Russia - and Iran - in the Middle East and Eastern Europe

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Reality Check
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Russia - and Iran - in the Middle East and Eastern Europe

Post by Reality Check »

Russia and Iran are using Syria as a test case to see what they can get away with in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Russia is also using Syria as part of it's most recent attempt to divide the United States from Eastern Europe in NATO, Western Europe from Eastern Europe in NATO, and Turkey from both Europe and the United States.

At worse, Russia and Iran, will win the day in Western Syria ( the natural resource rich area of Syria ) and the Oil Producing Regions of Iraq.

At best Russia and Iran will get a green light to continue thier expansionism in both the Middle East and Europe.

The question is often ask, why would anyone want to fight over the Middle East.

The answer is very simple, If you add up the Oil Reserves of Russia, the former Asian Soviet States, Iran, Iraq, the Gulf States, and Eastern Saudi Arabia you have the vast majority of oil produced in the Eastern Hemisphere.

The fault line of Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim Control of the Middle East runs through everyone of those Middle Eastern Oil Fields except Iran's Oil Fields.

Iran and Russia both have major oil Reserves and both are suffering from a glut of oil depressing their oil revenues.

Russia and Iran controlling all the Middle East OIl Fields serves the interest of Russia and Iran.

Conflicts removing major parts of Middle East Oil Production ( in conflict areas ) from the world market - also serves the interest of Russia and Iran.

Conflict in the Middle East sending 10,000,000 ( tens of millions ) Sunni Arab Muslim war refugees into Europe and the United States serves Russia's interest in sowing conflict between major portions of he Nato alliance.

Showing the United States and Western Europe to be unreliable treaty allies also serves the purposes of both Iran and Russia.

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