Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shootings

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Reality Check
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Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shootings

Post by Reality Check »

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/ ... 0-09-25-37

http://www.9news.com/news/local/article ... r-shooting

A lone gunman enters a packed theater and slowly and methodically shoots over 20 people while re-loading and firing dozens of rounds.

Later the gunman exits the theater and later still is found by police and arrested in the theater parking lot.

No one in the packed theater intervenes during the shooting or when the gunman leaves the theater.

The theater was packed with Generation X adults and Millennial Generation teenagers and young adults.

Compare the theater incident to this Silent Generation response: http://www.gainesville.com/article/2012 ... ernet-Cafe
Last edited by Reality Check on Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

Reality Check
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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by Reality Check »

How does this fit in with the expectations of the Hero generation, also known as the millennial generation or generation Y?

It apparently proves they were either not born heroes, or they must reach a certain age before it kicks in.

I would suggest that they are not born heroes and they must learn to become heroes.

This theater shooting was one such lesson.

They learned they can not rely on the older Generation X adults to save children, women, members of the younger generation or anyone but their own individual, Generation X , lives. In this case Generation X simply ran for their individual lives, the heck with everyone else.

They also learned that the police, the government, and the movie theater run by Generation Xers and Baby Boomers, can not save them, the theater was almost right on top of a police station, but by the time someone called, the 911 operator went through the 911 routine, the police arrived and actually entered the theater, the gunman had returned to his car and was preparing to leave.

On September 11th, 2001 a lesson was learned and actions changed within a couple of hours.

Three planes on 911 were crashed by hijackers into targets the hijackers chose while unknowing passengers cowered in the back of the plane hoping for rescue.

The fourth plane on that day was different. The passengers knew cowering meant certain death. They learned from the other three planes and they chose conflict, control of the time and place of their self-rescue or near certain death. Some collective chance to live was better than no chance.

The entire hero generation will be faced with a life and death crisis ( or maybe several ) brought on by the actions and in-actions of Generations Xers and the Baby Boomers.

If they want to survive they will become heroes, or at least enough of them will to define the generation.

Not because they were born that way, but because they must do so to survive.
Last edited by Reality Check on Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Reality Check
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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by Reality Check »

Was anyone to blame for this theater massacre other than the gunman ?

The answers are coming back on this one the same as the answers to the continuing Financial Crisis.

The answers are mainly in two camps:

1. There is nothing anyone could have done and it is not the fault of any Generation X individual in a position of power nor is it the fault of any Baby Boomer in a position of power, and,

2. Some would like to use this crisis as an excuse for a sweeping increase in federal government power. In the case of September 11th the all powerful and unaccountable no-fly lists and the all powerful and unaccountable Transportation Security Agency were created as a response to 9-11. In the case of the ongoing financial crisis, thousands of additional regulators were hired to write more government banking regulations that no regulator can understand nor are they willing to enforce against the bank executives even if they did understand them. In the theater massacre the same individuals are suggesting more federal government employees and more federal regulations on gun ownership.

Does this mean there is no one at fault and there is nothing that can be done? Far from it - but the above remains the talking points of the Generation X and Baby Boomers when trying to defend their own actions and in-actions related to this.
Last edited by Reality Check on Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Reality Check
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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by Reality Check »

What did the Baby Boomers and Generation Xers do that contributed to the massacre?

What did they fail to do that also contributed to it?

In this case the shooter bought a ticket, entered the theater and sat down in civilian clothes without weapons, and then exited through an emergency exit and tampered with the exit so it would not close and lock behind him. Thus he was able to re-enter through the emergency door after obtaining multiple long guns and a pistol, a flak vest, tactical weapons and smoke/chemical canisters from his car.

What likely was done was to change and relax laws, regulations and policies related to emergency exits.

At one point in time it was likely both against movie theater policy and against the law to use emergency exits for smoking breaks, take a cell phone call, or use an emergency exit as a more convenient exit to get to one's car, but some of these policies, and some of these laws ( both regulatory and statutory ) were changed over time by Generation Xers and/or Baby Boomers.

They may have also removed, or disabled, loud, obnoxious, alarms that sounded when an emergency exit was opened.

On the inactivity front they likely routinely failed to respond to silent alarms on emergency doors being opened, follow and enforce those policies and laws related to the use and securing of emergency exits that were still on the books.

In short the Generation Xers and Baby Boomers changed some laws and policies for their own convenience and simply ignored other policies and violated other laws when it was convenient for them to do so. They did not hold themselves or others accountable when it came to using emergency exits for purposes that were prohibited.

After all what can it hurt to violate laws or policies that are inconvenient, and, in the case of Generation Xers they also expect to never be held accountable for their actions, or in-actions related to violating laws and rules.

Reality Check
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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by Reality Check »

Recent history tells us that nothing effective will be done by the Generation Xers or the Baby Boomers as a result of this massacre.

Generational Theory, at least based on my limited understanding, tells us the Hero Generation will implement changes when they and the following generation have control of the instruments of power.

The theater shooting may not rise to the level of a crisis, but it can be used as an example of what might be done to avoid, or at least minimize this type of thing happening in the future.

The millennium generation might choose the local fix option where it is the responsibility of the local theater, the local fire department, local police department and local city or country to pass laws, regulations and local policies that keep theaters from being places any criminal can enter any of dozens of doors at any time, and,actually follow and enforce the laws, regulations and local policies or suffer serious consequences like losing your job and going to jail.

They also might choose the other option and simply ban the ownership of all guns by all private citizens in the United States.

Both would work. But recent history tells us neither will be implemented by the Baby Boomers or Generation Xers, nor will they even admit there is any thing anyone can do.

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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by John »

Do you have a personal connection to someone involved in the massacre?

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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by gerald »

Some interesting comments from a Drudge Report link

http://www.kboi2.com/news/local/billboa ... 65466.html

Just Say Nobama 11 pts
Heh... I'm slightly skeptical as to how "alone" Holmes was in all this. A brilliant college student suddenly goes nuts and decides to kill and cause chaos, so he stockpiles thousands of dollars worth of guns, ammo and gear, sets up "sophisticated" traps in his apartment (and then warns the cops about it)... all on an unemployment check. Riiiight. There are also other odd circumstances like blood spatters that start thirty yards past his car and go BACK INTO the theater, and speculation of a second gas mask 100 yards from his car. And he took 2 assault rifles with him why? You can only use one at a time. What about the multiple eye witness accounts suggesting an accomplice? I also like how drugged he looked in court. Maybe he's faking it... yet... it also seems to fall in line with symptoms of MK Ultra subjects. It's not like his family had any ties with the military industial complex. And it's not like the Anshultz Medical School is a former military base... wait... what?

Fortunately though, Dan Oates, former Chief of Police Intelligence in NYC, buddy of Michael Bloomberg (big time anti-gun activist) and current Chief of Police in Aurora had dozens of cops and SWAT on the scene within 2 minutes. That's reassuring to know that the police state is ready for this kind of thing (sarcasm). Fortunately the UN is putting the final touches on the small arms treaty as we speak. It'll stop things like this from happening in the future (again, sarcasm).

I'm waiting to see how all of the evidence unfolds as this goes to trial... but come on people. This reeks of a PSYOPS move by Big Bro... the same Big Bro that let THOUSANDS of guns get into the hands of known criminals in an attempt to further their own political agenda.

Just Say Nobama 11 pts
And before any of you nutjobs call me a nutjob and claim I'm using tragedy to debate politics... as outraged as I was the morning of the massacre, as I've researched more and more into the details of this violence, I've become more outraged as I've come to suspect that this wasn't as senseless of an act as we're all being spoon fed to believe by the MSM. My prayers have gone out to the victims and families of this travesty of human wickedness. And my prayers continue for the salvation of this nation from the brink of darkness that it is upon.

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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by sarahS4621 »

I think that you are a bit hard on the victims in suggesting that they are partly at fault by not stopping the gunman. As more news has come out we realize the Hero generation really was at work in that theater with many giving their lives for others; giving a whole new respect for the saying "I'd take a bullet for you." The others were heroes in a way as well, by leaving and not trying to approach an armed suspect they not only saved their lives but others. Their job was to live and tell others the changes that need to be made in order to never let this happen again. Their job is to testify at this maniac's trial as to how calculated he was and therefore not insane.

Reality Check
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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by Reality Check »

sarahS4621 wrote:I think that you are a bit hard on the victims in suggesting that they are partly at fault by not stopping the gunman. As more news has come out we realize the Hero generation really was at work in that theater with many giving their lives for others; giving a whole new respect for the saying "I'd take a bullet for you." The others were heroes in a way as well, by leaving and not trying to approach an armed suspect they not only saved their lives but others. Their job was to live and tell others the changes that need to be made in order to never let this happen again. Their job is to testify at this maniac's trial as to how calculated he was and therefore not insane.
You may be right. Ten ( 10 ) days after the shooting we still do not really know what happened. Conflicting reports and selective leaking by those who are investigating have made sure of that.

Police say they were there in between 1 and 2 minutes after some point in time. Some media reports say the lone gun man had 20 minutes from the time he started shooting to complete his shooting spree. Might be the police were in the parking lot less than 2 minutes after they were dispatched, but it took much longer to actually dispatch them and longer still for police to actually enter the killing zone. In any case all reports agree the police did not go in after him, instead the gunman returned to his car uninterrupted after the gunman decided he was done shooting people.

Leaked reports from the ATF implied he was able to continue shooting without reloading. A surviving witness said he had to stop and reload constantly. Later media reports indicate the "100 round drum" he brought with a rifle jammed early on and he had to do his killing and maiming with a shotgun and pistol. Investigators repeatedly confirm the existence of the drum but selective refuse to comment on if it was found to be jammed or which type of shell casing were found at the murder scene.

Again, you may be correct. But if it really did take closer to 20 minutes than 2 minutes for a lone gunman to shoot what has been reported to be more than 70 people, there would have been plenty of time for people who had made it to relative safety to at least attempt an assault from behind on a lone gunman. The older adults in the theater for a midnight showing were almost exclusively generation X, and they obviously do view their role as running away.

For the record this theater chain has a strict policy of no guns in their theaters, which everyone but the mass murderer complied with. That very limited, and failed safety policy by the theater owners appears to leave them open to massive civil lawsuits over the lack of other reasonable security precautions ( such as alarms on emergency exits, investigating unauthorized exits and entries from their theater, and failing to take reasonable steps to enforce their own safety rules regarding weapons and emergency exits ).

One thing is sure, if you are trusting government to save you in a situation like this, forget it. All they are doing is counting up bodies. bullet holes and spent cartridges and keeping what they find secret, except for planned leaks.

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Re: Lone Gunman - Packed Theater - No One Interupts Shooting

Post by gerald »

For what it is worth, little, nothing - or?
http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012 ... e-man.html

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