1-Jul-11 News -- Thailand's Yingluck promises 'femininity'

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1-Jul-11 News -- Thailand's Yingluck promises 'femininity'

Post by John »

1-Jul-11 News -- Thailand's Yingluck promises to use 'femininity' to resolve disputes

The Royal Thai Army claims that it is neutral in Sunday's election

** 1-Jul-11 News -- Thailand's Yingluck promises to use 'femininity' to resolve disputes
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... b#e110701b

** 1-Jul-11 World View -- U.S. and Pakistan in tit-for-tat retaliation
** http://www.generationaldynamics.com/cgi ... 01#e110701

Greece finds no buyers in 'fire sale' of national assets

"Thailand's Yingluck promises to use 'femininity' to resolve disputes"
"The Royal Thai Army claims that it is neutral in Sunday's election"

### World View - U.S. and Pakistan in tit-for-tat retaliation
"U.S. delays release of funds to Pakistan"
"Pakistan orders U.S. out of base used for drone attacks"
"Turkey denies report that Turkey may invade Syria"
"Syrian military steps up attacks near border with Turkey"
"Israel warns Syria's Assad about possible retaliation"
"Greece finds no buyers in 'fire sale' of national assets"
"Left-wing and right-wing violence escalates in Berlin"
"Spam hits lowest levels since 2008"
"France defends dropping arms to Libya's rebels"
"Venezuela's Hugo Chávez says he's had cancer surgery"

Generational Dynamics, Thaksinomics, Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra,
Thaksin Shinawatra

Generational Dynamics, Pakistan, Predator drone,
Coalition Support Fund, Turkey, Syria, Bashar al-Assad,
Greece assets, left-wing violence, right-wing violence, Berlin,
Spam, Libya, France, Venezuela, Hugo Chavez

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Re: 1-Jul-11 News -- Thailand's Yingluck promises 'femininit

Post by OLD1953 »

I don't understand the feminine thing either. Several obvious though funny comments spring to mind, but I'll let them pass. Interesting that she got a degree in Ky, for some reason that state attracts a great many foreign students, and they often become leaders when they go home.

Pakistan is running headlong to anyone who'll give them money. Is that govt really in control of the country?

So, after all the fuss and feathers, nobody wants to invest in a totally bankrupt country with a history of violent strikes and heavy handed social laws. Shock shock! Will Brussels force corporations to buy in?

Syria and Turkey seem determined to fight. That could spread very easily now. Would Gaddafi come in on Syria's side? Axis vs NATO?

Chavez being treated in Cuba is interesting, when Cuban investment in most outside venues was curtailed, they turned inwards and developed some interesting internal structures involving medicine and food production among other things. In many ways they might be the model the rest of the world will follow after the coming crisis.

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Re: 1-Jul-11 News -- Thailand's Yingluck promises 'femininit

Post by Raynote »

"Foreign investors don't want to invest in a country where there is no flexibility in hiring and firing people. You don't want to invest in a country in which you wake up and a new law has been passed which totally undermines and destroys the value of the investment you've just made." Guardian

I'm sure the investor who said that about Greece could have said the exact same thing about France! It's a perfect description of what investing in France looks like.

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