Lativia, Estonia threatened by Russia

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Reality Check
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Lativia, Estonia threatened by Russia

Post by Reality Check »

John wrote:Ukraine is not a member of Nato, but fears are growing that Russia does not plan to stop with annexing Ukraine. Latvia and Estonia are Nato members, and have large ethnic Russian communities.
Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, with a negotiated agreement, after Russia has it's way with them, the agreement being that the border with NATO is sacred in return for a reset immediately before the U.S. elections makes more sense. A face saving, for the west, Federation in each of the countries allowing allowing the west to claim that borders were not changed, yet leaving Russia as the only military power with bases in the countries. Neutrality, and DE-militarization of the non-Russian controlled parts of the countries would be guaranteed by treaty. A peace in our time victory for Obama and Kerry.

Georgia opens up a land route to Iran and Armenia. Moldova, plus parts of Ukraine. secures Russia's southwest border.

Obama has already given Putin a pass for Russia to take what it wants from all three of those countries ( Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia ) without a military response from the U.S. nor NATO.

Latvia and Estonia can wait until after the financial collapse of the West, which Putin is counting on.

However, the lack of a credible response to the perceived threat to Nato countries, does make the NATO alliance, and the U.S., appear weak.

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