16-Aug-11 News -- Turkey threatens Syria

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16-Aug-11 News -- Turkey threatens Syria

Post by John »

16-Aug-11 News -- Turkey threatens Syria, as military attacks Palestinian refugee camp

Turkey issues very harsh, strongly worded implied threat to Syria

** 16-Aug-11 News -- Turkey threatens Syria, as military attacks Palestinian refugee camp
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... b#e110816b

** 16-Aug-11 World View -- Korea criticizes Japan on Liberation Day
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 16#e110816

Euro crisis continues as 'euro bond' proposal stirs debate

"Turkey threatens Syria, as military attacks Palestinian refugee camp"
"Turkey issues very harsh, strongly worded implied threat to Syria"

### World View -- Korea criticizes Japan on Liberation Day
"Korea stirs nationalism over Dokdo/Takeshima islands on Liberation Day"
"Euro crisis continues as 'euro bond' proposal stirs debate"
"U.N. says Somalia food aid is being stolen, fueling civil war"

Generational Dynamics, Turkey, Syria, Alawite, Latakia,
refugee camp, Ahmet Davutoglu, Iran, Bashar al-Assad

Generational Dynamics, South Korea, Lee Myung-bak, Liberation Day,
Dokdo islands, Takeshima islands, Italy, Spain, bailouts,
European Central Bank, ECB, Germany, Angela Merkel,
Somalia, famine


Re: 16-Aug-11 News -- Turkey threatens Syria

Post by Austin »

The Shia and Sunni region war which is forecast within Gen Dynam is clear and is also biblical. The way I see it play out is that Turkey or another Sunni state are bound to help overthrow the Shia government in Syria as well as the Sunni leader in Bahrain will leave soon or country may just degrade. All the Arab countries will become "pure" in their religion in one form or another. All the decade-long serving cronies and West-instituted leaders like the House of Saud will be gone in the end. Then the arab faiths will turn on each other with Palestine coming into its own maybe leading the pack. Bahrain, Iraq and Iran (all Shia) will be devastated in the end.

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