22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech ever'

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22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech ever'

Post by John »

22-Sep-11 World View -- Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech ever' to UN

Greece announces new austerity measures

** 22-Sep-11 World View -- Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech ever' to UN
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 22#e110922

### World View - Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech ever' to UN
President Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech ever' to UN
Palestinians back off on statehood bid -- temporarily
Israel uses 'The Scream' as Palestinians demonstrate
ECB 'dissidents' meet secretly to oppose liquidity policies
Greece announces new austerity measures

Generational Dynamics, Barack Obama, Israel,
Palestinian Authority, Security Council, United Nations,
Jens Weidmann, Bundesbank, ECB, troika, European Commission,

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Re: 22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech e

Post by OLD1953 »

My attitude about the Israel/Palestine mess is quite simple, both sides are wrong, I don't have to pick a side to support (this isn't football) and a pox on both their houses as far as I'm concerned. There is no requirement for the US to "fixit", there is no fixing this short of war so terrible both sides beg for it to end. The longer it waits, the worse it will be, and now the rest of the MidEast has reached a point of not caring (according to street polls) so delaying the inevitable is simply making it worse in the end. Doubtless yet another and then another magic formula will be proposed until that time when the US is busy with WWIII, and then they'll just get on with it and we'll see several million people trying to murder each other.

As for the promises, I can't fix everything, but give me a budget of ten billion a year for 20 years and I'll fix everyone's worries about climate. That one's relatively easy, it just takes some engineering and work. And no more wide scale droughts as a bonus. Might be able to bring the rains back to the Sahara Desert as well, which would be a good thing, that was some of the most productive land known in early Roman times.


Re: 22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech e

Post by Charles »

John, no offense, but you sound like a grumpy and frustrated old man. So you are the guy who has it all right while everybody else has it all wrong? What a lack of perspective! And that at your age! How about keeping our feet on the ground while everybody else goes bonkers.
Charles ( a fellow boomer)

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Re: 22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech e

Post by John »

Charles wrote: > John, no offense, but you sound like a grumpy and frustrated old
> man. So you are the guy who has it all right while everybody else
> has it all wrong? What a lack of perspective! And that at your
> age! How about keeping our feet on the ground while everybody else
> goes bonkers.
You're right -- I'm bitchy, paranoid and cynical -- and I'm always



Re: 22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech e

Post by Guest »

I started out on the wrong foot with Mr. Xenakis. I humbly and respectfully apologize. I have only gratitude that he allowed me to continue posting.

Americans will die because of this speech and because of our picking sides in this endless conflict, ignoring George Washington's sage advice in his Farewell Address. There's nothing more apparently true about this. This idiot Obama using the word "deny" is pure sycophant code to Israel: I submit to your orders. I will use the "deny" word to let the world know I agree with the persecution of anyone who gets in your way. (In Canada, France, and Germany they imprison persons who deny that Germany used gas chambers to commit Jewish genocide.)

Someone years ago posted the sooner the entire mid-east turns to glass, the better, killing all these wretched disgusting blood-letters. I can't say I agree with this, but one standing outside being as objective as possible might agree that this is the inevitable end.

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Re: 22-Sep-11 WV-Obama delivers 'warmest pro-Israel speech e

Post by jdcpapa »

John wrote:
You're right -- I'm bitchy, paranoid and cynical -- and I'm always


I just got back into town (no computer), thanks for the smile!


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