19-Sep-11 World View -- China warns of severe consequences from arms sale to Taiwan
Merkel's 'euro-skepticism' defeated in German election
** 19-Sep-11 World View -- China warns of severe consequences from arms sale to Taiwan
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 19#e110919
### World View - China warns of severe consequences from arms sale to Taiwan
Greece's Papandreou cancels U.S. visit, but fails to take new austerity decisions
Merkel's 'euro-skepticism' defeated in German election
Pakistan seeks to improve relations with the U.S.
Fears of Yemen civil war rise as violence suddenly increases
Obama administration will not sell F-16s to Taiwan
Taiwan says that China could defeat Taiwan in days, not weeks
China warns of severe consequences from arms sale to Taiwan
Generational Dynamics, George Papandreou, Evangelos Venizelos,
Angela Merkel, euro-skepticism, Pakistan, Cameron Munter, Germany,
Afghanistan, Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Taiwan, China, F-16s
19-Sep-11 WV-China warns severe consequences-arms to Taiwan
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