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Attempted coup in Turkey

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:22 pm
by josa0512
Wow! Breaking news! I wonder how this event will advance Dr. Xenakis prediction that Turkey will be on the opposing side during the coming Clash of Civilizations War?

Re: Attempted coup in Turkey

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:41 pm
by John
josa0512 wrote: > Wow! Breaking news! I wonder how this event will advance
> Dr. Xenakis prediction that Turkey will be on the opposing side
> during the coming Clash of Civilizations War?
I expect most of the Sunni elements in the Mideast to unify in some
way. One scenario could be that this coup aligns Turkey with radical
Sunni Salafists in the region. ISIS is on the ropes anyway, so there
might be some kind of unity between the new Turkish govt, and some
sort of merger between ISIS and al-Nusra. This would most likely also
take down the government of Saudi Arabia, and give control to the
Wahhabis. Some reports indicate that the Saudis are so panicky that
they're asking Pakistan to send troops in to stop the anti-government
"terrorists." However, it happens, some kind of unified Sunni force
will be formed.

A few days ago I wrote about the proposed reconciliation between
Turkey and Russia, and I said that it was so anti-trend that the
reconciliation wouldn't last. It may be about to collapse right now.

** 8-Jul-16 World View -- Hard issues prevent full reconciliation between Turkey and Russia
** ... tm#e160708

One big issue is that there's fighting in Istanbul, and the bridges
have been closed. Those bridges cross the Bosporus, and Russian
ships have to pass through the Bosporus to travel between the Black
Sea and the Mediterranean. If "something" happens to a Russian ship,
then there may be a Russian military intervention in the coup.

The United States military is operating out of Incirlik air force base
for its operations in Syria and Iraq. Several analysts are pointing
out that US policy is to deal only with legitimate governments, not
with coup governments. So this situation puts the entire Mideast
strategy into chaos.

Re: Attempted coup in Turkey

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:46 pm
by John
CNN is saying that things are still unclear and could change, but the
attempted coup might be over, with Erdogan still in charge.

Re: Attempted coup in Turkey

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:26 pm
by John
The coup may be over in Istanbul, but apparently it's still
going on in Ankara, according to the BBC.