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UNSC follows through on North Korea - Finally

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:16 am
by Reality Check
Last time North Korea defied the orders of the U.N. Security Council ( UNSC ), less than two months ago, the UNSC threatened "significant action", if North Korea went ahead and tested Nuclear Weapons for the third time. The U.N. Security council's orders have often been defied by North Korea, but never before had there been a threat of "significant action".

North Korea went ahead and conducted a third nuclear test and yesterday proudly announced to the world Media outlets they had once again defied the UNSC. This would be the sixth, seventh, eighth, or maybe more, major act of defiance, depending how you defined U.N. Security Council Orders and how you defined major defiance.

This time the UNSC escalated the response.

After two emergency meetings the UNSC behaved differently in response to "the grave threat to world peace and security" caused by the North Korean defiance. No more vague threats about "significant action". The UNSC announced a very specific action that the U.N. Security Council would take if North Korea did not, "this time", comply with the previously announced orders to stop all nuclear weapons tests and stop all missile tests. Next time there would be a very specific response from the UNSC.

If North Korea does not finally "cut it out" the UNSC has now threatened a specific action, comply or the U.N. Security Council will take the action of holding another meeting. No more vague verbal threats - the U.N. Security Council has threatened to meet again, and they will meet again, if this defiance continues.