Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

The interplay of politics and the media with music and culture
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Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by Alosito79 »

As Millennials age and a new set if generation(s) after
The Millennials assert themselves and we progress into the 21st century 2020-2100? What changes can we expect in pop music and culture and entertainment?

Also how well would everyone born after Millennials relate to the music of the 1960’s,1970’s,1980’s and 1990’s?

Millennials will remember the events and hits of the 1990’s-2010’s very well.

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by pbrower2a1 »

A crude application of the Howe and Strauss theory suggests that the Homeland Generation will be much like the Silent. Their musical expressions may be full of whimsy, wit, and conscience, commodities now rare in pop music. They will chafe some at an culture that sticks at what it is at the end of the current Crisis. Millennial adults, like GI's, will prefer music that anesthetizes.

Art? Too capricious to predict. Howe and Strauss call them an "Artist" generation.

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by Eilheart »

That is extremely interesting, and I will admit right away that I am unfamiliar with Howe and Strauss. Would you mind giving some examples of the musical expressions? I know you can't give me anything specific because it doesn't exist yet but I wonder would it be similar to something from the 50s or 60s? I am a firm believer that history repeats itself and many of the things in use, are simply recycled and re-used with fewer and fewer things being created a-new. I am very curious will the music be original in a real sense or recycled and similar to something from the past.

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by John »

** 18-Jan-2021 World View: Return of the Great Band Era
pbrower2a1 wrote:
Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:50 pm
> A crude application of the Howe and Strauss theory suggests that
> the Homeland Generation will be much like the Silent. Their
> musical expressions may be full of whimsy, wit, and conscience,
> commodities now rare in pop music. They will chafe some at an
> culture that sticks at what it is at the end of the current
> Crisis. Millennial adults, like GI's, will prefer music that
> anesthetizes.

> Art? Too capricious to predict. Howe and Strauss call them an
> "Artist" generation.
Eilheart wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:58 am
> That is extremely interesting, and I will admit right away that I
> am unfamiliar with Howe and Strauss. Would you mind giving some
> examples of the musical expressions? I know you can't give me
> anything specific because it doesn't exist yet but I wonder would
> it be similar to something from the 50s or 60s? I am a firm
> believer that history repeats itself and many of the things in
> use, are simply recycled and re-used with fewer and fewer things
> being created a-new. I am very curious will the music be original
> in a real sense or recycled and similar to something from the
> past.
Early in 2003, I posted an article predicting the return of the Great
Band Era. Some of the reasoning for that article was that a new
financial crisis would bring back the same trends as the 1930s --
namely musicians begging for work for whatever pay they can get --
leading once again to the creation of large bands.

** "Return of the Big Band Era (8-Mar-2003)"
** ... igband.htm

In 2008, I wrote about Gen-X music in general, and EMO music in particular.

** Teen 'emo subculture' creating violent fault line in Mexico City
** ... tm#e080525

In 2009, I wrote about the return of Vera Lynn, who sang "We'll Meet Again"
to the troops in the UK as they were about to leave to fight the Nazis:

** Wartime entertainer Vera Lynn returns to pop music charts in UK
** ... tm#e090901

Here's another nostalgic article about World War II music:

** Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
** ... tm#e081225

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by HelenHarris1955 »

I've lost interest in art (meaning paintings) after postmodernism arrived. It's simply something I can't and don't want to understand. If only it was at least pleasing to the eye, then maybe who knows, but after being in a museum of modern art, then I felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave ASAP. I only hope it doesn't get weirder and uglier just for shock value.

Music still seems fine, but I'm more into 50-90s music than this century. I hope it doesn't get even more dumbed down with mumble rap for example.

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by John »

** 24-Jan-2021 World View: Modern Art
HelenHarris1955 wrote:
Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:06 am
> I've lost interest in art (meaning paintings) after postmodernism
> arrived. It's simply something I can't and don't want to
> understand. If only it was at least pleasing to the eye, then
> maybe who knows, but after being in a museum of modern art, then I
> felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave ASAP. I only hope it
> doesn't get weirder and uglier just for shock value.

> Music still seems fine, but I'm more into 50-90s music than this
> century. I hope it doesn't get even more dumbed down with mumble
> rap for example.
My mother used to ridicule "modern art" for the same kinds of reasons
-- and that was back in the 50s.

  • Modern Art

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by CharlesZamora »

HelenHarris19525 wrote:
Wed Aug 21, 2480 9:40 pm
I've lost interest in art (meaning paintings) after postmodernism arrived. It's simply something I can't and don't want to understand. If only it was at least pleasing to the eye, then maybe who knows, but after being in a museum of modern art, then I felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave ASAP. I only hope it doesn't get weirder and uglier just for shock value.

Music still seems fine, but I'm more into 50-90s music than this century. I hope it doesn't get even more dumbed down with mumble rap for example.
For a while, she would take her children to summer music camps where they could play together. But eventually following her divorce

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Re: Any thoughts on music and art after Millennials?

Post by Thanok »

Alosito79 wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:25 pm
As Millennials age and a new set if generation(s) after
The Millennials assert themselves and we progress into the 21st century 2020-2100? What changes can we expect in pop music and culture and entertainment?

Also how well would everyone born after Millennials relate to the music of the 1960’s,1970’s,1980’s and 1990’s?

Millennials will remember the events and hits of the 1990’s-2010’s very well. emerald chat bazoocam
Gen Z, the generation following Millennials, is reshaping the landscape of music and art. Their unique perspective, shaped by digital technology and social media, is driving new trends and redefining creative expression.  

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