Russia - Implements a Brilliant Strategy in Syria

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Reality Check
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Russia - Implements a Brilliant Strategy in Syria

Post by Reality Check »

Why is Russia spreading it's limited forces thin by moving into Syria - an area that is difficult for Russian to re-supply, except by an air bridge through Iran and Iraq ?

The answer is simple, the risk is small for at least the next year plus, and the gains for Russia in Eastern Europe are potentially huge.

The immediate reaction caused by the combination of the U.S. retreating from it's role in the Middle East, and the U.S., Europe and the U.N. lifting sanctions, and releasing 100s of Billions in frozen assets to Iran ( Russia's Middle East Ally ) opens up huge opportunities for Russia in Europe.

The government of non-Sunni Arabs in Syria now appears secure with Iranian ground troops and Russian Air Force and Armored units joining the fight on the side of the non-Sunni Arab Syrian government.

The chances of Syria's government falling is now dropping to near zero and Jordan and Turkey must now adjust their domestic and foreign policy to adapt to that.

Turkey and, to a lesser extent Jordan, are exporting there problem with Syrian refugees to Europe. They no longer believe that the U.S. is going to do anything that will allow the Sunni Arabs driven out of Syria to return to Syria. As result both Turkey and Iraq are looking to move these Sunni Arab refugees out of their countries.

Where is the evidence that Russia, Iran and Syria are behind this - the most concrete evidence is the active role of Syria's embassy in Jordan issuing passports to Syrian Sunni Muslim Arab refugees in Jordanian refugee camps so they can travel to Turkey, where they can move to Europe as war refugees.

Why would Russia, Syria and Iran benefit from this - the answer is that moving Sunni Arabs out of the middle East to Europe is gift that just keeps on giving to Syria, Iran and Russia.

For Syria, if millions of Syrian Arab refugees originally from the country of Syria permanently take up residence in Europe, the Sunni Arabs left in Syria will be a distinct minority of the Syrian votes.

For Iran the fewer Sunni Arab Muslims n the Middle East, the better for their plans to dominate the region.

But the largest benefit goes to Russia.

Russia's most important strategic goal is expand the Russian sphere of influence into the Eastern European portion of the European Union.

Eastern Europe, for historic reasons, fears being overrun by Sunni Muslims more than anything else.

Different Eastern European nations, including the Balkan nations, are using different methods to avoid Muslim refugees from settling in their territory, but a legal, monetary and even military confrontation is brewing between Eastern Europe and Western Europe over Muslims settling in Europe.

Western Europe is threatening to implement mandatory rule over the Eastern European Union from Western Europe, starting with mandatory quotas for accepting refugees. Former Warsaw Pact countries in Eastern Europe are fiercely resisting establishing mandatory rule of their countries form Western Europe in general and they fear ever increasing mandates that they accept a large portion of potentially millions Sunni Muslim refugees from Syria and the Middle East.

Russia has been the historic protector of Eastern Europe from a Muslim invasion and Russia wants to fulfill that role again, and gain military influence over Eastern Europe in the process.

Russia is in the position in Syria to exploit U.S. weakness and compel Turkey and Jordan to export their Millions of Syrian refugees to Europe. Of course other Sunni Muslim "refugees" from all over the world are also going to Europe as part of the same immigrant flow to Europe. All indications are that 70% of the "refugees" are not coming from Syria, and that the flow into Syria may increase to millions over the next few months.

If Russia, the U.S. and Iran work together against ISIS the flow into Europe will include Sunni Arab Muslims from the areas of Iraq and Syria where ISIS is strongest, Millions more from the ISIS areas of Syria and Iraq will join the flow.

Brilliant strategy on the part of Russia.

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Re: Russia - Implements a Brilliant Strategy in Syria

Post by John »

Another major issue looming over all this is Russia's Black Sea fleet
and Turkey's control over the Bosphorus. The Crimean War was a
generational crisis war for both Russia and Turkey, and the war was
really a disaster for both countries, with consequences that flowed
through WW I to the current day.

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