
Topics related to current and historical events occurring in various countries and regions
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Post by StilesBC »

I suppose Bangladesh can be included with these countries. Some nasty things going on there as well. Nothing spells "crisis" better than mutilated bodies and mass graves. ... adesh.html

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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Bangladesh

Post by John »

Dear Matt,
StilesBC wrote: > I suppose Bangladesh can be included with these countries. Some
> nasty things going on there as well. Nothing spells "crisis"
> better than mutilated bodies and mass graves.

> ... adesh.html
I've been following this story since it first came out. Very little
information about this situation has been released yet, so we can only
guess what's going on.

This appears to be a fairly isolated incident, and unless this
behavior becomes much more widespread, it cannot be considered a sign
of crisis era conflict. In fact, Bangladesh's last crisis war was
evidently the 1971 war between Pakistan and India that gave birth to
Bangladesh independence.

Still, what's the explanation for these mutilations and mass graves?
This normally would not occur in an Awakening era.

We won't understand what's going on until we understand the nature of
the split between the border guards (the perpetrators) and the
officers (the victims). One of the BBC reports I heard hinted at
long-term antipathy between these groups, and that border guards were
being prevented from being promoted into the "élite" officer group.

One thing I'd want to know is: How old are the border guards? Are
they old enough to have fought in the 1971 war? Are they part of the
last Hero generation? Could they have been perpetrators and victims
of mutilation in the 1971 war?

The word "sanguine" comes to mind. It has two different meanings,
both of which often apply to Hero generations: "cheerfully
optimistic" and "bloodthirsty." If the border guards are, in fact,
survivors of the last Hero generation, then it's the latter definition
of "sanguine" that would be most appropriate.

There's more to come as more facts come out.



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Location: Cambridge, MA USA

Re: Bangladesh

Post by John »

It's really amazing to read the news stories about this Bangladesh
massacre. Whether the story is from BBC, CNN, Reuters, VOA, or
anyone else, it's always the same: "The border guards brutally
massacred the officers, but duhhhhhh, we have no idea why, except
that the border guards were complaining about how much they were
paid," as if someone would mutilate his boss just because his salary
was a bit too low.

So now I've done a few hours research, and I've applied a few
Generational Dynamics concepts, and I've made a few inferences, and
it's becoming increasingly clear what happened. I'm always startled
by how powerful this methodology is. And you can be absolutely
certain that even if the BBC and CNN have no idea what's going on,
Bangladeshi officials are perfectly well aware what's going on.

When Britain granted independence to India, it partitioned the Indian
subcontinent into Hindu/Sikh and Muslim portions, that became known
as India and Pakistan, respectively. Pakistan was split into two
parts -- West Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh, Belochistan and Northwest
Frontier provinces) and East Pakistan (Bengal province). Following
Partition, there was a massive genocidal war between Hindus and

** Tense Pakistani president Musharaff calls for elections by January 9
** ... 12#e071112

This was a crisis war for India and West Pakistan, but it was a
non-crisis war for the eastern portion of the Indian sub-continent.

In 1970, the region appeared as follows:


In 1971, there was a new war, a non-crisis war, between India and
Pakistan. But for the Eastern region, this time it was a crisis war,
and it led to the independence of East Pakistan as a new country,

It was as part of this that the massively genocidal Bangladesh
Liberation War (March 26 to December 16, 1971) occurred.

This was actually a civil war within East Pakistan. Although this
was officially an entirely Muslim region, ethnic differences were
still important. In particular, even though these people are not
Hindu, vestiges of the Hindu caste system still apply.

Fighting on the side of (West) Pakistan army were the "Urdu-walla,"
the Urdu-speaking Muslims from the upper castes of Indian society.

The rebels were the Bengalis themselves, speaking the Bengali
language. The rebel militia took the name Mukti Bahini. They were
from the "untouchable" castes in India, and were treated abusively by
the market-dominant Urdu-walla. However, the rebels were also backed
by Indian forces, as part of the war against Pakistan.

The Bengal war was incredibly brutal, especially the Pakistan army
toward the Bengalis. Stories of rape, beheadings and mutilation are

So today, we have tens of thousands of troops in the Bangladesh
Rifles, a division of the army tasked with guarding the country's
borders, but also are called on to assist the military and police
during national emergencies.

Within the Bangladesh Rifles, there is one group that is
discriminated against, and they're the perpetrators of the massacre
against the officers. The officers are the army élites.

Now, here's where the inference comes in: I think it's pretty clear
that the perpetrators are Bengalis, coming from the rebel group that
was raped and mutilated in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War; and
the officers are the Urdu-walla group that fought the rebels on the
side of West Pakistan.

I think that's a pretty good first pass as to what's going on. The
late news is that the Bangladesh have asked the United States to come
in and perform the investigation into what happened. That's a very
interesting development, indicating two things: (1) A fear that any
Bangladeshi officials will be biased on one side or the other; and
(2) a fear that a new civil war could be triggered.

The fear of a new civil war is an obsessive fear during the Awakening
era of any society whose previous crisis war was a civil war.



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