28-Oct-11 News -- Markets explode - Rube Goldberg euro plan

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28-Oct-11 News -- Markets explode - Rube Goldberg euro plan

Post by John »

28-Oct-11 News -- Markets explode on crazy Rube Goldberg eurozone deal

Haverford's Hank Smith lied about price/earnings ratios

28-Oct-11 World View -- U.N. Security Council ends mandate for international military operations

Pakistan threatens to sue BBC over documentary on helping Taliban

** 28-Oct-11 News -- Markets explode on crazy Rube Goldberg eurozone deal
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... b#e111028b

** 28-Oct-11 World View -- U.N. Security Council ends mandate for international military operations
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 28#e111028

Markets explode on crazy Rube Goldberg eurozone deal
Problems with Part 1 - 50% 'haircut' on Greece's debt
Problems with Part 2 - EFSF expansion to €1 trillion
Problems with Part 3 - Bank recapitalization
General problems
Haverford's Hank Smith lied about price/earnings ratios
The biggest monthly point gain in history

### World View -- U.N. Security Council ends mandate for international military operations
Pakistan threatens to sue BBC over documentary on helping Taliban
Taliban essentially confirm support from high Pakistan officials
Pakistan: American drone attacks are war crimes
U.N. Security Council ends mandate for international military operations
Iran's chess champ expelled from tournament for refusing to play Israeli

Generational Dynamics, Rube Goldberg, eurozone, Greece,
DFSF, Christine LaGarde, Angela Merkel,
financial engineering, Italy, Spain, Germany,
Haverford Quality Investments, Hank Smith, price/earnings ratios

Generational Dynamics, Pakistan, BBC, Inter-Services Intelligence,
ISI, Maulana Abdul Ghani, Taliban, Predator drone,
Security Council, Libya, Iran, chess, Ehsan Qaem Maqami,
Ehud Sachar, Israel

Tom Acre
Posts: 94
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:48 am

Re: 28-Oct-11 News -- Markets explode - Rube Goldberg euro p

Post by Tom Acre »

Smoke and mirrors, all smoke and mirrors, if David Copperfield had been unable to make the Statue of Liberty reappear, the illusion would have lasted for hours, and Mr. Copperfield would have been on the Concord with the boxoffice proceeds headed for parts unknown.

Of course these aren't master illusionists, but are rather people who have hidden behind the legitimate trappings of leadership, finance, and business so long that they are only slowly beginning to realize that they are long-term serial con artists whose "hustle is up".

If able they will find a "legal" way to keep their "booty" (i.e. wealth). If not, they will move to any means necessary. The fragility of our techno-infrastructure provides perfect methods of escaping responsibility. Of course, all of the documentation necessary for their defenses in courts of law will be safely stored in the deepest most secure bunkers, most likely bunkers constructed with the wealth of American citizens during the Cold War.

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