Economic Refugees vs War Refugees - the Russian Factor

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Reality Check
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Economic Refugees vs War Refugees - the Russian Factor

Post by Reality Check »

Economic Refugees vs War Refugees.

A million refugees, virtually all of them Muslim refugees, will have entered Europe during calendar year 2015 by the time the year is over.

Europe's only "legal defense" ( according to UN humans rights rules and the European Unions own laws ) against accepting them, is if they are, via legal due process, judged to be "economic refugees" vs "war refugees".

Europe currently is planning to use legal due process to return at at least half of these refugees ( those judged to be economic refugees ) to the country outside of Europe they most immediately came from.

While the Main Stream Media portrays them as being war refugees ( based not on evidence - but instead based on the narrative the media is pushing, and or, based on the verbal story being pushed by activists among the refugees ), international laws definition of war refugee does not apply to the vast majority of these refugees. Those refugees living in refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon before starting their travels to Europe and those coming from North Africa, are almost all "Economic Refugees" by law ( even if their original home country is experiencing war and even if their original home country can be proved by documentation, if the country they were living in immediately before they came to Europe had "safe refugee camps" available, then they are economic refugees - and NOT war refugees).

Russia and Iran are in the process of changing that going forward, with millions of new Sunni Arab Refugees to be fleeing Syria, Iraq and likely North Africa in the next six months directly from war zones, with millions more potentially coming from the Arabian Peninsula in the next year.

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