabilizing the Middle East (like it was ever that stable anyway) so I am totally against Obama running around arming rebels with some pretty advanced tech, targeting folk with drones, and in effect trying to provoke Russia and by flaccid policies encourage China to kick one off. I simply assert that in the end the coming crisis war will “somewhat” settle the argument the old fashioned way. Israel is not an apartheid state – the only people pushing that mem are Marixists. I do however appreciate the lively feedback and comments. I really like this site and think it needs more traffic. It can cut down the amount of time I waste looking at the news since, for the most part, John covered it years ago so you can just blip through the headlines. 8-)


Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by Guest »

Israel is definitely an apartheid state. (It's obviously pointless to argue about that with you anymore.)

As for as the dogs fighting over a bone statement: agree and disagree. Throughout history people have been fighting over many things. The crux of both the Israelis and Palestinian argument is that the "land belongs to them". Gerald loves to bash Muslims on this site, so I don't honestly think he would be carrying on with his "bone argument" if Muslims had just pushed Jews or Christians out of a country. But, in the world according to Gerald, I guess it is alright when Jews are attempting to push Christians and Muslim Arabs out. (Gerald is so heavily biased on the forum that I no longer take any of his arguments seriously.)

I think we have reached a point in history with technology (chemical, biological, and nuclear) where war is not always so easy to pull off (especially between major powers). That's why Russian actions in Ukraine are such a terrible gamble. Mankind has only changed its ways (albeit by necessity) because the possible outcomes are so horrific (and possible final).

The world has changed technologically, if not in other ways. Mankind needs to realize that before it's too late.

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Re: 23-Apr-14 World View -- Arabs recruit soldiers from Paki

Post by gerald »

To guest--

I don't love to bash Muslims ( however by your comment it appears that you may be a Muslim ) Islam saved a great deal of the ancient knowledge after the collapse of the Roman Empire, to the benefit of civilization. --- But organized religion, even though it provides benefits, is the cause of much suffering in the world, be it Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc. The problem with organized religion is it's hierarchy, the structure of control over people and the suppression of ideas and thought. Organized religion can also provide a convenient method to get one group of people to kill another group. The "bone argument" was simply a metaphor. As for war "humanity" has only begun to develop destructive weapons.

Examples of religious tolerance ---

"campaign of terror against Egypt’s Christian minority" http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... tians.html

Sri Lanka Buddhist mob attacks Colombo mosque http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-23653213

What happens next depends upon ideas, tolerance and the actions of "leaders" many of which are sociopaths and would enjoy seeing the world burn. Same old same old.

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