HUNGARY election and far right movements..

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HUNGARY election and far right movements..

Post by mizsu »

Greetings from Hungary!

I read your page frequently (every day) and love it. But now i have to tell something belong the article you have written on right-wing movements in Hungary.

You wrote:
Twenty years after the end of the collectivist dictatorship, Hungary has turned into a grubby hive of nationalism in which far-right blood and soil ideologies are flourishing, pseudo-democrats are hailing the glorious history of the Magyars and militant racists are fighting against an allegedly 'overflowing' number of foreigners and ethnic minorities living in the country by parading around the streets with machetes and Molotov cocktails."

Ok. So let me tell you please some things, because it is quite hilarious. These "opinion" comes from such far-left journalists formerly belonged to the communist party. Unfortunatelly many newspaper pick up always only their view, instead of listen to the other side as well, which will be more ethical and objective.

This words are from Krisztina Morvai, one of the leader of the so called fascist party Jobbik:

"Hungary has fallen into a crisis. The basic constitutional values are in danger, that is, democracy, constitutionality, human respect and human rights, including the civic and political rights for freedom and the standard of living due to all people, which are their necessary economic, social and cultural rights. Many of the national assets have been squandered; most of them are in the hands of individuals and in the possession of foreigners. Hundreds of Hungarians have lost or will lose their employment and they will fall into a position that seems to be hopeless. The irresponsible leaders of Hungary have placed the Hungarian economy at the service of foreign interests; the Hungarian entrepreneurs, farmers and workers have been rendered incapable; the Hungarian villages have from one day to the next been rendered non-viable.

Huge numbers of Hungarian people are subjected to increasingly aggressive punishment, turning them into victims by separating them from their property. The state does not fulfill its responsibility in preventing crime or punishing crime; instead the opposition concentrates the powerful police force, the physical and intellectual organizational sources to regulate the people exercising their right to assemble.

The Hungarian people have lost their collective rights that come from their human dignity, their (national) rights to self determination. They have no say in the formulation of the fate of their country; they just have to submit to the decisions; they cannot take part in them or create them."

You mentioned:
"Twenty years after the end of the collectivist dictatorship".

It is not true! There was a pure communist (in a neoliberal disguise) dictatorship in Hungary since 2006 untill now. And we hungarians tried to get rid of it in every possible way, though we didnt have too many possibiltes as they used the police against us in a very brutal way:

"The 2006 protests in Hungary were a series of anti-government protests triggered by the release of Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány's private speech in which he confessed that his Hungarian Socialist Party had lied to win the 2006 election, and had done nothing worth mentioning in the previous 4 years of governing. Most of the events took place in Budapest and other major cities between 17 September and 23 October. It was the first sustained protest in Hungary since 1989."

Perhaps you remeber how brutal was the police for instance in 2006 on the 50th anniversary of 1956?

"There was an incident, where people going home from a peaceful demonstration, a commemorative gathering of the opposition party, were hunted down by the hundreds, and were thrown to the ground and beaten, one after another, by the brutal actions of the police. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of our Revolution and Freedom Fight, in the course of one day, fourteen Hungarians were shot in the eyes, crowds of helpless citizens were thrown to the ground and beaten, and several hundred people were arbitrarily imprisoned and tortured with the methods of the Secret Police (AVH). False accusations were brought against them, most of which were dropped in the course of a year but many of them are still awaiting a hearing.

Tragically, many of our colleagues in the legal system have taken an active part in all of this, acting as police officers, lawyers and judges, including many of our former students. At the present time, there are efforts under way to restrict human rights (including civic and political rights and also economic, social and cultural rights), in legislation and implementation. Both in the legislature and in the judicial system, we can read more and more frequently phrases that remind us of the arbitrary mentality of the fifties, which make a mockery of constitutionality."

You can read more about these protests:

I have to add some more:

1, the members of Jobbik and its partner organisation "Hungarian Guard" had NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! killed or threathened anybody in Hungray !

Yes, but the gypsies attack and kill innocent people almost every day. Newspapers are loded with such stories here. They are able to kill people only for few Forint (hun. currency) belive it or not. Just a suggestion: dont try to visit the countryside evenings. There is a big chance you will be robbed or killed by them. There are such problems mainly in the eastern/northern parts of the country even daylight. For example folks arent so brave to left their houses as it will be immediatelly robbed. So folks rather stay at home all the day. And it doesent mean they wont be killed or robbed especially if you are old enough...

Just three examples who brutal are the gypsies.

"On October 5, 2006, a teacher of biology in a "general" school in Tiszavasvári was driving with his two young daughters (ages 5 and 13) from Szerencs toward Olaszliszka. All these places are in one of the poorest regions of Hungary--in the northeast corner of the country close to the Slovak and the Ukrainian borders. The percentage of the Roma population there is very high. In some places around 30%. Both in Olaszliszka (population 1,945) and in Tiszavasvári (population 13,000) about 20% of the population is Gypsy. As the teacher was driving through Olaszliszka a young Gypsy girl ran out of one of the houses right in front of his car. Luckily nothing really happened to the little girl. Szögi immediately stopped, but even before he could get out of the car the extended family of the girl surrounded him and dragged him out. Then the savage beating began. Eventually the older girl got out of the car and asked for help. At this point her father was still alive. The onlookers remained impassive. The two girls started running down the road and were eventually picked up by a car. An ambulance was sent but it was too late. It was after this brutal murder that the extreme right began its anti-Roma campaign."
( ... aszliszka/)

"Pest county (near Budapest), Tóalmás, an elderly woman was attacked in her own home by two gypsy assailants in the middle of the night around 11:00 p.m. The victim was awakened by rumbling noises in her living room, apparently two gypsies broke into her property and were searching for money and valuable, and she immediately called her neighbors for help.

Her neighbors a father and son team, János and Zsolt Balla, who are also members of the local civil guard (neighborhood watch), immediately hurried themselves to the scene to help her. Upon their arrival, when Mr. Balla Sr. entered the home one of the gypsy robbers was beating the elder woman in the face, in a short of amount of time she received such a brutal beating that later her face was almost unrecognizable. Mr. Balla Sr. said “I was able to pull off one of her attacker and drag him outside, where we continued fighting. The robber punched me in the face as a result my eyes and nose are bruised and swollen.” He continues “they even assaulted the police officers who got their noses bloodied during the arrest.” The elderly woman was taken to a hospital by paramedics where she was placed in an IC unit. She was rescued from imminent death by the two civil guards; if they would not have acted she would have become just another statistic like so many elderly targeted by gypsy criminals.

Even though she survived her ordeal, she suffered serious injuries to one of her eyes. Pál Urbán, the captain of the local civil guard, said the two heroes will be recognized for their bravery."

"A home invasion took place, several weeks ago in Hetes, the village by now almost exclusively inhabited by gypsies; only a few Hungarian residents remained, mostly retirees and those who nowhere else to go. One night, a group of gypsies invaded the home of this 92 year old lady savagely beating and robbing her; in the incident her leg was also broken.

A journalist visited her in hospital and made these pictures.

The pictures explain why the complicit and agenda driven mainstream media do everything possible to cover up these horrendous crimes, committed by gypsies on the daily basis, with the tacit support of government criminals."
( ... inals.html)

Yes these are just few examples.Such attacks happens almost every day. It is a shame police cant stop them. WE FED UP! So we need Hungarian Guard (which is pecaeful and dont own guns).Just marching peacefully. And folks like them in countryside as they are the only power can save their life and properties.

Finally it is from an open letter to The Guardian:

"Why is it, when describing the co-existence of Magyar and Roma in Hungary, papers like yours (The Guardian) never mention the lynching of the Magyar school teacher Lajos Szögi, or that the brutal beating to death of women in their dotage for little more than the change in their pockets (such as 92 year old Mrs. Miklós Solymosi, pictured, who would later succumb to her injuries), is now practically a weekly occurrence in our land?

Or that the Hungarian National Audit Office said clearly in 2008 that the calamitous state of Gypsy integration in Hungary is a direct consequence of a total failure of political policy in this area for over two decades?"

This is what the so called fascist party, Jobbik wants:

“We must produce an environment in which Gypsy people can return to a world of work, laws and education,”

You know gypsies here get lot of aid from the government -more money you can get if you have an average wage!! - so they dont wanna work at all! It is another reason why we fed up with them.

Finylly some facts:
-we dont want and wont kill gypsies and jewish people.
-Anyway there are gypsies and jewish members of Jobbik.
-And this is belong your territory "Generational Dynamics ":
Jobbik's supporters are mainly young people. 40 percent of all Hungarians under 40 sympathise with that party.
So we are the future:)

And some to add for "anti globalisation feelings:

More than 90 percent of state assets had been privatized for foreigners and/or for former communist party members. The average is about 30% in European Union.
But the situation is worse, as the 90% of banks are also foreign-owned. They also privatized the whole industry (like the once famous and high quality food industry)

Agriculture is an important sector of the Hungarian economy. About 70% of the land area of the country is suitable for agricultural production
Prior to the political and economic transition, Hungarian agriculture was a prosperous sector of the economy (was the most successful industry. It produced 17% of GDP.)
The privatization of land and the loss of its major markets made it vulnerable. Its production shrank, it became more extensive and profitability decreased. Profitability improved only due to EU subsidies provided after the accession. The food industry became dominated by transnational firms.

There is no opportunity for small individual farms to sell their products -and they arent supported with money by the state- as big international firms (tesco, Auchan etc.) dont let them to step into the market. So we must buy foreign products. For example they bring milk from Slovakia. What a shame.

The international corporations get every possible helps from the state. For example they dont need to pay taxes, but if you are a hungarian enterpretour, you must pay almost the highest taxes n Europe. And if you can pay , these corporations will kill your bussiness by the help of the state. So the government is not for us but against us indeed.


Especailly if you see in a crystal clear way that ex(??) communists became more rich and they rule the whole country. You cant imagine the enermous measure of corruption here. What we say in Hungary is that there wasnt regime change in 1990, just simply gangster change. Same people, same gang. And this elit doesn't care Hungary. They care only their own interests. It doesnt care if you must lick it out the ass of Moscow or Washington or EU.

So WE FED UP this bastard elite and wanna get rid of it! And we dont care what other countries will say if we do our own way. We got nothing from european union or america. we are just slaves of foreigners. This is what we feel here in Hungary.
And we reject that we are fascist. We jsu wanna live peacefully and wanna get back our country.

My English is quitebad excuse me for it.


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Re: HUNGARY election and far right movements..

Post by xakzen »

From the picture you are painting, this Jobbik party sounds more like our American Tea Party movement of ordinary people just fed up with the political double speak and open flagrant fraud from all the elites. I hope that it true and that you are able to make a difference in your country. Magyars have always gotten a bad rap all the way back to Attila who was only really a threat if you were a corrupt Pope ;). I wonder what archetypal generation he was? I'm betting a Nomad leading his Hero warriors through the bankrupt Roman Empire.

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Re: HUNGARY election and far right movements..

Post by VinceP1974 »

The European Nihilistic Left calls anything that opposes them to be "Fascist"

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